Notre Dame Prof Suing School Newspaper Over Their Reportage of Her Abortion Advocacy
“For me, abortion is a policy issue. And yes, my view runs afoul of Church teaching, but in other areas, my positions are perfectly aligned [with the Church]”

If the professor supports abortion, what is the problem with reporting on it?
Campus Reform reports:
Pro-abortion Notre Dame professor sues Catholic student newspaper
Professor of Global Affairs and Sociology at the University of Notre Dame, Tamara Kay, is suing a Catholic, student-run newspaper for publishing an article communicating her pro-abortion stance and statements.
The Irish Rover is a Catholic, student-run newspaper whose goal is “Upholding the Catholic character of the University of Notre Dame.”
Notre Dame identifies itself as a Catholic university. The Catholic Church expressly states its opinions condemning abortion. The office of the president has also expressed its view on the topic of abortion.
On October 22, 2022, W. Joseph DeReuil, then editor-in-chief at The Irish Rover, published an article about Kay offering abortion access to students, despite an Indiana law restricting access to abortion drugs. “For me, abortion is a policy issue. And yes, my view runs afoul of Church teaching, but in other areas, my positions are perfectly aligned [with the Church],” Kay told the paper at the time.
Around the same time, Kay posted a sign on her campus office door that stated, “This is a SAFE SPACE to get help and information on ALL Healthcare issues and access—confidentially with care and compassion” followed by her “non-Notre Dame email” and a capital letter “J.”
According to The Irish Rover, the “J” indicated Notre Dame professors offering to help students access abortion drugs, despite the Indiana law restricting them and university health care not offering them.
“We are here (as private citizens, not representatives of ND) to help you access healthcare when you need it, and we are prepared in every way. Look for the ‘J’, Spread the word to students!” Kay reportedly stated in a social media post.

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So she’s suing for exactly what? For their accurate reporting of what she said in a public forum? That ought to be interesting. An Obama/Biden appointed judge will twist themselves into a Gordian knot over this one.
They’ll just lie and/or ignore the facts.
I was thinking the same thing. She may not be happy that her statements were disclosed publicly in a Catholic-run newspaper, but where is the basis for the suit? What did they do wrong?
Hate speech.
It’s called SLAPP, “Selective lawsuit against public participation.” She’s trying to silence them.
“And yes, my view runs afoul of Church teaching, but in other areas, my positions are perfectly aligned [with the Church]”
If I had a florin for every time Savonarola heard THAT.
She should also sue the Catholic Crurch for having policies with which she doesn’t agree.
Note that the Irish Rover is not the official school paper. That’s the quite liberal Observer.
The Rover basically exists at the sufferance of the university.
When she put the sign on her office door she connected her public life and her private life. This one’s on her.