Father of Victim Claims U. Idaho Murder Suspect is Getting Special Treatment in Jail
“I’ve been informed that his pretrial privileges, like his five suits, video and computer special treatment and vegan meals are unprecedented in the history of Idaho”

If this is true, I can understand why the victim’s father is angry.
FOX News reports:
Bryan Kohberger’s ‘unprecedented’ pretrial privileges include vegan food, new suits, computer: victim’s dad
Bryan Kohberger, the former criminology Ph.D. student accused of fatally stabbing four University of Idaho undergrads in a home invasion, may be getting much better treatment in jail than other inmates, according to the father of one of the victims.
Kohberger has been held without bail at the Latah County Jail in Moscow, Idaho, since January.
“I’ve been informed that his pretrial privileges, like his five suits, video and computer special treatment and vegan meals are unprecedented in the history of Idaho,” Kaylee Goncalves’ father, Steve Goncalves, told Fox News Digital.
Shortly after Kohberger’s arrival in Idaho, Latah County Sheriff Richard Skiles told News Nation the jail would accommodate Kohberger’s request for vegan meals, typically vegetables or rice and beans, “but we are not going to buy new pots and pans.”
The sheriff did not respond to a request for comment.
After the suspected killer’s initial court appearances in an orange jail jumpsuit, he began showing up dressed in a suit and tie.
Goncalves said he tried to find out who paid for the suits and get other information about the defense budget through a public records request, but it was denied under a gag order on the case.
“They won’t tell us,” he said. “But I witnessed the moment they agreed not to handcuff him in court.”

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Ray Epps Junior…?
Sounds like better treatment than the J6 political prisoners are getting…
These don’t strike me as particularly outrageous.
So they’re feeding him rice and beans and some vegetables…which has to be cheaper for the jail than serving him meat. The jail probably wishes it can do that for all prisoners. Don’t really see a problem there.
As to the suits.
If paid for by the defendant or someone donating to his go fund me or whatever, who cares?
If it’s the public defender:
Our local public defender has a closet full of suits that the PDs, ADAs, and private defense attorneys donate old or ill fitting dress clothes to so the defendants can wear them to trial. If they don’t have something in that defendant’s size, they buy something for them to wear for trial. Then it goes in the closet for the next guy.
This guy is on trial for his life and will be national news. The trial will also be weeks long. It frankly makes sense for the PDs office to buy him some suits. It’s not like he’ll get to keep them. They’ll probably save them for the next defendant.
As to being handcuffed in court, you generally cannot be handcuffed in front of the jury in our state. And hearings in front of the judge depend on how the judge is feeling, number of defendants and deputiea present and what the deputy in charge of the room feels is safe. I’ve seen murderers uncuffed and shoplifters shackled. It varies.
I agree that suits are normal for trial. But this POS is not yet on trial. He’s before a judge for hearings, not before a jury. Orange Jump suit or other prison garb is the norm for pre-trial hearings at which the defendant must be present.
These are standard things; if they’re not standard in Idaho, then Idaho has some explaining to do.
If the vegan diet is for religious reasons then Idaho is legally required to provide him with it. If it’s not religious then it’s not a legal requirement, but it would be a really spiteful move not to.
If his court appearances are televised and may be seen by potential jurors, then I’d think it would be illegal to have him appear in prison clothes or handcuffs, just as it would be in front of an actual jury.
And the guy is really questioning the defense budget?! The defense is entitled to whatever budget it needs. The state is required to fund a decent defense. Otherwise we do not have justice.
The state is required to fund a minimum standard of defense sufficient to pass muster as a defense. Defendants are not entitled to however much expenditure they or the public defender demand.
The PD’s office is given a budget every year, same as the DA. How they spend it is up to them.
If they need something extraordinary, such as a specialized type of expert witness, they can request extra money for an indigent client.
But this is basic stuff that should be accounted for in their usual budget.
That is disgusting. A defendant is entitled to a vigorous and zealous defense. Without that the trial is a sham. If providing it takes more money, then the state must provide it. In a high-profile case like this, it is to be expected that the defense will cost more than usual. For instance suits at pre-trial hearings, if they are going to be seen by potential jurors.
I hope and pray that is you should ever be before a court/jury that you receive the best defense that can be provided, as is your right, regardless of cost. Isn’t that what you would expect?
Every defendant should receive the best defense possible otherwise the justice system isn’t doing its job.
“Isn’t that what you would expect?”
De jure, yes. De facto, no.
I would also expect a prompt trial by a jury of my actual peers.
Know any J6 defendants who got either of those?
There’s a grieving father involved so I will tread lightly, but I don’t think there’s much here.
Giving this guy no legal recourse to appeal anything in his current living conditions seems like a good move by the state to make sure he can be put on death row.
I agree. While I understand and empathize with the Father’s anger and grief, there really isn’t anything unusual here.
This guy, Steve Goncalves, gets far too much publicity. Yes, his kid was murdered, That will not change no matter how much ranting he does. The media, INCLUDING THE LEGAL INSURRECTION BLOG, should stop giving him space and attention.
Were it up to Steve Goncalves, we’d dispense with the trial and just hang the defendant at the public square. This afternoon.
Think, folks, you rant against the government’s abuse of citizens here everyday. Yet you seem to cotton up to knuckleheads like Steve Goncalves so easily.
The man is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. He should be treated as such.