Report: Philadelphia Shooting Suspect a BLM Supporter, Wears Women’s Clothing
Kimbrady Carriker, 40, faces numerous charges, including five counts of murder.

The police arrested Kimbrady Carriker, 40, in connection with the shooting of seven people in the city.
The shooter killed five men and injured two children. A mother and her twins suffered injuries from flying glass in her car due to gunshots.
Carriker faces five counts of murder along with “attempted murder, reckless endangerment, aggravated assault and carrying firearm without valid permit.”
Judge Naomi Williams denied Carriker bail: “Public safety is clearly an issue. There are no set conditions to ensure the safety of the community.”
I expect the story to go away soon because it seems that Carriker doesn’t fit the left’s narrative.
I wrote in my title the suspect wears women’s clothing because I have no idea if he is actually transgender or just a cross-dresser:
On his Facebook page, Carriker posted two pictures of himself wearing a bra, a women’s top and earrings with his hair braided long in March, three months before the alleged shooting.
He also regularly posts about supporting Black Lives Matter, including supporting workers who protested in the Strike For Black Lives in July 2020.
Weird, but not surprising. only mentions Carriker’s previous social media posts about guns and gunfire. The network left out the posts about BLM protests. The New York Post didn’t leave it out:
In May 2020, Carriker also posted a video to his Facebook of a burning Philadelphia police car that had been daubed with grafitti including “ACAB” — an acronym for “All coppers are b—–ds” — and captioned it: “I was there; where were you? #we matter.” However, It is unclear if he had filmed the video himself.
The shooting occurred on July 3 around 8:30 PM ET:
It all started around 8:30 p.m. Monday, on the eve of Independence Day, in the area of 56th Street and Chester Avenue in the southwestern part of the city.
Police say people called 911 to report a shooting and others flagged down officers.
Action News obtained security video being used in the investigation believed to show the shooter firing a high-powered rifle toward the Jeep at the intersection.
Police say at least 50 shots were fired at the scene and multiple vehicles were struck.
Arriving officers found gunshot victims at the scene. As officers began to put the victims in their patrol cars to take them to the hospital, they heard more gunfire and ran towards the sound. That’s where they encountered Carriker.
Police say officers were able to chase down and corner Carriker in the rear alley of 1600 Frazier Street. Police say the suspect was wearing a bulletproof vest and had multiple magazines. Carriker also had a police scanner, an AR-style rifle and a handgun, investigators say.

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Looks like he had trouble deciding on a new name
Read the CNN spin on this story..they leave all the liberal stuff out..nothing about cross dressing or BLM..they spin it as if he was a right wing nut..Trump loving..2nd amendment rights person just trying to ‘clean up the neighborhood ‘ bs…
For a guy who preached that Black Lives Mattered, he went at least four for five (possibly all five).
Not *those* black lives…
They were cisgender.
I used to think if anything wiped out humanity, it would be an asteroid strike. Now it’s looking more like a massive intersectionality collision.
Other outlets report the two children were only shot, not killed.
And I don’t mean that the way it sounds …
Thank you. I accidentally deleted injured when I edited that part of my piece.
something seems a bit off about this report–was this guy acting alone ?–he gets off fifty rounds and no one returns fire ?–then, after he’s killed / wounded a dozen or so people, police corner him and don’t take him out ?
come on
Take him out? And risk the country in flames?
LOL! We both know that’s EXACTLY what was going through the cops’s minds!
“Black AND a transexual? Holy jamoley! I ain’t doing nothing!”
Yes, take him out, be ready to take out more. This isn quickly turning into a wild west like situation. If we want it to stop, consequences need to be immediate.
I agree. But the police need to be ready AND WILLING to shoot looters and arsonists on sight, with the backing of their chiefs and the mayors. This is not to mention the owners of the stores and businesses being the equivalent of Rooftop Koreans.
No one returned fire because law-abiding citizens in Philly aren’t ‘allowed’ to exercise their inalienable right to self-defense. Live in a prog-run shithole and you put your life at risk.
I was considering making that comment, but didn’t when I realized it didn’t really address why no other illegally-armed Philly thugs returned fire.
One of the two main reasons I don’t GO to Philly and similar cities/places. If I can’t go with my friendly self-protection device along fr the ride, I just don’t go there.
Look for the ‘sectionalilty
The intersectionality
Forget about your worries and your strife
That’s some BLM privilege going on there!
Intersectionality, let me count the ways:
1. Black
2. And 3. Deranged man in women’s clothes
4. “Identifies” as a woman, or just a man in drag (same/same in the intersectionality rule book)
5. Mass murderer (but will get a pass – see items 1 through 4 above)
6. Supporter of only some “black lives matter”
7. Resident of Filth-a-delphia, complete to an AG who will allow him to walk with less than life in prison
I’ll eat my hat if I am proven wrong on all counts.
no one returns fire
This is Philadelphia. Unless you’re extra special, getting a concealed carry permit is a no-go, from what I recall. Who is there to fire back, except the “professionals” called cops?
