NYT/Siena College Polls: Biden Underperforming Among Nonwhite Voters

The New York Times is reporting that recent polling among nonwhite voters is not looking good for Joe Biden. That is not to suggest that these voters are shifting Republican, but even a small percentage of these voters not showing up for Biden in 2024 could significantly impact the race.

The New York Times reports:

Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for BidenPresident Biden is underperforming among nonwhite voters in New York Times/Siena College national polls over the last year, helping to keep the race close in a hypothetical rematch against Donald J. Trump.On average, Mr. Biden leads Mr. Trump by just 53 percent to 28 percent among registered nonwhite voters in a compilation of Times/Siena polls from 2022 and 2023, which includes over 1,500 nonwhite respondents.The results represent a marked deterioration in Mr. Biden’s support compared with 2020, when he won more than 70 percent of nonwhite voters. If he’s unable to revitalize this support by next November, it will continue a decade-long trend of declining Democratic strength among voters considered to be the foundation of the party.Mr. Biden’s tepid support among these voters appears to be mostly responsible for the close race in early national surveys, which show Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump all but tied among registered voters even as Mr. Biden runs as well among white voters as he did four years ago.

The Biden campaign is apparently aware of this problem because they’re spending big money on targeted ads.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Biden campaign targets minority groups with ads as support wanesPresident Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign has rolled out several ads already, particularly targeting Hispanic and black media outlets in battleground states ahead of what is expected to be a competitive electoral contest.As part of a $25 million ad buy announced last month, Biden’s team is placing ads in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, specifically trying to reach minority voters…The Biden campaign is leaning into its strength with minority voters and is working to reenergize the pivotal voting bloc. The strategically placed ads are accompanied by a Florida-specific ad purchase looking to court Hispanic voters in the Sunshine State. Florida was one of the few states where Republicans performed exceedingly well in the 2022 midterm elections, including flipping Miami-Dade County, which is over 70% Hispanic or Latino.The Biden campaign’s ad purchases are notably the largest for a reelection bid this early in the cycle.

It’s hard to understand how Biden has any support left, given the problems facing the country and the way in which he has responded.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, Joe Biden, NY Times, Polling