Universal Music Cancels Queen’s Hit “Fat Bottomed Girls” but Keeps “Bohemian Rhapsody”
The greatest hit collection also has “We Will Rock You” and “Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy.”

I’m offended.
Universal Music cut Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girls” from a new compilation of greatest hits released on the children’s platform Yoto.
OK, so when you listen to the lyrics to “Fat Bottomed Girls,” you realize it is not child-friendly:
Oh you gonna take me home tonight
Oh down beside that red firelight
Oh you gonna let it all hang out
Fat-bottomed girls, you make the rocking world go ’roundHey, I was just a skinny lad
Never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my nursery (huh)
Left alone with big fat Fanny
She was such a naughty nanny
Heap big woman, you made a bad boy out of me
But the compilation kept “Bohemian Rhapsody.” I know the song is Queen’s biggest hit, but, you know. The lyrics:
Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he’s dead
Universal Music put an online content warning on the songs “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “We Will Rock You.”
“Fat Bottomed Girls” has innuendoes. The latter two songs are not subtle.
How about “Another One Bites the Dust?” Lyrics:
Steve walks warily down the street
With the brim pulled way down low
Ain’t no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to goAre you ready? Hey
Are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat, yeahAnother one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust (yeah)
Hey, I’m gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
The compilation also has “Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy,” too.
So I do not get Universal Music’s reasoning. “Fat Bottomed Girls” is a confidence boost for some of us girls.
Now I’m going to go on a Queen rabbit hole on YouTube.
Freddie Mercury has the best voice in music history. That man was magic through and through. His voice, stage presence, and personality shined like no other.

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I’m sorry you have a fat ass.
They are saying it is due to not being family or child-friendly because it’s on a child’s music platform.
It is what it is.
And Hot Wet P was child friendly??? At this rate we might as well just cancel the 60’s and 70’s altogether. Every song written was about sex, drugs, violence and rock and roll and often all of them combined. Its going to be wild when they get into canceling the 80’s and 90’s
I always say,,,, The 70’s never happened. Its just a government conspiracy trying to make us believe it did happen………. 😉
Not every song. To name just a few:
Down on the Corner
Mr Blue Sky
Goodbye Yellow brick Road
She’s Leaving Home
Down on the Corner
Oh, there sure are songs that have been canceled.
It never struck me how many contemporary POP songs of the ’70s and ’80s had simple Christian content until I realize how long it’s been since I’ve heard:
Jesus Is Just All Right With Me
Day by Day (from Godspell)
Signs, Signs
I Don’t Know How to Love Him
Mama Told Me Not to Come
Those are the ones I can think of just off the top of my head.
I bet BLM doesn’t even know the words to Kumbaya anymore.
Hm. I always thought Yellow Brick Road was about Elton John coming out.
George Clinton’s “Atomic Dog”:
Why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat?
Nothin’ but the dog in me
Why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat?
Nothin’ but the dog in me
The 70’s never happened.
The old saying goes, “If you can remember the 70s, you weren’t really there.”
I actually can’t disagree, but it’s no less unfriendly than what they’re teaching the kids at school
mercury had unbelievable range–only a few in rock ‘n roll could touch him–winwood, jon anderson(yes), richard paige(mr, mister), steve perry, art garfunkel and cetera–honorable mention, michael mcdonald
Don’t forget rock ‘n roll’s best female singer, Ann Wilson of Heart.
As in “YesSongs.”
She became a fat bottom girl but do love her voice
Annie is good, but Karen Carpenter is better. Shen she sings Superstar yhoou can see her sitting there six months pregnant expecting the guy to come to her.
Grace Slick
I’m more partial to Joan Jett and Pat Benatar.
Pat Benatar is an excellent vocalist. She trained in opera, and you can hear that in her songs. Of course, she’s gone all woke now and won’t sing “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” because gun violence. I kid you not. Completely insane.
I saw Jefferson Airplane when Grace was 9 months pregnant
They played at my college homecoming
Melanie cancelled
We so lucked out
Who was, as luck would have it, the epitome of “fat bottom girls.”
It is a CRIME that Steve Winwood is not in the HOF as a solo artist. Yeah, he’s in it with Taxi, but his solo career needs to be recognized. I love Winwood so much. Underappreciated musician. Your list is excellent! I’m a fan of all of them. Going into more modern times, I’d include Layne Staley (AIC) and Corey Taylor (Stone Sour, Slipknot, and solo career). There’s also Maynard from Tool.
Taxi? Traffic.
I am ashamed. I was watching Taxi Driver when I wrote that comment.
The album Back in the High Life.
My fav. easy listening album of the 80’s
Can’t fine my way home is my favorite. High life was one of his bests. There is a cool rock and roll hall of fame with him and prince and Clapton
I’d add Hansi Kürsch of Blind Guardian and Joakim Broden of Sabaton.
Hansi really has a uniquely perfect voice for power metal.
Roy Orbison. Johnny Cash.
Notice how the cancel culture never cancels anything that matters. Its always the existential garbage.
