Nothing To See Here: Hacktivist Media Two-Steps From No Evidence of Biden Wrongdoing To No ‘Direct’ Evidence

The big gaslight last week by the Democrat hacktivist media was that there is no evidence to support the House’s impeachment inquiry into Joe “I am the Democrat Party” and the Big Guy Biden.

They are either pretending not to understand the difference between an impeachment investigation and the filing of articles of impeachment, or they do actually know the difference and are counting on their ill-informed readers not understanding said difference.

Either way, they are ludicrous in claiming there is no proof of wrongdoing by the corrupt Biden organized crime family and therefore no need for ::: checks notes ::: an inquiry into potential wrongdoing that rises to the level of impeachment-level offenses. The evidence for an inquiry is, of course, decidedly there.

Even they have changed their tune, from “no evidence” to “no significant evidence” and “no hard evidence.”

And let’s not forget the evergreen “no direct evidence.”

They are rightly being dragged over the coals for their ridiculous partisan journalisming.

And then there’s this:

Meanwhile, there’s some busy buzzing on the hactivist scene to craft a coverup for Biden’s Ukraine corruption.

Just the News: “Fact-checkers revise narrative on Biden’s role in firing Ukraine prosecutor as new evidence emerges”

Nothing To See Here

This is my shocked face: There was a whole lot of fraud going on during the covid plandemic, under both Trump and Biden.

Hot Air: “How bad was the pandemic unemployment fraud?”

Washington Free Beacon: “Government Gave Over $100 Billion of Taxpayer Money to Welfare Fraudsters During Pandemic, Watchdog Finds”

Even the twisted lefties over at Slate are wondering if just maybe those kiddie porn books parents are demanding be removed from public school libraries might be the teensiest bit unsuitable for children.

Hot Air: “Slate: Maybe some of these books really aren’t suitable for younger kids”

This is just weird.

Daily Fetched: “Another Explosion at Major Food Processing Plant Adds to Long List of Mysterious Blazes”

House Republicans are pushing back against Newsom and Biden’s Green New Deal to destroy civilization.

Fox News: “Republicans to force floor vote reversing California’s electric vehicle mandate”

If you’ve been wondering how the establishment GOP works (?) and why they keep pushing omnibus bills packed with pork, read this thread.

In case you missed it, some reprobate Democrat who is running for state office in Virginia was found to be peddling her live sex videos on some porn site (including actually offering to pee for her paying customers!). It turns out that the AP had the story first, but didn’t run with it.

It seems she may also have run afoul of Virginia’s prostitution laws.

Daily Wire: “Virginia Democrat Who Raised Money By Selling Sex Acts Could Be Charged With Prostitution, Lawyers Say”

Democrat propagandists aren’t covering this because they agree with Trump.

So sad. No, Trump, Democrats will NEVER like you. Get a clue. Please.

More at Hot Air: “Trump says heartbeat bills are ‘terrible’.”

And then there was this complete cringe-fest:

Definitely Nothing To See Here

The Obama-Biden WH is busily trying to make it harder to fire the deep state . . . just in case.

Daily Caller: “Biden Is Trying To Make It Harder To Fire Unelected Bureaucrats In Case A Republican Wins In 2024”

Biden’s corruption seems to have rubbed off on his chief of staff.

Yeah, Biden’s just fine.

Biden’s keeping kids (and whole families) in cages, but you won’t hear about it from Democrats or their U.S. intel-run media cheerleaders:

Florida governor Ron DeSantis dropped a truth bomb:

Make that two truth bombs:

This is just surreal.

Red State has more: “What Peter Strzok and Nicolle Wallace Say About FBI Unit to Protect Agents From Americans Is Astonishing”

Okay, this just amused me, so I thought I’d share.

This is good.

Tags: 2024 Republican Primaries, biden, Border Crisis, Corruption, Democrats, Hunter Biden, Republicans