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“Democrat prosecutors are manipulating the Republican primaries”

“Democrat prosecutors are manipulating the Republican primaries”

My appearance with Stacy Washington on the Stacy on the Right show: “So these are the Democrat prosecutors manipulating the Republican primaries in order to both help Trump be the nominee, but hurt him when he is the nominee and he’s in a general election. This is complete manipulation. And whether you support Trump as a Republican or you support somebody else, you should be pretty angry about what’s going on here.”

I appeared on Thursday night, August 3, 2023, on Stacy on the Right with Stacy Washington on SiriusXM Patriot channel, to discuss the DC indictment of Donald Trump. The 42-minute conversation touched on a wide range of topics, including my take on the DC indictment and the likely trial scenario, but also the other indictments of Trump, the timing of the trials as relates to the political calendar, the targeting of Trump using the police powers of the federal government, and the manipulation of the Republican primaries by Democrats via DOJ.

We had a chance to delve deeply into the issues, and it gave me a chance to express my views particularly on how Democrat manipulation of the primaries has deprived Republican voters of the normal process for selecting a candidate.

The 42-minute discussion is too long to transcribe, so listen to the whole thing. There were some unexpected topics along the way. Short excerpts are below the audio.


Excerpts (transcript auto-generated, may contain transcription errors)

WAJ (06:14):

Well, and the Manhattan case, I think the judge there has already said that that would await the outcome of the federal trials. So the Manhattan case is not, which is an absurd case, a legally absurd case never should have been brought by Alvin Bragg, that’s going to come last. There’s potentially a Georgia case. I think everybody’s expecting that, again, related to the election. [The scheduling is] a problem that these judges are going to have to grapple with, is that you’ve got a defendant who’s going to be potentially in calendar year 2024,  going to have three criminal trials and going to be running for president, assuming he’s the nominee. But even if he’s not, he’s going to be running, you know, through June of next year during the primaries. So that this is a real problem. That’s the problem with the Feds bringing these cases so close to the election that it’s going to interfere with the election.

And then this is whether these are meritorious or not. And I have very strong doubts about the one that was just filed in DC. My initial take on it is, and of course we’ve got to see what evidence they come in with, they’re not limited to presenting what’s in the indictment, but the indictment reads like an indictment of Donald Trump as a politician, that he lied, he did all these bad things, you shouldn’t vote for him. But that’s [not] necessarily criminal. I think a lot of fair-minded people and fair-minded lawyers are looking at this and saying, okay, you say you’ve proven he did bad things. He lied to people, et cetera. But that’s not generally a crime. Generally politicians lie all the time. Politicians contest elections all the time. Politicians try to get other politicians to change their minds all the time, none of that is criminal. So I have real doubts here….


WAJ (17:30):

I don’t know that they’ll get the entire [DC] case thrown out, but maybe a couple of these counts that I think are stretches legally, as to what the prosecution’s trying to do. And this is a prosecutor, Jack Smith, who has been reversed by the US Supreme Court, has been reversed by other courts for stretching the legal theories. The most famous was Governor Bob McDonnell in Virginia on a fraud of services type of theory that the Supreme Court ultimately rejected. But of course, by the time Bob McDonnell was vindicated, it was too late. He missed his chance to run for president because he’d been convicted on, excuse the pun, a trumped up charge of theft of services. So this is very aggressive and he has lost other cases where he’s too aggressive.

The [defendant] shouldn’t wait until the Supreme Court to reverse him. A district court judge should not allow a prosecutor to do this. But unfortunately, a lot of district court judges do. So even if Trump is convicted in these various cases, it may not hold up on appeal, but that’s 2, 3, 4 years from now. By then, who knows what will have happened to our country and to our political process.

I think that if you’re going to bring a charge against a presidential candidate in a presidential candidacy year, I mean, it’s next year, but it’s, it’s really already started, you have to have an ironclad case. You have to have an open and shut case. You should not have cases where you’re stretching the legal theories, which is what they’re doing in all these cases, except the Florida one is much more straightforward. But in New York, they’ve certainly stretched it. In DC they’ve stretched the legal theories.

And what we hear about’s going to happen in Georgia is a stretch of legal theory. And that’s not what you do during a presidential year to the leading contender. Maybe not the nominee ultimately, but certainly the leading contender now for the presidency, you have to have a super strong case. And I don’t see it in Manhattan. And based on this indictment, I don’t see that’s a super strong case. That’s not to say they can’t keep the case alive and get it to trial, but this should not be happening in the middle of a presidential election cycle….


