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Attorney for IRS Whistleblower Disputes DOJ Denial Of Interference In Prosecution of Hunter Biden

Attorney for IRS Whistleblower Disputes DOJ Denial Of Interference In Prosecution of Hunter Biden

Despite denials from Merrick Garland and US Atty David Weiss, lawyer for whistleblower Gary Shapley writes: “In an October 7, 2022, meeting at the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Attorney David Weiss told six witnesses he did not have authority to charge in other districts and had thus requested special counsel status.” Weiss and the other witnesses should testify.

One of the key allegations by the IRS Whistleblowers is that the Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss was restrained from prosecuting Hunter Biden on felony tax charges, and that he sought but was denied appointment of a special prosecutor.

This restraint was part of the whistleblower claim that Hunter was given preferential treatment, which eventually ended with a planned guilty plea to two misdemeanor tax charges:

The first IRS whistleblower, Shapley, came forward in April when his attorney reached out to GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa to say that his client had information about a “failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition” of what was then an ongoing criminal investigation related to Hunter Biden. In hourslong testimony, Shapley described several roadblocks that he and the several other IRS agents on the case faced when trying to interview individuals relevant to the case or issue search warrants.

Perhaps Shapley’s most striking claim was that Weiss asked the Justice Department in March 2020 to be provided special counsel status in order to bring the tax cases in jurisdictions outside Delaware, including Washington, D.C., and California, but was denied.

An email from Weiss may corroborate the allegation, at least in part:

In a letter to Jim Jordan (pdf.), Weiss denied being restricted:

In a press conference on Friday, June 23, 2023, Attorney General Merrick Garland flatly denied and scoffed at the whistleblower accusation:

Attorney General Merrick Garland pushed back Friday against claims from IRS whistleblowers that the Justice Department interfered with the investigation into Hunter Biden, saying more broadly that attacks on the department’s independence are corrosive.

The Republican-led House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday released a transcript of testimony from Gary Shapley, an IRS official who, among other things, claimed that Garland had denied a request from U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware to be appointed special counsel. That designation would have would have given Weiss the same status as the prosecutor leading the investigation into former President Donald Trump.

Weiss never made such a request, Garland said Friday, and always had full authority to file charges wherever and however he saw fit against President Joe Biden’s son. And Garland added that if Weiss — first appointed U.S. Attorney by Donald Trump — agrees to testify before Congress, the Justice Department will not stand in the way.

“He was given complete authority to make all decisions on his own,” Garland said. “I don’t know how it would be possible for anybody to block him for bringing a prosecution given that he has that authority.”

Yesterday, June 24, 2023, the attorney for Whistleblower Gary Shapley issued a statement challenging Garland’s denial. Attorney Mark Lytle, a former senior DOJ official, issued the following statement:

“In an October 7, 2022, meeting at the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Attorney David Weiss told six witnesses he did not have authority to charge in other districts and had thus requested special counsel status. Those six witnesses include Baltimore FBI Special Agent in Charge Tom Sobocinski and Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ryeshia Holley, IRS Assistant Special Agent in Charge Gary Shapley and Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon, who also independently and contemporaneously corroborated Mr. Shapley’s account in an email, now public as Exhibit 10, following p. 148 of his testimony transcript. Mr. Shapley would have no insight into why Mr. Weiss’s would make these statements at the October 7, 2022 meeting if they were false. That Mr. Weiss made these statements is easily corroborated, and it is up to him and the Justice Department to reconcile the evidence of his October 7, 2022 statements with contrary statements by Mr. Weiss and the Attorney General to Congress.”

Neither Garland nor Lytle have direct personal knowledge. David Weiss does, and so do the people identified in the attorney statement, including Shapley. They should all testify.

But Weiss does not appear to be willing to comply with a House Judiciary Committee subpoena. He should testify, and his emails and other communications should be produced.


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JohnSmith100 | June 25, 2023 at 9:18 pm

The only way the Republic survives this is if lots heads roll.

    That’s no exaggeration.

    This Garland bastard is a very sinister figure. And he’s a corrupt as the rest of the democrat and GOPe politicians getting rich while killing our country.

    AG Garland’s son-in-law’s education company supports critical race theory:

      And never forget the GOPe’s involvement in the horror coming to our nation:

      Stop Mitch McConnell & Elaine Chao’s corruption:

        Odd how no-one talks about Chao although they are not the only ones from both sides of the aisle involved in massive money scams

          Edward in reply to diver64. | June 26, 2023 at 7:06 am

          While I think no American should be doing business with the CCP dominated companies, I’d point out that Chao’s (IIRC her father’s) company actually has a legitimate business and provides shipping services for pay.

          Contrast that to the twenty (20) Limited Liability Corporations (LLC) set up by Biden family members, apparently including grandchildren. Fifteen (15) of these LLCs were set up while Biden was VP. These corporations, and individuals, have rendered no obvious services for the collected millions which have been paid. Further these individuals have no skills or special capabilities which would justify such payments. Payments made by the foreign entities were initially made to one LLC and then broken down and distributed to other LLCs, a classic effort often undertaken to make the source of the money less obvious.