That’s a great point. Along a similar theme, it drives me crazy that the news will “print” an article about some gruesome crime. But if there’s a quote in the article where a witness says, “the guy yelled ‘fuck’ you’ before he shot him, they will write it as “f**k or something like that. So, ok to describe the mass killing. Can’t say a curse word.
Curious if they will also cancel sir mix a lot
Good one!
I can’t stand Queen (or Mercury) but Remember Monday does a better cover of it than the original:
Somehow women singing it is not quite the same. Though I wish some group like the Petersons would cover “daisy a Day” with the old man becoming an old woman.
One of the first songs I taught my kid was “Ramblin Man,” by the Allman Brothers. There’s a line that goes, “My father was a gambler down in Georgia; He wound up on the wrong end of a gun.” I used to worry a little.
Fat Bottomed Girls isn’t a very good song. But I know that’s not the point of the post.
“I know the song is Queen’s biggest hit, but, you know. The lyrics:”
But… but… this is a song of redemption!
Iran’s Ministry of Culture which banned all rock ‘n’ roll in 1979, gave formal approval to this song because it tells the story of a murderer who atones, begs Allah for redemption, and reclaims his soul from Shaitan.
If the mullahs approve of this song, how can Universal Music not?
Rock the Casbah by the Clash.
‘Shariff don’t like it
He really, really hates it’
A fav of mine my husband and I would do outdoor concerts and feed 10,000?with my famous beef fajitas, guacamole, smoked Turkey legs. And one show we had the Clash
I didn’t figure you for a punk fan given you have said you were a child of the 50’s and 60’s but nice to be reminded that good music and talent can bridge generational divides.
There’s a push to cancel The Four Freshmen for being too sophomoric.
I remember them…impeccable grooming.
GREAT cardigans!
Too White
Everything is so stupid right now. When they canceled ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ a couple years ago, it was only a matter of time before ‘Fat Bottom Girls,’ and probably hundreds of other songs would follow.
Followed by a great appreciation for the song WAP by Cardi B.
I guess singing about fat bottomed girls is worse than Wet Ass “Meow!”
Any man worth his salt would prefer a woman shaped like a woman, and not like Dylan Mulvaney – who looks and acts like a 11 yo girl.
No doubt they canceled it because trans “women” don’t have big butts and they are jealous.
Mary, you always have fans.
very related (control of information)… if you have not watched Mr Jones (its on Amazon Prime) you must.
I got through the first half last night and Wow- I don’t how this made it through to be on Prime. Someone actually telling the story about 1930’s Soviet Union and very steeped in actual reality (control of information and starvation).
Same story needs to be told about China.
It is a very good movie about the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33, or holodomor (literally murder by starvation). It was nothing short of genocide orchestrated by Stalin which murdered an estimated 4 million Ukrainians. Mr. Jones is a very good movie, deftly telling this tale with a very human face.
I got through the second half tonight. The story is told at a much deeper level and knowing it was Polish influence- it is a total jab at westerners who were willing enablers of the evil—– JOURNALISTS in particular.
The kicker was this was made pre-covid but the story they told about the journalists was exactly what happened in 2020, but on a much larger scale. Props to Poland for telling it.
Too Live for China
Obviously, the woke kids today do not listen to Johnny Cash..
I like Johhny Cash’s Delia’s Gone, always have.
They want to start getting rid of songs, try rap. Go ahead, but that won ‘t happen because, it just gets a pass.
If you don’t know the song.. if you dare: =======>
You’d think they’d love it since it’s “fat positive.”
These people confuse me….
I will say that the one bit that is problematic for me is his talking about his nanny “before I left my nursery.” Due to its ambiguity (how symbolic is “nursery” here?) it can be taken as child molestation.
And, honestly, it shouldn’t be on a child’s platform (almost NO rock should be) if they mean “child” as under 13.
But to remove it from a collection Queen’s greatest hits? You gotta be a bit warped in your thinking for that.
That’s just crazy talk and overthinking rock
Why don’t you analyze some rap for us
Azealia Banks Feat. Lazy Jay
“F— him like you do want to cum / Your gay will get discovered in the two-one-deuce / Cock-a-licking in the water by the blue bayou / Caught the warm goo in your du-rag too.”
Read More: 10 Raunchy Rap Lyrics | https://thedrop.fm/raunchy-rap-lyrics/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
Azealia Banks Feat. Lazy Jay
“F— him like you do want to cum / Your gay will get discovered in the two-one-deuce / Cock-a-licking in the water by the blue bayou / Caught the warm goo in your du-rag too.”
LL Cool
“Want to creep, on the light raw ass cheeks / I’m sexin’ raw dog without protection, disease infested,” Foxy Brown
Little Wayne
“She make that ass clap dancing like she on a d— / Bring it back I threw a stack that’s a lucky bitch / Up and down she’s going she’s sliding on that pole / Making money stacking up hundreds shawty cold.”