WAJ (24:22):

Well, the Democrats understand that these indictments have helped Trump become the nominee. So, if they’re smart and if they’re strategic, the ploy would be do what you can to boost him to be the nominee, knowing that these trials are going to come down and potentially in the minds of most people ruin him as a general election candidate. So this is a very dangerous thing, and they are manipulating the Republican electorate and manipulating the natural inclination that most Republicans have to rally around a candidate who’s under attack from the Democrat government. So this is really so manipulative. If you’re a DeSantis supporter or somebody else, supporting somebody else who’s not Trump in the Republican field, you should be pretty angry at this because this sucked all the media attention, has sucked all the wind, has caused people to rally around Trump that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.

And it is really depriving you as a Republican voter of your meaningful potential candidates. If you look at the the charts like it at Real Clear Politics of the polling averages as it moved into January, February, the race had tightened significantly. Trump was still up by double digits, but very low double digits, like 12%, 13% over DeSantis. It had closed dramatically since last fall. Then the Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan indictment comes down and you see the line separate instantaneously, dramatically. And Trump goes up to a 25, 30 point lead, and he’s been there ever since. So these are the Democrat prosecutors manipulating the Republican primaries in order to both help Trump be the nominee, but hurt him when he is the nominee and he’s in a general election. This is complete manipulation. And whether you support Trump as a Republican or you support somebody else, you should be pretty angry about what’s going on here.


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Well the Dems are showing Reps what they need to do. Didn’t Obama’s VP break the law? Can we find any prosecutor willing to do their job?

They won’t stop until it’s worse for them to continue. They need to have a cycle of Republican investigations and prosecutions until the scales are evened or preferably reversed a bit.

    Concise in reply to artichoke. | August 4, 2023 at 8:52 pm

    Nope. Not in the DOJ. Even if any integrity or courage (which is doubtful in light of the events of the past few years), they’re all controlled by Merrick Garland.

E Howard Hunt | August 4, 2023 at 10:58 am

One must play the cards one is dealt. I can’t stand Trump, but since he won’t step aside, he must be supported to the hilt. All attacks against him must be characterized as springing from the malevolent swamp. His every stupid utterance and tweet must be defended. The only hope is to get him re-elected. Unfortunately, this is the sole road open to victory.

2smartforlibs | August 4, 2023 at 11:11 am

Anyone that been paying attention for decades knows the left is all about election interference. The only time they are against it is when they lose and it didn’t work.

Definitely true that these highly partisan prosecutions (compared to the actions of a number of non prosecuted d/prog for similar acts) are intended to influence the elections. Potentially the Primary as well as the General. Certainly there appears to be a ‘boost’ in the GoP Primary polls for Trump post indictment(s). While I believe the d/prog would rather face Trump in the General than another candidate (in order to get as close as possible to their same model in ’24 as ’20) it seems risky. On the other hand polling continues to persistently have Trump running even with Biden at best or behind at worst; despite the abject failures of the Biden admin, Biden’s very public physical/mental deterioration and now all the pent up scandal info becoming increasingly public to the point the legacy media are finally mentioning them v ignoring them.

And Trump played right into their hands

It is an article of faith among the Nevertrump crowd that the Democrats and the left are doing everything they can to insure that Biden runs against Trump again because Biden has beaten Trump before.

But he didn’t.

Biden didn’t win in 2020. The Dems and the left know it –and most of the Nevertrump crowd knows it as well.

Because, in the runup to 2016, the Dems and the left were pulling for Trump in the exact way that they are said to be pulling for him now –so that he could lose to Hillary Clinton.

They did it with Romney and McCain as well. McCain almost screwed them by picking the wrong running mate.

Trump was not supposed to win. Trump was supposed to be the vanquished capiltalist white man who fell before the rise of the Witch-queen.

But Trump started saying things that resonated.

With Democrats. With the blue collar anti-communist union Democrats that the party pretended was their base.

That was when the tone switched to Russian collusion. And it switched too late. He got the nomination–but now, instead of a foil, he was an actual threat.

But he wouldn’t win, at least they had THAT still firmly under control.

But they didn’t. And even after the fortification (which occurred around the same time as the fortification in 2020, if you were paying attention) there wasn’t enough.

But they’d told everyone to go home, that it would all be settled (fixed?) by the morning.

And then Trump let it be known that he had seen what we’d all seen. That he’d won, and he decided to take his victory lap NOW. In the middle of the night. In the wee small hours of the morning.

And, without the precedent to keep counting until they got what they wanted set into law yet, the Democrat presses ground to a halt to see what happened.

They could not manufacture any more votes.

So Trump won.

Trump beat their foil game, he beat their primary shenanigans, and he beat their cheating.

And he became the best president since Reagan.

Then, in 2020, they upped their game. But, to win, they had to be so obvious that the entirety of their media arm had to expose itself in a constant war against anyone pointing out the truth.

