‘Kill the Boer”: South African Politician Threatens White Farmers with Violence, NYT Plays Apologist

The U.S. and Western politicians remained largely silent after a leading South African politician publicly used a genocidal slogan against the country’s beleaguered white farmers.

Last weekend, the leader of the South Africa’s far-left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, Julius Malema and thousands of his supporters chanted “Kill the Boer, kill the farmer” at the party’s 10th-anniversary rally at a Johannesburg stadium. The incident once again highlights the plight of the country’s white Afrikaner minority of predominantly Dutch origin that has increasingly suffered violence and displacement in recent years.

In 2013, Malema-led EFF broke away from President Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC). The party has since emerged as a challenger to the ANC, which has run the country for nearly 30 years since the end of the Apartheid regime.

“Right-wing commenters claim that an old anti-apartheid chant is a call to anti-white violence, but historians and the left-wing politician who embraces it say it should not be taken literally,” the NYT shamefully purported.

“In recent years, people on the right in South Africa and the United States, including former President Donald J. Trump, have seized on attacks on white farmers to make the false claim that there have been mass killings,” the daily complained.

“Despite the words, the song should not be taken as a literal call to violence, according to Mr. Malema and veterans and historians of the anti-apartheid struggle. It has been around for decades, one of many battle cries of the anti-apartheid movement that remain a defining feature of the country’s political culture,” the newspaper told its gullible readership.

Playing apologist for genocidal maniacs is nothing new for the NYT. In a 2017 opinion piece, the daily tried to rehabilitate the Islamic war-cry of “Allahu Akbar,” playing it down as a harmless ‘everyday phrase.’

Elon Musk speaks up as politicians stay silent

While Western politicians remained quiet, South African-born tech billionaire and Twitter owner Elon Musk raised the issue.


In recent years, President Donald Trump has been the only Western leader to address the plight of White South Africans. In a 2018 tweet, President Trump asked the State Department to “study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers.”

In his memoir, President Trump’s National Security Advisor, John Bolton, described how his boss was considering asylum for the White farmers: Vanity Fair, June 2020:

Bolton describes how Trump derailed a White House meeting about Iran strategy by bringing up a right wing conspiracy that Black South Africans were killing white South African farmers and stealing their land. According to Bolton, Trump blurted out that he wanted to grant the white South Africans “asylum and citizenship.”

Trump took a lot of heat for weighing in on the issue. The NYT accused the president of ‘racism’ for talking about farm killings. “Trump’s South Africa Tweet Seems to Embrace Racist Narrative on Land Dispute,” an August 2018 headline claimed.

South Africa going the way of Zimbabwe?

While reliable census data aren’t easily available, white people are thought to be about 7% of South Africa’s 60 million population. A large part of them are Boer farmers who speak Afrikaans, a Dutch dialect.

The Boers, many of them deeply-religious Christians with Protestant Calvinists roots, are increasingly facing racially-motivated attacks. The farm attacks come in the wake of political demands for the confiscation and ‘redistribution’ of their land. A similar campaign has succeeded in driving out white farmers in neighboring Zimbabwe, and it turned Africa’s bread basket into a basket case.

According to a South African NGO Afriforum, there were 395 farm attacks and 59 farm murders between April 2020- March 2021. Describing one such gruesome killing the report noted:

On 5 February 2021, the charred bodies of an elderly couple were discovered in Gauteng [near Johannesberg]. The couple was tortured outside of their house; hair, nails and blood found at the scene provided proof of this horrendous event. The couple was then dragged inside their house. It is believed that the couple was shot before the house was set on fire, but not before they were tied up on the floor next to each other. A Bible was placed between the couple; thereafter a heater was switched on with curtains placed on top of it.Unfortunately, murders like these are not isolated incidents.

Tags: Africa, Media Bias, Racism, Regressive Left, South Africa