Pennsylvania is a shall issue concealed carry state. It is also an open carry state, so no CCP is needed (note that having a weapon in the car makes it concealed carry).
Philadelphia is a Class 1 city, so a CCP is required for open and concealed carry. But the sheriff must issue the CCP within 45 days, unless the background check fails. A permit issues in any county is valid anywhere in PA.
PA, especially Philly, has loads of concealed carry holders. But those in Philly will generally not step in unless personally affected. The Philly police will harass permit holders if they can tell you are carrying. The Philly DA is not a fan of CC permits, or the use of self defense.
I heard the cops were told to stand down and wait for the crisis social workers TO SWOOP IN TO SAVE THE DAY and show those raciss” brutal cops how to handle the situation………………Fetterman was to be 1st on the scene, but he was waiting for a call back from Rev Al to give him the correct advice on how to politicize the whole scenario.
Fetteman could have intervened and given a statement. It wouldn’t have mattered, because no one could have understood him.
Mental Illness is killing people. And not just the mentally I’ll, but the victims of violent attacks. When the state mental hospitals closed and the patients were released into the general population a huge mistake was made. We will pay for this for decades. The general attitude that celebrates people’s differences (when those differences are the manifestations of mental illness) isn’t helping by any stretch of the imagination.
Kimbrady Carriker, 40, faces numerous charges, including five counts of murder.
How about one count of Capital Fugly?
… talk about a monster …
A clear pattern is emerging that Trans = violently unstable. Maybe we should create TransLepper colonies?
This is the future. Welcome to it.
Now you know why that OTHER transvestite mass-murderer’s “manifesto” is being hidden.
No. I don’t know why.
I find it difficult to believe these people pop up out of nowhere with combat gear and armaments. Time to start asking some pointed questions: is the federal government involved in seeking out and recruiting these shooters in an attempt to turn public opinion against the Second Amendment?
You know…I’m open to anything. I honestly am. Nothing would shock me.
Under Biden… Less Fast and Less Furious (to avoid falling). This is the second (at least) Trans shooter this year. Getting a little militant are you bois and gurlz? Nothing is off the table for psy-ops. Yep… must be a hum dinger of a “manfesto” circulating around the trans community.
I suspect it’s a combination of psychotropic drugs and being under the care of a psychiatrist/ psychologist. It’d be so easy to bring susceptible individuals to the brink of destruction by feeding them these drugs and then setting them up with a post hypnotic suggestion whereby a certain word or phrase could trigger them into carrying out their rampage at some point in the future. It’d be like a sleeping army of nutsoes who could be activated at any convenient time.
How’s about passing the time with a nice relaxing game of solitaire?
Why do you think “combat gear and armaments” is something hard to obtain?
This guy isn’t on any forbidden lists, I’m betting, and if you have the money you can get a plate carrier and plates (front, back, and side) mail order. A helmet is a bit more expensive, but still doable. If I pulled my one email account I could probably rattle off at least 5 internet companies that sell the gear. Three of those also sell firearms and ammo.
That gear certainly does not a fed conspiracy make.
Saying things like you can buy weapons online is a half-truth, at best. Yes, you can order a weapon. But it will be shipped to someone who holds an FFL, and they run a great risk of turning that weapon over to someone who isn’t vetted (to the extent that they are vetted). The FFL will run the federal and any state and local checks. The purchaser will also have to fill out a form 4473. The only time it’s easy (easier) is if you are licensed in a state that allows the federal check to be bypassed. Seeing a weapon for sale online and actually taking possession are two different things. (And yes, there will always be people who circumvent the rules but it would be easier just to buy it in an alley from another criminal at that point.)
I think your 2d-amendment-‘splainer reflex kicked in when it shouldn’t have. I didn’t say that a felon could buy firearms online (though there are some things not governed by the NFA that you can have shipped straight to your door) and have them shipped directly. I merely pointed out that of the 5 places I could think of to buy armor and other “combat gear”, 3 of them ALSO sell firearms and ammo. So – while it would require a split shipment, I could easily simultaneously order firearms and armor and ammo and other accouterments at those 3 websites.
The “not a person who will fail a background check” was assumed because I know folks here generally know firearms law.
Also, who downvoted me? Someone who thinks I’m excusing what this guy did? Someone who thinks I’m anti-online armor-buying? Or someone that thinks his having those items does equal a fed conspiracy?
No, don’t group the leppers in with the wack jobs. They’ve been thru enough.
I believe you mistook the crux of the George S. comment
Sure they are. I need to figure out a way to bait them into giving me arms and armor and then just not being a psychopath.
“I find it difficult to believe these people pop up out of nowhere with combat gear and armaments.”
