Media Eager to Point Out That South Carolina’s ‘All Male’ Supreme Court Upheld Six Week Abortion Ban
The decision is sound but to distract from the facts and reasoning the media and left have to focus on the all male Supreme Court.

I guess according to The Hill, Associated Press, Axios, and others only care when an all male Supreme Court upholds abortion.
The outlets are all too eager to point out South Carolina’s “all male” Supreme Court upheld the state’s six-week abortion ban.
WHY is that important? Oh, yeah. The legal reasoning behind the decision is sound. It was the correct decision. But the media and left have to keep the outrage. It just so happens the South Carolina Supreme Court consists of only males.
Um, an all male SCOTUS ruled in favor of Roe v. Wade.
Remember, men. You’re only allowed an opinion or vote on abortion if you agree with it.
JUST IN: South Carolina's all-male Supreme Court has upheld a ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.
— Axios (@axios) August 23, 2023
BREAKING: South Carolina’s new all-male Supreme Court has reversed its own abortion decision, upholding a ban on most procedures after six weeks of pregnancy.
— The Associated Press (@AP) August 23, 2023
South Carolina's new all-male highest court reverses course on abortion, upholding strict 6-week ban
— POLITICO (@politico) August 23, 2023
Breaking News: The South Carolina Supreme Court, a newly all-male bench, upheld a near-total ban on abortion, allowing a six-week ban to take effect. The move reverses a decision the court made in January, before the makeup of the bench changed.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) August 23, 2023
The South Carolina Supreme Court — the only state Supreme Court that is all-male — has upheld the state’s 6-week abortion ban.
The 4-1 ruling is a reversal of the court’s own holding in January of this year, when it struck down a near-identical law.
— The Recount (@therecount) August 23, 2023
South Carolina’s new all-male Supreme Court has reversed course on abortion, upholding a ban on most such procedures after about six weeks of pregnancy.
The 4-1 ruling departs from the court’s own decision earlier this year to strike down a similar law.
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) August 23, 2023
Today, South Carolina's all-male Supreme Court upheld the state's 6-week abortion ban.
We recently reported on how SC became the only state in the US with a men-only highest court:
— ProPublica (@propublica) August 23, 2023
I don’t care if you’re male or female. I applaud anyone who votes in favor of life.
The left only cares about a male’s abortion opinion or votes if he favors abortion.
From The Wall Street Journal:
The 4-to-1 decision effectively reverses a ruling from earlier this year, in which the court had struck down a so-called fetal heartbeat bill, banning abortion in the earliest weeks of pregnancy on the basis that it violated a privacy guarantee in the state constitution. The decision significantly reduces abortion access in South Carolina, one of a few Southern states that had maintained robust abortion access.
Justice John Kittredge, writing for the majority, said that while the six-week ban “infringes on a woman’s right of privacy and bodily autonomy,” it was the role of the state legislature to make policy decisions. Lawmakers determined that a woman’s right “does not outweigh the interest of the unborn child to live” after a certain point in pregnancy, he said.
“Through the legal and judicial lens under which we must operate, while mindful of the difficult and emotional issue before us, we cannot say as a matter of law that the 2023 Act is unreasonable and thus violates the state constitution,” Kittredge wrote.

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It’s the guys who passed the law that are the problem, establishing the Republican brand as a menace to women. That will certainly lose the 2024 election.
“At last, we can force over 50% of the population to do what we want instead of what they want.”
Women defeated Trump last time when it wasn’t even on the agenda.
“”establishing the Republican brand as a menace to women.””
As opposed to the Democrat brand as a menace to babies.
Babies don’t vote.
Oh well, in that case I guess they can kill them up to age 18.
To paraphrase Al Shenker 🙂
Like banning slavery established the Republican brand as a menace to white people, thus ensuring that it never won another election, right?
“At last, we can force over 50% of the population to do what we want instead of what they want.”
First, you are erroneously assuming all women support abortion. Fail. At least half of all women oppose any form of baby killing; clearly evidenced at any Right To Life march or sidewalk counseling group outside abortion mills. Another 25% are uneasy about abortion and gladly support laws restricting it. This leaves the 20% who join the Left in all their hateful mania. and are happy to kill their offspring even after birth.
Legislation prevents people from doing all sorts of things they want to do, things which society says should not be allowed. Rape, robbery, murder post-birth, sex with minors, animal torture, defecating in water fountains..
Just because people WANT to perform an activity is not sufficient cause to reflexively allow them to do so.
“Women defeated Trump last time” You are assuming that Joe actually got those 81 million votes from real voters, a point that is in serious dispute.. You can also argue that women engineered the win in Trump’s first election, since nothing in his viewpoint changed from 2016 to 2020.
” That will certainly lose the 2024 election.”
