DOJ Indicts Man Who Claimed He Gave FBI Info About Biden Family Ties to China
Dr. Gal Luft, a co-director of a Maryland-based think tank, has described the case against him as a “political hit job,” so he won’t be able to testify in front of the House Oversight Committee.

The DOJ indicted Dr. Gal Luft, a dual Israeli-American citizen, for allegedly acting as an unregistered foreign agent, arms trafficking, violating U.S. sanctions Iran, and making false statements to federal agents.
Luft is the co-director of the think tank Institute for the Analysis of Global Security.
Luft’s indictment is huge because he’s the “missing” witness in the Biden corruption case.
From The New York Post:
Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York say Luft, 57, a dual US-Israeli citizen who was arrested in Cyprus this past February and went on the run after being released on bail prior to his extradition, agreed in 2015 to let former Hong Kong official Patrick Ho send $350,000 each year to Luft’s think tank, the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security.
In return, the indictment said, Luft agreed to “recruit and ‘educate’ a former high-ranking US official to “make public statements … which were in the interest of China.”
In return, the indictment said, Luft agreed to “recruit and ‘educate’ a former high-ranking US official to “make public statements … which were in the interest of China.”
The official is not named in the indictment, but details about his work correspond to former CIA Director James Woolsey, who briefly worked for former President Donald Trump’s transition team after the 2016 election.
The New York Post published a 14-minute video of Luft detailing bribery allegations against the Biden family. He said he provided evidence to the government about the family’s ties to China businesses with connections to the CCP:
In the 14-minute recording, obtained exclusively by The Post, the fugitive former Israeli army officer claims he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals with alleged ties to Chinese military intelligence and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with their benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC.
The self-proclaimed fall guy says he provided the incriminating evidence to six officials from the FBI and the Department of Justice in a secret meeting in Brussels in March 2019 — but alleges that it was covered up.
“I, who volunteered to inform the US government about a potential security breach and about compromising information about a man vying to be the next president, am now being hunted by the very same people who I informed — and may have to live on the run for the rest of my life on the run …”
“I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I have no political motive or agenda … I did it out of deep concern that if the Bidens were to come to power, the country would be facing the same traumatic Russia collusion scandal — only this time with China. Sadly, because of the DOJ’s cover-up, this is exactly what happened …”
Luft also accused Hunter Biden of having a mole in the FBI called “One Eye.”
Authorities arrested Luft in Cypress in February but fled after they released him on bail as he awaited extradition.
Luft has described the case against him as a “political hit job,” so he won’t be able to testify in front of the House Oversight Committee.
Luft disappeared right before his scheduled talk with Oversight Chairman James Comer. He said he skipped bail because he didn’t think he would “receive a fair trial in a New York court.”

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This stinks to high heavens. But, remember other than the IRS whistleblowers, people coming forward about the Biden crime family are themselves crooks. This is always the case when gathering inside evidence about a criminal enterprise. Indeed, report on this but don’t put such people on too high a pedestal. That makes it easier for Biden supporters to attack the whole case as a fabrication. This has all the aroma of a mafia Rico case.
Wait. The administration that is giving internationally banned weapons (cluster munitions) to Ukraine and trying to resurrect a deal that will end up with Iran having nuclear weapons is indicting a man for being an arms dealer and violating sanctions on Iran. Did I get that right?
You left out the cherry on top; the US release of Viktor Bout in a prisoner exchange for Brittney Griner. Biden literally traded a legit international gangster with the sobriquet ‘the Merchant of Death’ for a WNBA player who confessed.
To: Idonttweet
This is my favorite comment because you sum it up perfectly. If I had 20 upvotes I would give them to you.
It’s entirely possible that Luft is a Sammy Gravano. That doesn’t mean the Bidens aren’t the Gottis.
How does he know so much about the Bidens?
praetorian guard
It looks as if it takes one to know one.
It is difficult for the average person to find any justice in the justice system particularly when it come to the DOJ. They should change the name to DOP (Dept of Politics).
And Garland’s title should be: Biden’s Right Hand Man.
Garlands title should be “Grand Inquisitor”
Or Director of the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs
What’s wrong with Wingman? It has recent precedence.
Just how did it work out that DOJ managed to indict Luft for FARA, while an American on the board of the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings escapes such a charge completely ?
Please someone dig up Richard Nixon and apologize. He never did anything like what the Bidens, Obamas or Clintons did.
I’m not saying this guy doesn’t have actual dirt on the Bidens (see Hunt’s comment at the top).
But pretty much anyone who is a dual citizen is a suspect foreign agent, in my mind. If you’re not, why not give up your other citizenship? ALWAYS makes me leery.
I look at a foreign dual citizenship the same way I’d look at a SHTF mountain cabin. I sure as hell wouldn’t give it up.
Under the current system sure, it would be dumb to give it up b/c it provides a potential bolt hole in an extreme situation. IMO dual citizenship should be limited to minor children. Then at age 18 they gotta choose to be a US Citizen or a Citizen of whatever else they qualify for. They could do so when they sign up for the selective service, which IMO, everyone should have to do.
Then at age 18 they gotta choose to be a US Citizen or a Citizen of whatever else they qualify for.
That’s how I had to do it when I turned 18. I had to choose, and I chose America.
Say- remember when George Bush’s daughters were earning the rep as boozers / partiers? Yeah- Despite that they were revelling kids, the media and late night comedians had no problem noticing and and reporting on that.
It is the function of the Department of Justice to take vengeance on any “enemy of the State and People” who makes public statements against the Great Leader of our Party, State and Armed Forces. They are just doing their job.
Subotai Bahadur
Using the foreign agent charge is a go-to for the DOJ. Another one… soon to be used as in the USSR, is the psychiatric one of the person being deranged and not allowed to do this or that or own this or that (firearms).
We are the Land of Chiquita banana
The government charges are two-fold.
First, they discourage most people (not this guy, it seems) from talking about something the government doesn’t want them talking about.
Second, they allow the government and the leftist media to ‘ding’ anything he says as untrue.
A third positive for the government is once they get their hands on him, he can be ‘vanished’ into a cell and prevented from talking to the public like most of the J6 defendants. A nice multi-year trial to flatten any financial reserves will follow, ending in Manhattan kangaroo court with a fixed jury and decades in prison as a sentence. Win-win for the government, if we lived in a dictatorship.
Oh, wait.