Law Enforcement Investigates Racist Graffiti Found in Bathroom Stall at SUNY Cortland
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Law Enforcement Investigates Racist Graffiti Found in Bathroom Stall at SUNY Cortland

Law Enforcement Investigates Racist Graffiti Found in Bathroom Stall at SUNY Cortland

“We’re not going to speculate about the person’s motive for doing this”

  1. When did bathroom graffiti become an issue that required the involvement of police? This could just be another campus hoax.

The College Fix reports:

SUNY Cortland bathroom vandalism culprit remains at large

Law enforcement have yet to identify who wrote the n-word, drew swastikas and left other graffiti inside a bathroom at the State University of New York Cortland campus in April.

A sweep that day of all the bathrooms in the building found graffiti in every male bathroom and in at least one female restroom, according to a police report recently obtained by The College Fix.

The campus media director told The Fix the university would not “speculate” on motives when asked if the school believed the perpetrator of the original case was just trying to cause damage and was not racially motivated.

“We’re not going to speculate about the person’s motive for doing this,” Frederick Pierce told The Fix via email. “Since we do not know who made the graffiti, we cannot ask them why.”

“By letting the campus know that we take incidents like this seriously, we hope to raise awareness that this type of behavior causes pain for people and carries consequences,” Pierce told The Fix. “Hopefully that will dissuade people from doing something like this in the future.”

The police report showed that campus officers found “F*** Biden” and “Trump 2024” written on the bathroom stall. There were also two “small Swastika symbols” carved along with the n-word.

Officers were then asked by the police chief to search all the bathrooms in the Old Main building for graffiti. One officer found graffiti in “all of the male bathrooms” including the word “fag” and a drawing of a “male penis.” There was also graffiti found in a female bathroom.

“[Officer] Kowal located some more graffiti in the 2nd floor female bathroom, but there was nothing related to hateful images or words,” one campus police officer wrote.


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Federa Forensic Scatologists will be on the case, shortly.

It’s fairly easy to figure out who pulls these pranks. Just consider who profits from the publicity.

Who is getting the most attention from talking about what a horrible, threatening, and racist dastardly deed it was?

Who thrives on sowing racial discord? And look for a person or group who hasn’t been getting enough attention recently.

The one who gets the most attention and profits the most is the likely perpetrator.

    1073 in reply to OldProf2. | July 5, 2023 at 9:13 am

    I agree. Cui Bono, who benefits?
    I’ve said the same thing about:
    Reducing Criminal Sentencing
    Defunding police
    Bail Reform

    Criminals benefit. Which party would a drug lord contribute to?

henrybowman | July 4, 2023 at 2:27 pm

This sounds like the contents of the walls of every public men’s room I used in the ’60s and ’70s. Nobody cared.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to henrybowman. | July 4, 2023 at 6:06 pm

    Stall graffiti in Bldg 511, Cory Field, Florida.

    Wall on left: How to frustrate a Marine: see other wall”..

    Wall on right: How to frustrate a Maribe: see other wall”.

Back at Oberlin in the 70’s there was one guy who got hazed by his friends who went and wrote graffiti about him in the women’s restrooms right before closing. take home message. Don’t mess with clever people.

Rule #1. Follow the money.

Any graffiti from Cortland, NY fire department recruiters
(something about an “above this line” challenge)?

The Gentle Grizzly | July 5, 2023 at 2:51 pm

“We’re not going to speculate about the person’s motive for doing this”

Motives like trouble-making?

Antifundamentalist | July 6, 2023 at 8:06 am

All that is needed is a janitor hired and trained to appropriately handle the situation -sent in daily at closing, armed with a can of paint. Problem solved and the perpetrators get no traction.