A certain left-leaning portion of Republicans ALWAYS believe any election loss is due to not going far enough left; I recall the claim that Obama won his 2nd term because the R’s didn’t pander to Hispanics enough, for instance.
All your claims are based on faulty data and your own biases, which you are free to articulate because your own mama chose not to kill you.
The reason the Democrats are harping on this is because it’s one of the few things they’ve got going right for them nowadays. Though both the polling data and the election results clearly show how much it’s costing them, Republicans still bow to the activists, and as long as this continues they will never be able to win governing majorities in critical areas. On the other hand, a compromise at 15 weeks appears to be acceptable to enough voters to win more elections, but then the fanatics go bonkers. So until someone has the courage to tell them to accept this or get lost, the Democrats will just go right on wrecking everything.
Just occasionally the court manage make the right decision
‘SC all male Supreme Court’…it’s as if a memo went out. In the information age everyone with any sense can see the framing for what it is, a manufactured talking point, artificially designed and disseminated to the lapdog legacy media to push the approved narrative. Political campaigns do the same thing via their surrogates both official and volunteer; put out the weekly or daily list of attacks, responses and other messaging. It’s as phoney and inorganic as it is transparent.
They all know their playbook so no memo needed. Each institution of the left senses that their purpose is to attack at all times with anything that is at hand..
Leaning into one’s own biases has far surpassed a sense of objectivity and analysis.
“It just so happens the South Carolina Supreme Court consists of only males.”
Wait, wait. That’s a complete irrelevancy. Why? Because the lefties have told us that men can become pregnant and otherwise be known as a “birthing person.”
Right. A quandry easily corrected. One the the justices only needs to identify as female and the problem is solved.
And it only takes saying the words! It’s the first entire change in identity that is an entirely linguistic phenomenon. You don’t even have to change your appearance.
Women have destroyed the country. They really should be stripped of property rights and the vote. They need to marry nice men who can do their thinking for them. Ladies, get back to basics. All I see in public are slovenly, fat chicks who can’t be bothered to prepare their husbands a decent meal. Drop the damn weight, dress pretty, do something with your hair and resume your supportive role.
15 weeks was no good in Ms, so they rolled the dice knowing the composition of the court.
Umm.. the Roe Court was…. all male…
Am I correct in understanding there is no concept of the sanctity of life among females?
Hang on a second, the law targets the murderers, not the people who hire them — and while almost all the clients are women, a very large percentage of the hit men are, well, men. So the law targets men and women equally.
Also, 50% of the would-be victims this law protects are women.
It’s not women the court needs. It’s OB/GYNs.
When Congress decided to change national health insurance (through the ACA/Obamacare), they had Liz Fowler, an attorney who was formerly Vice President for Public Policy at Anthem, on Max Baucus’ Senate subcommittee. She was there every step of the way protecting the insurance industry’s interests. (This is why the Congressional bill was completely shelved along with its “public option.”)
Liz Fowler went on to be special assistant to Obama and was involved with the implementation of the ACA. She then left to work for Johnson and Johnson. For the past few years she has come back through the revolving door and is working for Biden at HHS and is now working on Medicare/Medicaid.
If the “Affordable Care Act” can have an industry rep deeply involved with its creation and implementation, why can’t abortion bills have OB/GYNs involved in their creation and implementation?
Yes, but we all know men can now get pregnant, too. So, corrupt media, what’s the problem with an all male Supreme Court?
“At last, we can force over 50% of the population to do what we want instead of what they want.”
First, you are erroneously assuming all women support abortion. Fail. At least half of all women oppose any form of baby killing; clearly evidenced at any Right To Life march or sidewalk counseling group outside abortion mills. Another 25% are uneasy about abortion and gladly support laws restricting it. This leaves the 20% who join the Left in all their hateful mania. and are happy to kill their offspring even after birth.
Legislation prevents people from doing all sorts of things they want to do, things which society says should not be allowed. Rape, robbery, murder post-birth, sex with minors, animal torture, defecating in water fountains..
Just because people WANT to perform an activity is not sufficient cause to reflexively allow them to do so.
“Women defeated Trump last time” You are assuming that Joe actually got those 81 million votes from real voters, a point that is in serious dispute.. You can also argue that women engineered the win in Trump’s first election, since nothing in his viewpoint changed from 2016 to 2020.
” That will certainly lose the 2024 election.”
A certain left-leaning portion of Republicans ALWAYS believe any election loss is due to not going far enough left; I recall the claim that Obama won his 2nd term because the R’s didn’t pander to Hispanics enough, for instance.
All your claims are based on faulty data and your own biases, which you are free to articulate because your own mama chose not to kill you.
Contrary to popular mythology, men are capable of knowing right from wrong.
However, it is not wise to offer men sex without getting a wedding ring first, because that offer will definitely adversely affect their judgment!