Newsom Won’t Run in 2024, Says Harris ‘Naturally Lined Up’ to Succeed Biden
“President Biden is going to run and I’m looking forward to him getting reelected.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said he won’t run for president in 2024 or stand in Kamala Harris’s way in the future:
“We need to move past this notion that he’s not going to run,” Newsom told NBC “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd in an interview clip released Friday. “President Biden is going to run and I’m looking forward to him getting reelected.”
Newsom’s comments further end speculation about a potential 2024 White House bid. The California governor has long said he won’t challenge Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination but has been talked about as a potential future presidential candidate.
Newsom’s message to donors wondering if the nominee will be someone besides Biden is: “Time to move on. Let’s go.”
“I think there’s been so much wallowing in the last few months, and handwringing in this respect,” Newsom said. “But we’re gearing up for the campaign. We’re looking forward to it.”
When asked if for some reason Biden doesn’t end up running for president, Newsom answered that Vice President Kamala Harris is the one who is “naturally lined up” for the job.
Newsom and Harris have been close for years in the political sphere, he said, rising through the ranks of San Francisco and California politics.
When asked if he would consider a run against Harris, Newsom said, “Of course not. By definition. Won’t happen.”

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Fascinating how Gov. EGO thinks he would have a shot.
Fascinating how he thinks anyone believes a word he says.
Gov. Newsom has to say this, and so we can ignore that he’s saying this. The time is not right for him to declare for the presidency, and the Governor is someone who always plays the safe, inside game. He’s not going to rock the boat, nor is he going to cheese-off the Obama and hard left folks.
What he’s going to do is what he’s doing — wait. Everyone understands that if President Rutabaga can’t go forward, that VP Harris won’t be the nominee. At some point the party elders will have to act, and THAT’S when Governor Brylcreem is going to ride to the rescue.
For now, he’ll wait.
Is there a single person that believes Kamala is lined up for POTUS? It is nonsense, he is waiting to be drafted, just like you said, to come in and save the party..
Democrats would love the nation to become CA.
I’m not so sure. It depends on why Biden can’t run, doesn’t it? If he can’t run because he has reached morgue temperature, then KH is the incumbent president, and therefore entitled to the nomination. If he can’t run because he gets so far gone that she has to 25th him, then she is Acting President, and the presumptive nominee. If Biden makes it to the Convention, he can bow out for “health” reasons and simply hand the nomination to anyone he wants.
Incumbents being entitled to renomination is actually a relatively new concept, and not one I’m really on board with.
For years, the Dims have selected candidates by means other than the primary process. They need to be sure the candidate is sufficiently under control. This is why we see corruptocrats such as Clinton and Xiden “winning” that selection. Newsom has inadvertently let slip that the primaries are rigged.
Relatively new? Dude! It’s the exception when this DOESN’T happen.
A guest on Meghan Kelly claimed the DNC will flash-mob nominate Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer at the national convention.
Newsom is pretending to be magnanimous. Its a face-saving move on his part. Internal polling is likely catastrophic.
Cruella Whitmer? Good luck with Stretchin Gretchen.
I was thinking that if Biden bows out at the Convention, he would name Whitmer as his replacement, and she would keep Harris as VP.
That ought to send Harris straight to HR.
Slightly more likeable than Elizabeth Warren, and just as honest.
Damn! I had my credit card out ready to finance the Newsome Wave of unemployment, drugs in the streets, homeless camps nationwide and green nonsense that will drive America to Zimbabwe living standards
Newsom is a turd on a hot day, unpleasant. And his record won’t age well.
Winning is everything…no matter the smell.
Apt metaphor for CA given San Francisco.
Maybe after his experience running the California shitshow, he decided that running the 50-state shitshow Biden created is not a positive career move.
He’s right. They even made a movie about it, “Dumb & Dumber”.
They might’ve had better haircuts than Newsom.
He’s just waiting for the Party to plead with him once Joe suffers a physical ailment and Kamala is losing. “Do it for America, Gov. Brylcreem!”
He will pretend to be for her in public while he plots against her everywhere else.
His strategy sessions will be held at The French Laundry.
The whole presidential campaign has been mapped out and approved. It just has to be played out in real time as unrehearsed and spontaneous. The main problem is what to do with and to Kennedy. They bought off Bernie but Kennedy isn’t that kind of person. The combined brain trust of the Deep State is trying to figure this out. Considering the history… everything is on the table… and I mean everything. The milk toast Repubs and go along to get along crowd have no idea of the depth of manipulation coming in 2024.
Damn it! Now I have to get rid of all the “Newsom 2024” t-shirts, pins, bumper stickers and posters I bought.
Just not seeing any way the very unpopular Harris will be the 2024 Deep State Candidate. Oh she would be the perfect Puppet but no one wants her.
Gruesome throwing this out has to be a test.
The only interesting thing about this comment is Newsom must be aware of the plan to keep Harris from running, or he wouldn’t be so deferential to Harris. Obviously, they can’t allow Harris to get within a mile of the nomination because she’s even less popular than Joe Biden. So, there has to be a plan, right?
As others have mentioned, I do think they’ve got something cooked up for the convention because if Biden drops out before he wins enough delegates to keep anyone else from winning, then that opens the door to Harris…which they can’t have.
Gavin is driven by raw, shameless ambition, not inner-party bootlicking.
Yet he did state very clearly that he isn’t running and that Harris is the natural successor. Outside of Harris having sudden health issues that statement seems to have removed him from the board in ’24. Certainly he will have that statement stuck up his wazoo if he decides to oppose Harris or Biden.
I’m keenly aware of what he bloody said. I’m stating that he’s bootlicking in spite of his ambition.
and from this thread:
Do I need to post 5000 word essays to keep your nitpicking at bay?
I’ll repost this for you, though the comment is on this thread.
Tiki | September 8, 2023 at 5:38 pm
A guest on Meghan Kelly claimed the DNC will flash-mob nominate Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer at the national convention.
Newsom is pretending to be magnanimous. Its a face-saving move on his part. Internal polling is likely catastrophic.
“he did state very clearly he isn’t running”
Well that settles that! Now pull my other finger …