And do you know what keeps the whole stinking pile of lies afloat?

The cupidity of the Nevertrumpers.

If the right could unify on this issue, that Democrats and the left have commtted this great crime against the US we could drive them before us screaming.

But we can’t.

Because, to feel good about what they’ve done to the country, our allies on the right have to endlessly convince themselves that the Dems and the left WANT to run against the man who they had to destroy themselves to gain a pyrrhic victory against.

    luckydog in reply to Azathoth. | August 4, 2023 at 12:42 pm

    Nice work – and I’ll add:

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

    1) Most citizens can see that the Biden DOJ is attempting to keep Trump from running – because he was successful, and is a threat to win, again.

    2) Take the concerns of ‘can win nomination, but not general’ seriously, and have been trying to see if I can learn anything helpful from history (i.e., party lost general election because selected wrong candidate).

    • Over the past 20 elections – 1944 to 2020 – the Republican candidate won 10 times and lost 10 times.

    • The 2nd place Republican primary candidate for each lost election is as follows: 1944-Bricker, 1948-Stassen, 1960-Rockefeller, 1964-Rockefeller, 1976-Reagan, 1992-Buchanan, 1996-Buchanan, 2008-Romney, 2012-Santorum.

    • In 1960 Rockefeller lost to Nixon – 30,639 to 4,975,938. And in 1964 Rockefeller lost to Goldwater – 1,304,204 to 2,267,079 (57%).

    • Kennedy beat Nixon in 1960 – with the help of voter fraud. And Johnson beat Goldwater in 1964 – but I am not sure any Republican candidate could have overcome the 1963 Kennedy assassination aftermath in 1964.

    • Setting aside 1944 and 1948, it wasn’t until 1976 that the 2nd place Republican primary candidate popular vote came within striking distance of the nominee – Reagan: 4,760,222, Ford: 5,529,899 (86%).

    • Ford lost to Carter in 1976, and Reagan beat Carter in 1980 – but I am not sure any Republican candidate could have overcome the 1974 Nixon & Watergate aftermath in 1976.

    • Romney lost to McCain in 2008 – 4,699,789 to 9,902,797 (47%) – and then lost to Obama in 2012.

    • Have not dived into the same Democrat data yet.

    3) Have no problem with the 2024 Republican candidate being decided by the primary process for many reasons. Including the conclusion that the historical data does not support the concept that the 2nd place Republican primary candidate would have won the general election; which makes sense given the platform, coalition building, momentum, etc. required to win the nomination.

    4) Since 1944 only two Republican primary candidates have received more than 10 million primary popular votes.

    • 2000: GWB – 12,034,676. In 2004 he dropped back under 10 million primary popular votes – 7,853,863.

    • 2016: Trump – 14,015,993. In 2020 he increased his primary popular votes – 18,159,752 – only candidate to ever accomplish that.

    5) 100% agree with those that have concerns about election integrity – 2020, 2022 & 2024 – and 100% believe that the Republican primary candidate that wins the nomination is the best candidate for the general election (see history). I will vote for that candidate – Trump, DeSantis, …

      CommoChief in reply to luckydog. | August 4, 2023 at 1:13 pm

      Good points. Here’s the crazy thing about the polling data, anywhere from 55%-65% (depending on the poll) say the Country is on the Wrong track while Biden’s job approval as President is consistently negative; currently the RCP average is negative 54.6%.

      Given those huge overhangs in basic polling that show a very large majority are not satisfied with the Biden admin how in the world is Biden consistently polling even or slightly ahead of Trump? RCP has the poll advantage for Biden at 0.9%. Seriously WTF?

      IMO, the seeming contradiction is explained by what some casually dismiss as ‘mean tweets’. The tweets or now postings on Truth Social are a.part of it but more so the overall communication style +a very large dose of lapdog legacy media negative myth making and negative narrative building.

      The constant drumbeat of negative reporting (the overwhelming majority of it untrue) has effectively demonized Trump to the point that, along with his own tendency for self inflicted wounds, he is barely even with Biden in polling. Sooner or later this inability to pull away from Biden is going to be a problem. If a General Election is closer than 1% then the d/prog turnout and ballot harvesting advantage will very likely decide the election again. Less than 88K votes in three States made Biden President in ’20, whether by hook, by crook or totally legit (unlikely IMO) the d/prog will use any/all shenanigans to their advantage again in ’24.

      Azathoth in reply to luckydog. | August 4, 2023 at 1:34 pm

      Here’s more, ganked from ML commenting over on Reason–

      Also enjoy some anomalies:

      – A 150 year trend in declining voter particpation was reversed… for Joe Biden. And not just by a little, but by a lot.
      This obviously senile politician with no talent for speaking and mediocre popularity would not only beat the Republican Party’s rock star (Donald Trump) in votes, but also the Democrat Party’s rock star (Barack Obama).
      Curious since his rare campaign speeches and rare campaign appearances hardly attracted any significant number of individuals, let alone crowds, and since, on the strange advice of Nancy Pelosi, he hardly left his basement to campaign.

