As we have reported over the past two years, the military is now awash in DEI/CRT/transgender language and policy implementation:
And late last month, we reported that Joe Biden’s nominee to replace Army General Mark A. Miley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is even more “woke” than Milley: Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley’s Replacement Even More Woke, If That is Possible:
Under [Air Force General Charles Q.] Brown, the Air Force has become the most woke of the major service branches.Brown disgraced himself and his uniform during the Black Lives Matter race riots by releasing a video in which he “seemed to barely contain his rage” while ranting “that the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution ‘that I’ve sworn my adult life to support and defend’ have not always delivered ‘liberty and equality’ to all.”
Here is the video General Brown released, if you’d like to watch it again:
General Brown also published, as we noted, a blatantly racist, unconstitutional quota-based personnel promotion document, which would lower limit the number of white officers in the Air Force to 67% and cut white men down to 43%. You can review that personnel document here, if you have the stomach.
Most importantly, none of Brown’s rhetoric nor any of his unconstitutional racial balancing did anything to increase the performance of the Air Force, as he presided during his tenure as Air Force Chief of Staff over tanking recruiting numbers, Military Recruitment Crisis Underway as Biden Admin Continues Emphasis on Wokeness, Vaccine Mandates, and plummeting military readiness:
Gen. Brown and his radical allies who are destroying the Air Force and endangering national security claim that their racist and illegal policy is necessary because “diversity and inclusion” are the “key to the success of any organization”…But if that’s the case then why have Air Force readiness rates continued to drop even as the service became more diverse? Brown’s focus on “diversity and inclusion” has been a disaster.The Air Force has not hit its aircraft readiness rates and the mission critical rates for fighter jets are catastrophic. The F-35A rate fell from 76% to 68% from 2020: the year that the Air Force went woke, endorsed Black Lives Matter and forced racial struggle sessions on its officers.That was also the year that the White House nominated Brown as Chief of Staff.In 2022, the rates fell to an outrageous 54%. That’s barely 1 in 2 available planes. In a major war, rates like these mean we would lose and hundreds of thousands of our people could die.A recent wargame predicted that we could lose 900 planes in a clash with China over Taiwan. . . . Readiness rates like those on Brown’s watch and the loss of the talented pilots he wants to see gone because of the color of their skin and their sex would be the margin between victory and catastrophic defeat.Brown had decided that white male officers should be a minority in the Air Force. Is there any doubt that he would want to see a similar purge of white men across the whole military? With recruitment already an uphill battle, the military cannot afford a woke push to drive away the fighting men who have traditionally given their lives and fought for their country.Nor can it risk putting woke racism ahead of competence and merit.
Now we find out that General Brown’s colleagues are already placing competence and merit below concerns about transgender issues, as Politico recently reported:
Senior Defense Department leaders used an event celebrating Pride Month at the Pentagon on Wednesday to sound the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ community, warning the trend is hurting the armed forces…Space Force Chief Operating Officer Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt, specifically referenced “more than 400 anti-LGBTQ-plus laws that have been introduced at the state level” since January.“That number is rising and demonstrates a trend that could be dangerous for service members, their families and the readiness of the force as a whole,” Burt said during the event. “Transformational cultural change requires leadership from the top, and we do not have time to wait.”…Burt said that when she looks at potential candidates for jobs in the Space Force, she must now factor in whether the position will put their family in harm’s way.“If a good match for a job does not feel safe being themselves and performing at their highest potential at a given location, or if their family could be denied critical health care due to the laws in that state, I am compelled to consider a different candidate and perhaps less-qualified,” she said.
Burt specifically referenced that she places “Squadron Commanders” in positions of authority, and that if they are “LBGTQ+” or have “LGBTQ+” family members, she will put a less-qualified (her words) military member in Command rather than make an LGBTQ+-affiliated service member move to a red state. See for yourself:
So there it is: at last we see that national security is intentionally, with malice-aforethought, being sacrificed on the LGBTQ altar, which apparently is required due to those evil red-staters, undoubtedly Republicans. I mean, after all, Republicans want to protect kids from puberty blockers, hormone treatment, and genital mutilation. The horror.
Burt has, no doubt, a very promising career ahead of her, either up the military food chain, or maybe even somewhere in the Biden Administration. We’ll keep you posted.