New Mexico Legislators Petition to Silence Matt Walsh and Other Conservatives

We have gotten to the point where government officials are trying to take free speech away from private citizens.

The College Fix reports:

New Mexico legislators petition to prevent Matt Walsh, other conservatives from speakingA group of New Mexico legislators was none too pleased that conservative pundit Matt Walsh spoke at New Mexico State University this past April.In a letter to NMSU Interim President Jay Gouge and the Board of Regents, State Senator Carrie Hamblen and eight officials from various levels of government say that while “there is no disagreement to the right of free speech and to hear diverse points of view,” Walsh’s presence and words made LGBTQ people unsafe.The legislators claim that the 560 “anti-trans” laws introduced in state legislatures since the beginning of the year “attack the safety and mere existence of trans individuals,” and they cite statistics from the Trevor Project (which The New Guard notes “hosts predator-ridden chat rooms for young children and previously employed the Biden Administration’s notorious luggage thief animal fetishist“) noting that LGBTQ people “consider suicide every 45 seconds.”The letter also charges that Walsh (pictured) “encourages violence,” “minimizes accusations against known pedophiles and child abusers” and “spouts pro-slavery rhetoric.”Hamblen (pictured) et. al. say they are “confused” because the university supports “free speech and peaceful assembly” … but at the same time acknowledges “certain speech may have a negative impact on some members of our community.”This is an admission, they say, that “harm” from “violent speech” will be “inflicted upon a particular group.”The lawmakers believe a “modification” to the state’s Human Rights Act this year — which “provides a pathway for […] queer individuals to seek justice for discrimination” —  means NMSU had a “responsibility to shield” LGBTQ students from the Walsh event.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Free Speech, LGBT, New Mexico