Four Lawsuits Filed Challenging New Mexico 2A Emergency Order

New Mexico Governor Grisham 2

On September 7, 2023, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an Emergency *Health* Order suspending concealed and open carry of guns in New Mexico even for concealed carry permit holders. We covered the action in New Mexico Governor Effectively Suspends 2nd Amendment Under “Emergency” Decree.

The pushback was immediate from people you would expect to push back, you know, law-abiding citizens who didn’t appreciate being summarily stripped of their right to keep and bear arms as protected by the Second Amendment and numerous Supreme Court decisions.

But it also came from some unexpected sources, like California Democrat Ted Lieu – YES, THAT TED LIEU. And Davig Hogg – YES, THAT DAVID HOGG.

The Queen of New Mexico is getting defensive about criticism from the likes of Ted Lieu.

More significantly, over the weekend, at least four lawsuits, two of which seek immediate injunctive relief, have been filed. (The Pacer docket shows four as of this writing, but it’s possible more have been filed and are not yet publicly available.)

National Association For Gun Rights (Complaint, Motion)

We The Patriots (Complaint, Motion)

Randy Donk, Gun Owners of America (Complaint)

Shawn Blas (Class Action Complaint).

We should expect at least one of these cases in which there are pending motions to get a quick hearing. I would not be surprised to see an immediate TRO, pending consideration of the motions for a preliminary injunction.

Here’s the Motion for TRO from the National Association for Gun Rights:

Tags: 2nd Amendment, New Mexico