Self-Absorbed NY Times Reporter Whines About Jewish Religious Practices at Western Wall While Trying To Cover Mayor Eric Adams Visit
“As journalistic integrity, honesty, and impartiality has grown obsolete, the new norm for attention starved reporters seems to be the need to insert themselves into the story.”

For many mainstream media journalists, reporting a story from a neutral perspective has seemingly become impossible, with reporters and their newsrooms increasingly seeking to make themselves and their woke narratives the focal points of the story and not the subject matter on which they’re supposed to be writing.
We saw this frequently, for example, during the Trump years, with CNN‘s Jim Acosta and the New York Times‘ Maggie Haberman eagerly (and frequently) making themselves the faces and voices of the anti-Trump, so-called media #Resistance.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone to find out that such “me, me, me” traditions at the Times are continuing, as exemplified by the NYT’s City Hall Bureau Chief Emma Fitzsimmons, who recently traveled with New York City Mayor Eric Adams on his trip to Israel to document his activities and comments.
During Adams’ visit to the Western Wall, however, Fitzsimmons, whose employer is facing increasing scrutiny of their one-sided coverage of the Jewish community, made sure her photographer took a picture of her having to stand behind a “fence” (actually a mechitza) in order to observe the goings on of the men at the wall:
TFW you’re at the Western Wall in Jerusalem as a female journalist and you have to climb a bench and look over a fence to see the mayor.
— Emma G. Fitzsimmons (@emmagf) August 22, 2023
Moments later, perhaps sensing that her tweet disrespecting the culture and turning her supposed plight into the highlight of the day was maybe not a good move, Fitzsimmons posted a photo of Adams – the prominent elected official whom she was supposed to be covering for her paper – at the wall:
Our photographer also got this shot from the women’s section of the Western Wall, over the fence.
— Emma G. Fitzsimmons (@emmagf) August 22, 2023
Jews and non-Jews alike made it clear in response that her swipe at the Jewish culture and making things all about her was not welcome – not to mention hypocritical.
“As journalistic integrity, honesty, and impartiality has grown obsolete, the new norm for attention starved reporters seems to be the need to insert themselves into the story,” community activist Chaskel Bennett, the grandchild of Holocaust survivors, tweeted. “What was once a cardinal sin for journalists has become the pathetic new standard. The @nytimes is certainly leading in this dubious category.”
As journalistic integrity, honesty, and impartiality has grown obsolete, the new norm for attention starved reporters seems to be the need to insert themselves into the story. What was once a cardinal sin for journalists has become the pathetic new standard. The @nytimes is…
— Chaskel Bennett (@ChaskelBennett) August 23, 2023
The comments and quote posts to this post by a @nytimes reporter should be instructive to all journalists who are covering religious groups and places of worship.
If you don't respect the traditions of the faith that you're covering, then give the assignment to someone who will.
— Joel M. Petlin (@Joelmpetlin) August 23, 2023
So sad for the poor @nytimes reporter who has to respect Jewish culture for a minute, instead of attacking it from her antisemitic rag.
— Rabbi S Litvin (@BluegrassRabbi) August 23, 2023
TFW the mayor of the largest Jewish population outside of Israel visits the holiest site to Judaism in Israel, and a @nytimes reporter makes it all about them.
— Yaakov (Jack) Kaplan (@JackKaplanNY) August 23, 2023
Others wondered if Fitzsimmons would do the same thing if/when she had to visit an Islamic country:
Would you say this about other holy/religious sites where guests asked to respect religious requirements/norms: shoe/head covering removals, modest dress+:there’s long list of rules for many religious/holy places. Maybe just respect location & what @NYCMayor visit was about?
— Jason D. Greenblatt (@GreenblattJD) August 23, 2023
If you're at the city of Mecca as a non-Muslim you'll be arrested and you'll be barred from entry at most places in Vatican City if you have your shoulders out so I don't know why you care about a single small site in this case. Oh right, it's a chance to bag on the Jews.
— Jenn
(@JennieTetreault) August 24, 2023
Most likely the Mayor will also visit Turkey or Pakistan (he’s very popular in their nyc diaspora) will you mock their religious sensitivities if you’re asked to cover up or even to not enter their religious sites at all ?
— Yosef H (@yossy770) August 23, 2023
Poor you – having to respect a Jewish religious and cultural tradition. Do you complain about dressing modestly or covering your hair when in a traditional Muslim setting ? Or is this disrespect just shown to Jewish culture?
