Flashback 2016: Democrats Pressured Trump Electors to Flip to Hillary

In light of the DC indictment and Georgia Indictment against former President Donald Trump, which centers around allegations of a so-called alternative electors scheme, as well as the Michigan case where their Attorney General filed felony charges against 16 alleged pro-Trump “fake electors,” it’s worth revisiting the 2016 presidential election and the media-approved attempts by Democrats all the way up to high-ranking members of Hillary Clinton’s failed campaign to get 37 electors to switch their votes.

CNN was among the numerous “news” outlets lending credence to the plan to stop Trump from being sworn in:

So was CBS News, which reported the below story without any noticeable concern about the state of “our democracy” (as Hillary has often put it):

Endorsements of the proposed 2016 “faithless electors” switch included elected Democrats like Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.):

Leading Democrat lawyers such as Laurence Tribe and Lisa Bloom offered their legal support:

Christian Ziegler, who is chairman of the Florida GOP, relates what he says happened to him in 2016, which matches up with contemporary reports of what was said to be happening to electors after the 2016 election:

I was one of Trump’s Electors in 2016.They aggressively targeted & harassed me with the goal of me committing to being 1 of the 37 ‘Faithless Electors’ that the Democrats needed to change the results of the November election.My personal info was posted and I received tens of thousands of letters to my mailbox, emails, and calls/texts at all hours of the night for weeks.Didn’t work, but they absolutely tried.

Others also shared their stories of what they alleged happened to some electors in 2016:

The most troubling of all, as The Federalist‘s Mollie Hemingway has extensively documented, was the Clinton campaign’s coordination and participation in what essentially was a coup attempt against Trump, starting with the Russia collusion hoax nonsense and culminating with the faithless electors plan:

At the time, the Wall Street Journal took a hammer to nail in their assessment of what Clinton and her fellow Democrats were trying to do:

From the piece:

But now that Mrs. Clinton has lost, her campaign is claiming the election really was rigged, albeit for Mr. Trump by Russian meddling, and it wants the Electoral College to stage what amounts to a coup.That’s the only way to interpret the extraordinary statement Monday by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta endorsing a special intelligence briefing for electors a week before they cast their ballots for President on Dec. 19. He released the statement hours after 10 members of the Electoral College sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper seeking information on foreign interference in the election to judge if Mr. Trump “is fit to serve.” One of those electors is House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s daughter.“The bipartisan electors’ letter raises very grave issues involving our national security. Electors have a solemn responsibility under the Constitution and we support their efforts to have their questions addressed,” Mr. Podesta said. “We now know that the CIA has determined Russia’s interference in our elections was for the purpose of electing Donald Trump. This should distress every American.”

Between all that, the endless “investigations” and related attempts from Democrats at having Trump removed from office, and now the four indictments against a potential Biden opponent that have come in the middle of a presidential campaign season, there’s little wonder that so many believe as Trump does that the system is “rigged.”

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2016 presidential election, Democrats, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Media Bias