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Overwhelmed Border Patrol Establishing Daily ‘Bookout’ Targets to Keep Migrants in Custody

Overwhelmed Border Patrol Establishing Daily ‘Bookout’ Targets to Keep Migrants in Custody

In an email, an acting deputy chief told Border Patrol officials admitted “the rate of daily encounters continues to surpass the daily permanent bookouts and the in-custody numbers continue to rise creating significant risks to agents and detainees.”

Fox News discovered that the Border Patrol leadership has established daily “bookout” targets along the border to get a better handle on the overwhelming migrant crisis.

In an email, an acting deputy chief told Border Patrol officials admitted “the rate of daily encounters continues to surpass the daily permanent bookouts and the in-custody numbers continue to rise creating significant risks to agents and detainees.”

“This level of detention numbers has also resulted in increased manpower requirements impacting border security efforts.”

The acting deputy urgently requested that border patrol agents use these daily bookout targets to help the flow of migrants.

I mean, it doesn’t help that the government literally welded open over 100 gates in Arizona.

Can you blame the border patrol? Look at the numbers from July:

The Washington Post issued a scathing article about the Biden administration’s failures at the border in July 2023. The preliminary data from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP):

  • Border arrests jumped 30%
  • 130,000 arrests along the border
  • 40,000 arrests alone in the Tucson sector (highest one-month total in 15 years)
  • Around 50,000 migrants waived through

The Washington Free Beacon‘s data says the administration waived through 45,662 migrants.

So anywhere between 45,000 and 50,000.

Florida has sued the administration due to officials releasing migrants into the state:

“This latest email is further proof of the disastrous cycle created by Biden’s intentional destruction of our border with Mexico. Biden cuts resources, opens the border, and then releases detainees while claiming there is not enough detention capacity to prevent the unprecedented flood of migrants entering the country because of his terrible policies,” [Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody] she said.

“With every passing day it is becoming more obvious that the border crisis is being intentionally orchestrated by the Biden administration. We will continue to do everything in our power to push back and let the American people know what Biden is doing.”


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When they’re waved through, I guess that means they have no status at all and will never be eligible for a work permit. More cheap labor, less of a drain on certain public services, it’s not great but not as bad as giving them official status in return for their invasion.

Tucker believes the same thing I believe about Abbott

He’s a coward and no better than Mi Gretchen Gov

    gonzotx in reply to gonzotx. | September 12, 2023 at 10:26 pm

    Can’t handle the truth I see

      txvet2 in reply to gonzotx. | September 13, 2023 at 7:52 am

      Maybe because you’re both lying. There have been TNG troops on the border more or less consistently since Perry was governor, and they’ve been there pretty much the entire time Abbott has been governor, in ever increasing numbers, including a major deployment in early 2021 that was widely panned by the left. During Trump’s term, the Feds paid for it. Under Obama and Biden, Texans have paid the costs – but the troops have always been there in some number.

There’s an old story about a sociological experiment where lumberjacks were paid three times their normal hourly wage to work in the forest, striking tree trunks with the blunt side of their axe instead of the sharp side. A significant number of them quit within the first week. When asked why, one of them said, “I just have to see the chips fly.”

I think of this when I wonder why anybody still working for the BP is still working for the BP.

Suburban Farm Guy | September 12, 2023 at 11:37 pm

What is a bookout? Sorry to not be up on the insider jargon of those who babysit our invaders, but a lot of this story doesn’t make sense without that tiny bit of background. Other than yeah too much lawbreaking allowed by people who should have been impeached long ago

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Suburban Farm Guy. | September 12, 2023 at 11:54 pm

    >>What is a bookout?<<

    It's just a euphemism for "Catch & Release". They catch the illegal, book him/her into the system, and then let them go into the United States. They evidently are doing this to decrease the number of illegals that are being put into detention because there are just too darn many of them to deal with in detention already.