— George Yury Revutsky (@george_revutsky) August 23, 2023
Emma’s FB today.
— Rabbi S Litvin (@BluegrassRabbi) August 23, 2023
Others noted that while they “understood the frustration” that has also been expressed in the past by other female journos when covering Western Wall visits, the reactions of these same female reporters would likely be much more muted in other far more restrictive religious settings:
I understand the frustration, but I also suspect that in any other religious setting that separates men and women, the press would bloody well cope.
— Charlotte Honigman (@honigmaydl) August 23, 2023
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Oh, boy! Am I willing to bet that when Emma F is at home, guys better damn we’ll RESPECT her/him/ze/zer woman’s safe spaces.
“Damned misogynistic J**z!” said Emma.
Three days later:
“Here I am barred from entering a Mosque in the land of the Religion of Peace. Yet I still have to wear a head covering, be escorted by male chaperones, and required to keep quiet. I love being here!” Emma said.
Absolutely. The difference in the respect and level of understanding by most of the laptop class for most any religion and their modern substitutes of trans Ideology, radical environmentalism and narcissism is very stark.
The manifestly stupid and narcissistic Fitzsimmons should visit Gaza and the West Bank (or, any other Muslim-run territory or country) and experience how women are treated under the most unabashedly and viciously misogynistic ideology on Earth.
But, would she be allowed to report that story?
Clearly not, because the mainstream media lapdogs/lemmings/trained seals perennially and mightily strive to avoid painting the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and misogynistic ideology of “Submission” in a bad light.
She would do well to read (and understand) “The Ugly American” by Burdick and Lederer and less about Joseph Goebbels.
Having to work around limitations like this is such a normal part of journalism that you have to be a supreme narcissist to take it personally.
NYC is a crime ridden sh!thole with a massive illegal immigrant invasion, sky high taxes, racial violence, businesses fleeing to red states, population doing the same, crumbling infrastructure… so, NYC mayor Adams goes to Israel because… he doesn’t look Jewish.
pander pander pander pander
Pretty sure that this WomanWhoIsBetterThanYouJustAskHer:
— did not express gratitude for her safe flights, safe hotel stays, safe visit to Western Wall plaza etc
— never takes the subway in NYC, only uses cabs
— doesn’t ever walk through Harlem or Central Park during the day without male escort, and never after dark
Why? Because she takes it for granted that she and her particular brand of American worldview is superior to all other worldviews.
So for her it makes perfect sense to accept that in NYC a woman routinely must live in mortal danger. That’s just the way things are. It’s no one’s fault. Nothing can be done about it. No problem! But when Israelis set up procedures to try to reduce the risk of danger … well, that must mean that there’s grave injustice all around — that there must be something awfully dreadfully awfully wrong w Those Israeli Juuuuz.
Bless her self satisfied heart
Huh? The barricade there has nothing to do with danger. It’s exclusively for women to stay behind, as they are not allowed inside. It’s religious.
Women are not “behind” the divider, and they’re certainly allowed “inside”. Like any synagogue or mosque (and historically churches as well), the Western Wall is divided into men’s and women’s sections. Men and women are located alongside the divider, not “before” or “behind” it. The women’s section is no less “inside” than the men’s — and when female politicians visit the Wall they go to the women’s section, and male reporters have to look over the divider to see them.
Well… It’s called the Wailing Wall… so add Gnashing Wall for feminist teeth to the description. As for Adams…. he looks soooo out of place.
Strangest fitting yarmulke ever. Makes him look like a conehead… or a Toffifay.
Think of the assistant in “The Fifth Element”.
adam’s presence is embarassing enough for our country–and if anyone should view this woman’s behaviour / attitude as typical of american women then what an embarassment for american women
Was it simply self absorbed behavior or was it the assignment?
When Christiane Amanpour reported from Muslim areas she had no problem with wearing a veil on camera. This spoiled brat can do the same.
The Wall will be where Jews go to pray after both Adams’ visit to shore up his support in the Jewish community of NY and the snarky comments of the NYT who would never utter such comments in either Vatican City or Mecca
Why on Earth does Eric Adams need to visit Israel ?!?!!?!
He thinks he’s going to be president one day. Stop laughing!
He’s gonna need a middle name like “Mountain Dew.”
Nancy Pelosi wearing a headscarf when she went to Damascus. Pelosi would never wear a headscarf when visiting Mennonites in California. Okay, she would never stoop to visit mennonites in the first place.
And Vanity Fair’s obsequious article; a rose in the desert.