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Files Show UC-Berkeley Ranked Faculty Applicants Based on Their Support for DEI Policies

Files Show UC-Berkeley Ranked Faculty Applicants Based on Their Support for DEI Policies

“graded candidates on their espousing specific viewpoints that many academics may disagree with for intellectual or ideological reasons”

Files obtained by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), show that the University of California, Berkeley, ranked faculty applicants based on their support for DEI policies.

This supports the claim by many critics that this is precisely what DEI is intended to do, to act as a filter to keep away those who don’t support these policies.

Professor Jonathan Turley writes:

The Berkeley Files: Faculty Applicants Were Ranked on Their Support for DEI Policies and Practices

After years of resisting demands under the Public Records Act (including alleged violations), UC Berkeley has finally turned over documents to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) on its hiring criteria. The files show that Berkeley has been grading faculty on their commitment to DEI, including viewpoints that should be protected by free speech or academic privileges.

In 2018, Berkeley’s life sciences departments launched an initiative to advance faculty diversity that included requiring candidates to submit statements on their “contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion,” including information about their “understanding of these topics,” “record of activities to date,” and “specific plans and goals for advancing equity and inclusion.”

I have no problem with candidates being asked about diversity values and other university priorities. Indeed, I believe that candidates should be asked about their tolerance for opposing views and commitment to free speech. Diversity, free speech, and other values are important elements for higher education.

However, Berkeley went beyond that inquiry and graded candidates on their espousing specific viewpoints that many academics may disagree with for intellectual or ideological reasons.

The long withheld documents indicate that candidates would be given lower scores if they “discount the importance of diversity.”

FIRE notes the difficulty involved in obtaining these records:

The university expects all new faculty hires to “be committed to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging[.]” During the 2018-19 academic year, Berkeley’s life sciences departments launched an initiative to advance faculty diversity. As part of the initiative, applicants for full-time faculty positions were required to submit statements on their “contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion,” including information about their “understanding of these topics,” “record of activities to date,” and “specific plans and goals for advancing equity and inclusion.”

These statements informed the hiring committee’s first round of review: If applicants’ contributions to DEI did not meet a high standard, they were eliminated from consideration.

FIRE wanted to know more. So in March 2021, we filed a public records request seeking information related to how, exactly, the university was using and evaluating these diversity statements.

And then we waited. And waited. And waited.

Two years later, Berkeley still hadn’t handed over the records.

California’s Public Records Act requires that public agencies make records “promptly available.” Berkeley finally produced the records in May 2023 after FIRE sent a demand letter threatening legal action. It took Berkeley 795 days to comply with its duty under the act. Hardly prompt.

It’s amazing to think today that the free speech movement began at Berkeley.

Things sure have changed.


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E Howard Hunt | June 20, 2023 at 9:12 am

Next you’ll be telling me the Pope is Catholic.

A litmus test for politically-aware sheep. This is the antithesis of higher education.

Ideological purity is necessary for one’s standing in The Party. Today seems like constant reruns of bad old movies.

I am shocked, shocked to find an ideological purity test going at UC Berkeley! /s

If I were applying for a whackademic job these days, I’d assume they were doing that. Most of them do.

I’m willing to bet the DEI scores are an accurate assessment of academic qualifications, *IF* you turn them upside-down, i.e. the applicants with the worst DEI scores are the most qualified to teach.

(Of course there are obvious exceptions to this with professors highly skilled in producing papers that score high on this test, but still have mad traditional teaching skillz. They just know how to BS the BS-ers.)

henrybowman | June 20, 2023 at 1:20 pm

“It’s amazing to think today that the free speech movement began at Berkeley.”

When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.
–Frank Herbert

This is straight out of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Large character
Posters and Self criticism is next.

not_a_lawyer | June 21, 2023 at 2:01 am

The faculty should be in control of the Universities. There should be a board of faculty members that have ultimate control over the administration. What is the function of a university? It is the teaching of the truth. Since when do a bunch of administrators get to determine the course of a university? Only the faculty should be allowed to guide the university, not a bunch of diversity-crazed administrators, who generally have no credentials to determine the truth.

Barring that, if the administration loves DEI so much, they should create a ‘School of DEI’ that is part of the Humanities. They can write papers, award BAs, espouse their philosophy, but in no way should they be able to impose their beliefs on the rest of the faculty or student body that has any material force.


    alohahola in reply to not_a_lawyer. | June 21, 2023 at 8:26 am

    Just like physicians should be in charge of the Hospitals as well as their own private practices–and Healthcare Systems should be obliterated.

    neils in reply to not_a_lawyer. | June 21, 2023 at 9:03 am

    Unfortunately it is not just administrators; much of the faculty also worships at the temple of DEI.

“Diversity, free speech, and other values are important elements for higher education.”

Free speech and other values are important elements for higher education.

If you’ve got free speech, you’ve go diversity. No need to single it out, unless you have an agenda.

BierceAmbrose | June 22, 2023 at 3:46 pm

So, grading on both the real content of the “education” and what the schools find important. Remarkably consistent of them.