And you all, this is why we can’t win, this is why President Trump has 91 indictments
Because you all are insane and let them do what ever they want and you how like the FBI during BLM
I actually thought those were fake pictures
Nah, we are so screwed
Why don’t you analyze some rap for us
So, you rant against my statement just because I didn’t go on an entire rampage about all the music in the universe that is not really cool for kids? Or because I didn’t “them, too!”?
Mr Blue Sky?
Publishers cancel or redact sentences and words from essays and novels. They cancel songs and artists. One by one they fall.
Soon it all adds up.
I remember the seventies and the preaching against rock. Some of that was justified ( Led Zeppelin e=was inspired greatly by LeVay or what was the other satanists name). One song they were attacking was Snowblind by Styx.
Snowblind being slang for being the being adicted to cocaine. Check out the video.
The lyrics:
Mirror mirror on the wall,
the face you show me scares me so
I thought that I could call your bluff
But now the lines are clear enough
The song begins with an ominous piano riff. The voice is deep, creepy and sounds like something like a voice out of hell. The end of the first stanza is “How did I ever get into this mess.”
They decried it for being a song glorifying cocaine use. I don’t exactly see how they thought that.
There are lot’s of songs about killing. “I Shot the Sheriff”, “Got to Get a Message to you ” ,”El Paso”, Jamie’s Got a Gun”. Those don’t don’t glorify killing.
My favorite is TImothy, which doesn’t exactly describe a killing, but one almost certainly happened. The song was actually written to be banned which it was.
Fact is that “Bohemian Rhapsody” does not glorify killing far from it. You skip the next line:
Mother Life has just begun. Now I’ve gone and thrown it all away.
“Another Bites the Dust” doesn’t condem killing, but it doesn’t glorify it. It shows it from a third perspective.
I actually don’t even see the need for a warning on those songs. No sense in hiding kids from the ugly part of life.
Funniest is “Don’t Fear the Reaper” which has a similar story to an award winning Twilight Zone with Robert Redford.
Fat Bottomed Girls borders on pedophilla.
‘Snowblind Friend’ is an excellent anti-drug anthem written by the late, great Hoyt Axton. It’s a very haunting song about a friend who died of a drug overdose, and how his friends had to tell his family. A real gut puncher. Steppenwolf had the most radio play with their version back in 70-71.
Pedo only in your mind
I also wonder what they are going to do about “Bycle Race”. THe lyrics are OK, but the video… They rented the bikes for the video, but when the renters learned how they were used they had to buy the seats. I wondered how they got the girls to do it considering the rick of some very nasty road rash.
Lizzo hardest hit.
You win today’s prize!
Roy Orbison was in the running for best voice.
I doesn’t border on pedophelia. It owns the property with hotels.
Oh, well. I really, really like “Fat Bottomed Girls.” It’s a song about an old man that just enjoys the heck out of sex. Yeah, there’s pedophilia (against him) but there is also a zesty appreciation for ordinary-looking women.
Exactly. Nothing wrong with average, most people are average. There are way more folks sitting at 4/5/6/7 than at 1/2/3 or 8/9/10 on a ten point scale. That’s how a standard distribution works but today many average folks demand that they are a 10. It’s pure delusion and ego on their part though in fairness not as delusional as the trannies or the folks who think they are animal hybrids or flipping elves or some other cray cray crap.
and “girls” doesn’t have to mean under the legal age, so I don’t even see the pedophilia.
The bit about his nanny showing him how great sex with “fat-bottom girls” was “before I left my nursery.”
Yeah, there’s no getting around that one. But b/c it is a young male being groomed/exploited by a woman it is somehow more socially acceptable.
Yeah, but European kids that rated nannies often kept them into early adolescence. It’s not an American thing… unless you’re Mister French.
Yet black music can swear curse call you a ni99ar and be slapping big beautiful bodacious booties
But a white band , even with a gay lead singer
Oh no can’t have that
I didn’t know the song “Fat Bottom Girls” until this controversy. Now I do. Thanks!
Yet black music can swear curse call you a ni99ar and be slapping big beautiful bodacious booties
“black music” is a joke–with the advent of auto-tune and digital editing in the late seventies / early eighties sound engineers / editors could take a mediocre ” singer ” and make them ” sound ” great–rap and hip-hop are pathetic examples of the practice–” sampling ” and over-dubbing absurd lyrics removed any genuine creative hurdle (such as talent) to their production
“black music” was often referred to as “r&b” or “motown” before autotune–there was genuine talent in abundance–everyone raved about jackson and, in his youth, he was amazing indeed–ray charles(like elvis) was literally in a class by himself but if had to pick a genuine superstar out of that bunch, would be stevie wonder–perfect-pitch tenor, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer, performer–the whole package and he could (and can) duplicate in person what you heard on the record / cd / radio–have seen / heard him a few times and he’s for real–when thinking / discussing ” black music ” always think of wonder or marvin gaye or luther van dross, et al–genuine musicians with serious talent
As a certified Fat-Bottomed Girl, Universal Music has taken away my hope 🙂