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Clemson University Removes Menstrual Products From Men’s Rooms Following Mockery From College Republicans

Clemson University Removes Menstrual Products From Men’s Rooms Following Mockery From College Republicans

“Advocates for what’s often known as menstrual equity believe that anyone who has periods deserves access to period products.”

Sometimes mockery works. This has been one of those times.

Inside Higher Ed reports:

Clemson Removes Menstrual Products From Men’s Restrooms

Less than a year after Clemson University first installed free period-product dispensers in all the restrooms—men’s, women’s and gender-neutral family facilities—in the R. M. Cooper Library, the institution has quietly removed them from the men’s restrooms.

The dispensers disappeared soon after the Clemson College Republicans published a post on X mocking them.

“If you weren’t aware already, Clemson University has tampon/pad dispensers in the MEN’S restrooms located in Cooper Library. We truly live in [clown] world,” the post said, using the clown emoji in place of the word.

A few days later, the dispensers were gone; Trevor Tiedeman, the chairman of the College Republicans, told Inside Higher Ed that April Cromer, a Republican state legislator, had seen the post and met with the university’s president to demand they be removed. Tiedeman said the holes left by the removal have since been refilled and painted over.

Menstrual Equity

Advocates for what’s often known as menstrual equity believe that anyone who has periods deserves access to period products. Some argue that given the high cost of such products, colleges should provide them for free. Though such activism has historically been connected to feminism and pushback against the “pink tax”—the idea that products for women cost more than equivalent products for men—the movement has grown more gender-neutral in recent years, acknowledging that transgender men, intersex people and nonbinary people can also get periods.


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Dolce Far Niente | September 30, 2023 at 11:20 am

First; virtually every woman on this planet menstruates, and has since their early teen years. If a woman reaches college age and hasn’t figured out how to provide herself with her preferred products, she is a moron.

Second, feminine products are not expensive and like make-up remover, kleenex or shampoo, don’t need to be subsidized by your sugar daddy uni.

Third, I am sorry for all these mentally ill or injured folks who hate themselves so much they imagine themselves in a different body, but tampons are not treatment. There is psychiatric help available, however and we should be encouraging these sad folks to seek it..

The photo of that “flow” brand dispensing unit tickled my funnybone, in view of the Google Doodle of just yesterday, honoring a man who is arguably even more obscure than whoever killed Seth Rich.

Is Menstrual Equity the updated version of Menstrual Shows?

So this is an institution of higher learning?????????

Anyone here really believe that all is (now) well at Clemson?

Or is it perhaps more likely that this incident is more like stumbling upon photos and texts of one’s spouse having a longstanding extramarital affair — Deleting the photos and the texts doesn’t change the reality of one’s current marital circumstances, does it?

– – – – –

The article above doesn’t mention anything about any administrators being fired.

The article above doesn’t mention anything about the president of the college initiating a thorough review of 🤡👽💩☠️-world diktats infiltrating other aspects of the curriculum, the customs, etc.

Wouldn’t you think that they’d want to know the extent of the iceberg that this incident represents the tip of?

As a grad of Carolina, I just can’t think of words to describe my amusement at this.