New York State Public Library Bows to Bullies, Cancels Appearance by Author Jack Cashill
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New York State Public Library Bows to Bullies, Cancels Appearance by Author Jack Cashill

New York State Public Library Bows to Bullies, Cancels Appearance by Author Jack Cashill

It appears that Cashill is under an American-style thought fatwa issued by Karens.

Legal Insurrection readers may recall my recent review of Jack Cashill’s most recent book that ties personal history into current events, Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities.

The work is a fascinating amalgam of biography and interviews that chronicle how Cashill, his family, and childhood friends were fully invested and working too hard to thrive in Newark, New Jersey communities, only to be driven out by crime and the rapid deterioration in the quality of life.

Cashill was supposed to make an appearance to promote Untenable on September 9 at a library in Fredonia, New York. However, it was canceled.

The Darwin R. Barker Library told Cashill last week that it no longer was interested in his signing and discussion about “Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities,” according to “The Post-Journal” of Jamestown, N.Y. The event was to have been held in early September.

“Long accused of racism and ‘white flight,’ the ethnic Americans driven from their homes and neighborhoods — the author included — finally get the chance to tell their side of the story,” is how Amazon describes the book.

Apparently, it took a few phone calls from thought bullies for the library officials to cave. Cashill, who was introduced to the librarian who first organized the event through his wife Joan, offers this timeline of events that led to the cancellation:

A friendly librarian had taken a liking to my first book, a novel, and placed it on the shelves. Upon seeing it, Joan recommended that I thank the librarian. I did. One thing led to another, and she invited me to come speak about my new book.

In an email to Joan from an acquaintance, a member of the library board, I learned what happened next. “So, very soon after our website posting which announced Jack’s appearance at the Barker,” he wrote, “we began to receive numerous correspondence ranging from general disbelief to adverse protestations from within the local community.”

Now for the fun part: “Oddly, all of this response came from women. Even odder is that I was unaware that Jack was your husband.” There was nothing “odd” about the female skew on the response. We call these whiners “Karens” for a reason.

Joan, a recently retired and much-honored professor of English, uses her maiden name for professional reasons. What surprised this fellow, I assume, is that a professor could have a husband who sees the world differently than professors typically do.

It would be interesting to review the complete collection of the Darwin R. Barker Library to determine if works that might be controversial to a more conservative audience (e.g., Gender Queer, An Inconvenient Truth) are found on its shelves.

After Cashill dared to question the cancellation, a library official responded to praise…. the institution’s diversity.

We believe that the diversity of perspectives is crucial in creating a rich and informative dialogue at our library events. Recent developments have led us to re-evaluate the suitability of your views and opinions for our diverse audience, as well as the potential impact they might have on the inclusive and welcoming atmosphere we strive to foster within our library community.

Perhaps those at the Darwin R. Barker Library should open a dictionary sometime and review the definition of “diversity.” I’ll help: Diversity – the condition of having or being composed of differing elements.

The officials were also afraid of “conflict and confrontation.”

Sadly, in todays world, situations such as this can rapidly escalate from controversy and result in confrontation and conflict. In this specific case, we have elected to not to not expose our patrons and employees to the threat of any of it.

I am trying to imagine the scale of protest that Cashill’s appearance might have led to, and I can’t imagine more than a few shouting idiots who could then be escorted out by security. If the library couldn’t handle a few unpleasant progressives, perhaps it is not the bastion of thought freedom its administrators think it is.

However, to defend the insanity of their decision, the board members ginned up their fears about having a “Salman Rushdie” attack. As a reminder, Indian-born British-American novelist Salman Rushdie, who was under a fatwa for his Satanic Verses, was stabbed multiple times in 2022 as he was about to give a public lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, New York.

One board member summed up their “brave” decision thusly:

“We haven’t silenced him, we uninvited him.”

“He is free. He can sit outside right now and call any of his followers or fans.”

It appears that Cashill is under an American-style thought fatwa issued by Karens.


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Let’s unpack this, shall we?

They fear potential violence, so ultimately they are admitting they fear fellow leftists. Makes sense.

E Howard Hunt | August 23, 2023 at 11:44 am

Lack of silence is violence.

The Woke branch manager (new hire) at our main county library created so much internal strife she was quietly demoted and shifted to another, lesser branch library. A few months later she quit her job and moved on.

Leslie, I bought this book on your recommendation and it is fabulous! So many readers would know the truth in it especially if they are older boomers. Many will identity with the background presented by the author and the consequences. I saw where it would send panic through the ranks of “Karens” and other types of Leninists. His appearance needs to go ahead somewhere somehow no matter what. Books have always been a threat to them as books can contain facts, ideas and truth..

No one is more ignorant than a modern day leftist. Listening to opposing views and (gasp!) debating them are the path to greater understanding and intellectual expansion. These values are anathema to leftists which is why they will remain mired in the quicksand of delusion and ignorance.

The American Library Association used to list classic novels banned by library boards and librarians.

The ALA now list banned and CHALLENGED books 2010-2019.

Of course the word “challenged” is fungible and means whatever Woke librarians want it to mean.

ALA site:

    Dimsdale in reply to Tiki. | August 23, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    But, I was told it was the Republicans that wanted books banned in the libraries….

    Won’t matter; the libraries will soon be home to drag shows and illegal alien housing.

Interested in curating and fostering ignorance? Then perhaps a career as a librarian is for YOU!

    henrybowman in reply to Q. | August 23, 2023 at 5:57 pm

    As libraries did their annual “banned books” virtue signaling, with copies of books like To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn “banned by conservatives,” I would ask how many copies of “Unintended Consequences” they had in stock. The answer was always zero. So, how long would it take you to obtain one for me to read? They always had an excuse. Doubtless the same was the case for The Turner Diaries, Bring Me The Head of Carl Drega, The Black Arrow (Suprynowycz), and other anti-Marxist standards. But it was a rare (or very small) library that didn’t boast multiple copies of Das Kapital, Steal This Book, or Dreams from My Father.

Somewhere, there’s got to be a business model for a conservative library system.

    henrybowman in reply to Tel. | August 24, 2023 at 11:53 pm

    Yeah, it’s in the same alternate dimension as the business model for a conservative school system.
    The state runs both of them, therefore they promote statism.

Steven Brizel | August 24, 2023 at 3:56 pm

This book looks like must reading for anyone interested or concerned CS out the decline of our greatest cities

Steven Brizel | August 24, 2023 at 4:14 pm

One of the elements of the woke world is that crime is not a legitimate concern for the middle class.and that we should tolerate violent crime rather than prosecute the perpetrators because most perpetrators are African American or Hispanic