Possibly you don’t follow the gun-rights alt press. It was well publicized 6-12 months ago that transes were being quite public about arming up to “protect themselves.” Now, with all the coverage the official newswhores gave that — none — you can be forgiven for thinking this “popped up out of nowhere.”
E.g.: The Young Turks Encouraged Transgenders to Arm Themselves Days Before Nashville School Massacre
Third tranny shooter in 3 months. The drug cocktail they give these guys may be at fault.
I was listening to a ‘town hall’ meeting that featured RFJ, Jr. the other day and he came right out and said it…. guns are not the problem, we’ve had massive number of guns in this country since our founding. Something else has changed, and it very well may be the massive rate of prescription psychotropic drug use among young people in this country. We’re decades into an organized campaign by prog loons screeching for the elimination of our inalienable right to self-defense… where are the large scale, peer-reviewed studies on this topic? Crickets.
He wants to ban “assault weapons”….
I am willing to bet the price of a meal at Ala’s Kabobs that RFKJr can’t define ‘assault rifle’.
He wants to band the 2 nd Amendment, make no mistake
Why not just ban assaults?
“where are the large scale, peer-reviewed studies on this topic? Crickets.”
The MSM will not cite either one except to heap ridicule on it, just as they did for the people who turned out to be right about COVID, the Hunter laptop, Russian collusion, &c &c.
I am leaning towards these traits being their disorder.
They have a tenuous grip on reality to begin with. Official authority figures who used to institutionalize them for it, now enable and encourage them instead. So, hell, yeah.
It’s time to have a national conversation about this epidemic of mentally ill crossdressing mass shooters.
I’ve written my state AG, governor, and US senators to demand such a conversation. How about you?
That would be nice but I have a governor who will support anything blacks or trans want to do.
“Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!” – Fredric Douglas
He sounds like a good candidate for California’s Reparations Task Force.
This post is 3 hours old, the headline includes “wears women’s clothing”, and NO ONE has yet invoked the Lumberjack Song?!
It’s like I don’t even know you people.
Admittedly, this guy doesn’t sleep all night or probably work at all. But, still, it’s obligatory.
I thought about writing “Does he hang around in bars? Is he a lumberjack because, obviously, he is not okay.”
I didn’t because I figured Peabody would cause me consternation with a witty reply.
Ha ha.
I think he will hang around bars for the rest of his life. Prison bars!
Well, for one thing, we know next to nothing about his dear papa.
In all probability, neither does he.
Beat me to it! Ha!
Also – though it’s tedious to point it out again – the media still thinks a 5.56 is “a high-powered rifle.” And that having an AR, a pistol, and “several” magazines is “heavily armed.” Oy vey.
The just parrot the pablum fed them. A .177 BB is so scary also.
Only if it is armor piercing.
Or incendiary.
When I was a teen I messed around with adding metal sodium to a pocket in a hollow point and capping it with a dab of epoxy,
Don’t you know you can put somebody’s eye out with that thing?
Yeah. When we were kids in the late 70s early 80s we had BB gun ‘wars’. Used magazines taped on under clothing as armor and painter goggles for eye pro. Gen X the last mass group of free range children….especially so since most of us were latch key kids to boot. No grownups around until after 5:30 PM to interfere in our dumbass ideas.
“No grownups around until after 5:30 PM to interfere in our dumbass ideas.”
It was amazing that we did not end up maimed or dead.
Well it was enough to murder 5 people and maybe destroy 2 children’s lives
The real problem is the warped mindset of taking a life when your own isn’t at risk. The weapon used is just a tool. A hammer can help build a home or it can smash a skull; the difference is the mindset of the user.
It takes a good deal less than a gun of any kind to murder 5 people, and maybe destroy 2 children’s lives … when they’re not themselves armed.
Biden told them a 9 could blow their lung out of their body, and of course they believe him. If you want to scare them shitless, tell them you carry a 22!
NRA High Power Rifle competitions include 5.56 as a “Hi Powered Rifle”. While I agree with you that most would not consider it one the press in this case are quite correct in their terminology.
What a bunch of knuckle-dragging haters. Jeesh, the guy was just trying to help out:
“The shooter accused of killing five people during a harrowing rampage in Southwest Philadelphia Monday night told police the shooting spree was an attempt to help authorities address the city’s gun violence crisis, and that a deity would be sending more people to help, according to sources familiar with the investigation.”
You can’t outrun the law in high heels.
A surplus flak jacket from the Army Surplus store is not a bullet proof vest.
You do know you can buy top of the line armor for yourself online? Both concealable and plate carriers of varying coverage?
(This was my point above – people dismissing this bit, but you can buy it easily. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be able to. Just pointing out you’re wrong to scoff at “bulletproof vest” as if they’re unobtainium.)
Which would you rather wear to a gunfight — a flak jacket or a T-shirt?
Once again the legacy media buries a story of a violent criminal when it does not fit their narrative