      – In 132 years, no president has received more votes in his run for reelection and lost. Yet Donald Trump received 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016 — and lost.

      – Trump won 18 of the 19 counties both Democrats and Republicans regard as the “bellwether” counties that virtually always go with the outcome of presidential elections. Yet he lost.

      – He won four bellwether states — Florida, Ohio, Iowa and North Carolina. Yet he lost.

      – Republicans held onto all the House seats they were defending and gained another 13 seats. Yet, Trump lost.

      Some more anomalies;

      – Unprecedented efforts were made in some states to (illegally) change election laws.

      – Mostly Democratic states sent out tens of millions of ballots or applications for absentee ballots to people who never requested them.

      – “Voting” began in some states six weeks before Election Day.

      – People have submitted sworn affidavits at great personal cost and with possible perjury charges that they witnessed ballot tampering on election night.

      But if you say “something is fishy here”, you’re called an insurrectionist and a conspiracy theorist spreading The Big Lie, and were deplatformed, doxxed and your bank closed your accounts. Which somehow totally isn’t fishy either.

    George S in reply to Azathoth. | August 4, 2023 at 1:31 pm

    Three reasons Democrats want Trump:

    If DeSantis is the candidate and loses to Biden (or whoever) and then claims the election wasn’t honest, it would force attention to the allegation. If Trump is the candidate and loses and then claims the election wasn’t honest, then Democrats can mock him and say pay no attention, it’s the same ole song and dance Trump was doing for four years.

    If Trump is the nominee, Trump’s battle against the DoJ will result in a guilty verdict on one of the many charges, throwing the whole thing into one big mess that the Congress or the Electors may not certify Trump.

    If Trump wins the election and manages to avoid a conviction AND Democrats take both houses of congress, then an impeachment/removal is a done deal.

They’re doing it because it’s EASY.

Just look at who the hell is the point person for the GOP: a useful idiot (named Ronna Romney McDaniel).

The GOP, as a national organization, is wholly corrupt, a division of the swamp and that lamebrain Ronna is nothing more than a money launderer.

And look who heads the GOP in the Senate: a wholly corrupt rat named McConnell, who is now headed towards brain death.

    henrybowman in reply to | August 4, 2023 at 1:27 pm

    But not fast enough.

    CommoChief in reply to | August 4, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    True, which makes it all the puzzling why Trump would endured both of them for a return to their leadership roles post ’22 midterm election letdown. These endorsements came despite him serving a Presidential Term contemporaneous with the tenure of Rona McDaniel as Chair of National GoP since 2017 and with McConnell as Senate Majority leader (and IMO head Swamp Creature). It isn’t as if the latest endorsements of these two assclowns by Trump was made in ignorance of how swampy they both are. Yet he did endorse them, despite both having somewhat serious competition; especially McDaniel where Trump’s endorsement of a challenger may have dethroned her. | August 4, 2023 at 12:58 pm said:

    “Just look at who the hell is the point person for the GOP: a useful idiot (named Ronna Romney McDaniel).”


    And just look at who the hell supported and endorsed Ronna Romney McDaniel — the fucking idiot named Donald Trump.

Steven Brizel | August 4, 2023 at 3:38 pm

These indictments have to be challenged and thrown out by SCOTUS now. Once Banana Republic meant a chain of stores-now it is becoming the way presidential elections are conducted in the US

Steven Brizel | August 4, 2023 at 4:10 pm

Trump should go on the legal offensive now. The following is this writer’s litigation stratgegy and I invite comments pro and con :
1) file a civil complaint alleging election interference organized by Biden and Garland that is threatening to render it impossible to campaign
2) seek a nationwide injunction of all pending and contemplated prosecitions arising out of the aftermath of the 2020 election that stays in place until at least after the 2024 election
3) move to dismiss all of the current pending indictments including the constitutionally dubious and frivolous DC, NY, and Ga cases and argue selective prosecution in the documents case

Alexander Scipio | August 7, 2023 at 4:06 pm

I can’t imagine why this is important. In 1968, the Dems nominated a guy who hadn’t even participated in the primaries. They’re gonna do the same this year: screw-around with schedules, candidates, debates, etc., to get the guy they want. Why shouldn’t the Rs do the same? Primaries are just beauty contests put on by private corporations. Not that we will this time, but we had WAAAAAAY BETTER candidates when this all was done in smoke-filled back rooms. BFD on the primaries. Put up a guy who can win.