New Migrant Wave Straining Arizona Border With Many Detained in Outside Cages

***I’m going to attempt a border post a day. This subject keeps getting glossed over yet it remains a problem.

The Arizona border remains strained as the border patrol has to keep migrants detained in outdoor cages.

We first saw migrants in cages in Ajo, AZ, over the summer.

A new video shows the problem has become worse.

Arizona is the new hotspot. From Fox News:

The sector has seen 2,000 illegal crossings a day for three days, and agents have resorted to street releases in order to decompress the packed shelters. The population includes migrants from Africa, including many from Senegal.It has quickly become one of the most intense areas of a crisis that is again escalating as numbers increase. Sources told Fox that agents apprehended more than 7,400 illegal migrants at the border on Tuesday, and numbers have stayed above the 7,000 mark for three days straight. When combined with encounters at ports of entry, that number hit 9,100.Sources told Fox News on Thursday that early indications show migrant encounters for August on track to exceed 230,000, making it the sixth month this fiscal year over 200,000.

The Border Patrol can only hold migrants for a certain amount of time. If the facility is at capacity, officials release “asylum seekers under parole directly into border communities that are often unequipped to help them.”

The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office is ready for the street releases.

The county borders the Mexican state of Sonora. It is also home to Sierra Vista, Bisbee, and Tombstone.

Sheriff Dannels isn’t frustrated:

“The migrants being released are from outside Cochise County but were bussed to Cochise County, processed and then released. Cochise County is a rural county with limited resources leaving these migrants vulnerable. In short, this lack of humanitarian consideration poses risk for the migrants.” Sheriff DANNELS continued, “I applaud the local CBP agents and their leadership for doing all they legally can during this on-going crisis and I repeat my statement, ‘The intellectual avoidance and abandonment with intended consequences’ by those leaders in Washington DC reference our southern border continues to be a slippery slope for those doing everything we can to protect our quality of life here in Cochise County!”

Tags: Arizona, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Mexico