The End of Affirmative Action Week in Education
Your weekly report on education news.
This week, the Supreme Court struck down Affirmative Action, but is it really gone?
- Supreme Court: Harvard and UNC Affirmative Action “invalidated under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment”
- ‘Tyranny of a Minority’: The Left Freaks Out After Affirmative Action Ruled Unconstitutional
- SCOTUS “gave universities a narrow opening, and Harvard just announced it’s going to drive an affirmative action truck right through it”
The left is already figuring out workarounds.
This is great.
Professor Glenn Reynolds.
Inside baseball.
Everything else in higher education is going along as usual.
- Biology Professor Allegedly Fired for Teaching That Sex is Determined by X and Y Chromosomes
- Fordham University Hosts LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference
- George Washington U. Arming Campus Police Despite Outcry From Students
Good for him.
Of course.
So ridiculous.
Beyond parody.
Is this a trend?
- U. Wyoming Sorority Fights Back Against Members Who Sued Over Trans Member
- Nonbinary Student Accepted to a St. Lawrence Sorority, But Kicked Out by National Organization
Stay safe!
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“No greater injury can be done to any youth than to let him feel that because he belongs to this or that race he will be advanced in life regardless of his own merits or efforts.”
Booker T. Washington
Hey, BTW, stuff like that sounds like a lot of racist ideology. Looks like you really don’t know much about the history of slavery in the U.S.
North Carolina just passed a law regarding compelled speech on job applications. Things like, “explain to us how you have fought racial Injustice and promoted equity.”
Coded affirmative action questions.
But this may be for state and municipal employers only.
“explain to us how you have fought racial Injustice and promoted equity.”
Mostly by being dumb and over-booked.
What I do — I throw as wide a net as I can manage, ignoring irrelevancies — we need all the competence we can get in house. I’m too dumb to figure how anything but how well they can do the can show me how well they can do the job. I’m dumb.
What I don’t do — I don’t bother with anything but how they help us getting the work done. That’s more than enough. I’m over-booked.
Usefully, “dumb and over-booked” is pretty consistent with me. I’ll be fighting the good fight pretty near all the time, without even trying.
People ask the question, .”What shall we do with the Negro?” I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature’s plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!
Frederick Douglass
Don’t worry…the Democrats have an even shakier ladder for you to utilize in the picking of apples after you fall from the current one and they make a huge fake fuss over your “Boo-Boo”.
I’m sorry to tell you this Mr. Douglass, but there is no place for you in the Democratic party.
He was a Republican.
As was Booker T. Washington.
These days the progs have extended inflicting help much more broadly, with similar results.
Remind me, what were The Moynihan Report’s predictions about welfare reform?
“End of Affirmative Action”
Well, it ended on paper anyway.
Well, not really, Just took affirmative action under the table. Because now these woke universities’ admissions offices will simply require an “essay on how your race has affected your life” and will chose those that describe being black in the United States. So nothing will really change. Whites and Asians will be excluded and blacks will be promoted.
It’s still there, they just call it by other names.
That’s where the lawsuits by white and Asian students unfairly excluded will bury the universities.
It will remain for colleges, major companies, the military, and civil service.
All that is missing is a clever new name.
They probably still give bears get special consideration.
Sadly, I had potential employers tell me to shave.
I keep my beard groomed and tidy. My clothing is in good repair, and I bathe.
Having an odd and to some extent sought-after skill set, my reply to such people was that they were apparently interested in hiring a clone; a pretty-boy. They were not interested in hiring a skill set.
Meant with complete sincerity: Ah, a fellow traveller. You are a peach of a bio skill unit, Mr. Bear.
One part of work success is knowing what you’re selling, and being Ok with selling that. Or not, if the other side won’t accept the deal you offer. So many people never figure that out.
I’m more “that costs extra” than “no” for most things. I’m a good mercenary. The problem is, if they require one stupid thing, they are likely stupid other ways, too. The price goes up pretty fast.
People are acting as if this all means something. As soon as they’re able, the left will “overthrow” the court and reinstate everything, and beyond. The only way to stop them is to defeat them via election or revolution.
We need to constantly remind the left that the 2A is strong, and will take unacceptable force to weaken it.
Do they want Kent State on their plate?
Having to resort to overthrowing the government would mean that the American experiment in self-governance has failed. Turning off the money spigot from tax dollars would be a much better outcome.
You could make a pretty good argument that it’s already failed, when neither the current administration nor the leading candidate for the opposition pay more than lip service to the Constitution. The only glue holding things together right now is the SC, and that’s not how it’s supposed to work.
It’s going to take the latter.
That picture shows a woman barely able to hold back her anger.
Did she get where she is today because she came from a disadvantaged background or did it have something to do with her complexion?
In a just world, she should be wearing an apron and carrying a mop bucket.
I don’t feel that way about all of them but I see Maxine Waters, or Jackson Lee, or Fredericka Wilson, I think hotel maid.
Apologize to h0tel maids. To a one, they’d make better Congresswoman than the three malignant clowns you mentioned.
I wouldn’t say that. But more likely she’d be a student at a community college.