“you’re seeing the destruction of our standards because we are using so-called equity instead of equality”

I appeared on Fox Business on June 9, 2023, to talk about our civil rights complaint regarding a Missouri State University business boot camp that excluded white males. While MSU changed the program after our challenge, its President nonetheless has asserted that “I still don’t think we did anything wrong.” You can watch the full segment with background information on MSU at “if they think that was not wrong, then who knows what else is going on at Missouri State”.

Part of the conversation was about “equity” and the loss of standards. Fox Business posted that as a separate “short” on its YouTube account. Here is the transcript for that “short” segment:

WAJ: … you’re seeing the destruction of our standards because we are using so-called equity instead of equality. Equality means each person gets judged based on their own merit without regard to race or ethnicity or gender. Equity is racial balancing. It is using the color of someone’s skin to justify giving them favor or disfavor. That’s the opposite of what the American Civil Rights Movement was about. So at Equal Protection Project, we stand side by side with the American Civil Rights movement, which did not do what Missouri State and other colleges are doing now, which is judge people based on the color of their skin.

We are a small organization going up against powerful and wealthy government and private institutions devoted to DEI discrimination. Donations are greatly needed and appreciated.

Tags: College Insurrection, Equal Protection Project, Media Appearance, Missouri, Missouri State University