U.S. Cities Participating in Program to Eliminate Private Transportation and Dairy, Meat Consumption by 2030

Two cities in Texas want to eliminate dairy and meat consumption by 2030.

Texas. I’m laughing.

Okay, yeah, it’s Austin and Houston, but still. El-oh-El. It also makes me happier that I chose Oklahoma City over Houston.

C40 is an emissions-cutting program consisting of 100 mayors around the world to combat the climate crisis!

The other cities in America include your usual suspects, like Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco.

We’re all going to die, you guys.

Texas Scorecard pointed out the dietary restrictions in the 2019 report. The “ambitious target” is to stop eating meat and dairy by 2030. The “progressive target” is 16kg (35 lbs) of meat and 90kg (25 gallons) of dairy per person per year.

Good news, Houstonians. As a former vegetarian I can tell you the city has a lot of veggie friendly places to eat! You’re in luck!

It gets worse.

Private transportation! It’s evil, you guys.

The “ambitious target” is ZERO private cars by 2030. The “progressive target” is 190 vehicles per 1,000 people.

What a shock. Bloomberg Philanthropies is a strategic funder of C40. Yes, that means former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a hefty investor.

Ah, there it is. Open Society Foundation is another major funder. I knew George Soros had to have a connection to this nonsense.

Tags: Climate Change, Environment