          I don’t like defending The Turtle (or his wife), but one operating a legitimate business* and one having no obvious business is a huge difference between the two.

          * I can speculate that the shipping business might not have had the contracts with PRC companies without the political connection, but there is no proof that other lower (or even any other) bidders, were passed over in favor of the Chao run company.

          bhwms in reply to diver64. | June 26, 2023 at 11:19 am

          I don’t know if the McConnell’s are involved in Biden-style corruption, but I do know that Senator McConnell stood in the way of many Trump initiatives, and worked with Democrats to pass the Omni-Scam last December. He was oddly mostly silent on the Debt Ceiling impasse.

          The guy is a fossil who should have been out of the senate a decade ago.

          CommoChief in reply to diver64. | June 26, 2023 at 12:11 pm

          Lots of things are imported from China and all of them are tainted by the CCP. Apple and Nike are two name brands. Pharmaceutical products and precursor chemicals. Basic things like aspirin and antibiotics. Much of our apparel. Too numerous to name them all.

          Until individual consumers push back and stop buying things with inputs from CCP then it won’t change. I don’t see much chance of success in getting folks to abandon the lure of cheap/cheaper consumer goods made possible by doing business with the CCP.

    Peabody in reply to JohnSmith100. | June 26, 2023 at 1:03 pm

    Any time DOJ finds somebody about to blow a whistle they cut out their lungs.

Is Vegas running a book on whether Weiss testifies? I suspect he won’t voluntarily do so and when/if there he will be highly adversarial and like others before him inflicted with sudden onset memory loss.

The HoR has to call all the witnesses and Weiss as well as any/all communication from Weiss to main Justice, WH or others re anything to do with any elements of the investigation of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden actual or potential crimes and any decision or input from anyone other than Weiss.

Throughout my tenure as U.S. Attorney my decisions have been made– and with respect to the matter must be made– without reference to political considerations.

This does not fool those versed in bureaucratese. It is true that deciding to obey your boss is not, technically, a “political consideration”. It doesn’t change the underlying facts if you’re just the triggerman obeying orders, it’s still murder, so to speak.

    bhwms in reply to randian. | June 26, 2023 at 11:20 am

    I was thinking the same thing. He said “my decisions.” The things that are alleged apparently weren’t “his decisions.”

It’s now being reported that the IRS investigators determined that Hunter had clearly violated the law in filing his 2014 and 2015 tax returns, by reporting moneys paid him by Bursisma as loans (so no taxes owed) rather than income, that they believe the IRS had collected 100% of the evidence needed to charge him, but that the US Attorney sat on the matter until the statute of limitations expired.

I hate to be cynical but So? I’m old enough to remember being told nothing could be done about DC unless the Republicans had the House. We voted them in. Then we were told Republicans needed control of the Senate to get something done. We voted them in. Then we were told nothing could move forward unless a Republican was voted in. We did that and still nothing got done.
If I am cynical it’s because DC Hacks made me so and now my faith in the DOJ has been destroyed. What next?

E Howard Hunt | June 26, 2023 at 6:39 am

Before this is over, shades of Clinton will utter, “it depends on what the meaning of request is.”

E Howard Hunt | June 26, 2023 at 7:55 am

Here’s some inside information for you. It is very hard to get fired from a government job, and the IRS is no exception. But it is made clear to new IRS agents in their first week of employment that one negligent act in their duties can get them fired or severely reprimanded- allowing the statute of limitations on a case to expire. Agents request, as a matter of course, that the taxpayer execute an extension of the statute a few months before expiration. If the taxpayer doesn’t comply, a deficiency notice, based on a reasonable estimate of the questioned audit items, is issued to protect the statute. The only way a statute is missed is if a lazy agent with a large caseload is unaware of it. Allowing the statute to expire on a tax return under active investigation is unheard of! It is pure corruption of the highest order.

“Tis good to be wannabe dictator….

Steven Brizel | June 26, 2023 at 8:42 am

This is a coverup and obstruction of justice that dwarfs Watergate in scope

    It certainly is. Things have certainly escalated since Watergate. We then had 18 minutes of missing tape. Now we have 33,000 missing emails and now this. Maybe Weiss had a cat like Kathleen Willey did.

“He was given complete authority to make all decisions on his own,” Garland said.

In writing? Then by all means, break out that document and show it to us. In fact, why haven’t you already done so?

“Complete authority?” Could he fire you? Than he didn’t have complete authority.

Yet another whistleblower …

An FBI whistleblower has revealed to Congress that Deputy Director Paul Abbate threatened to fire agents and other bureau employees who said there were disparities in the responses to the U.S. Capitol riot in 2021 and the George Floyd riots in 2020.

In an affidavit delivered to Congress, the unnamed FBI worker said Mr. Abbate made the threats during a secured video teleconference with the special agents in charge of the bureau’s 56 field offices. Mr. Abbate told these supervisors that some agents were questioning the massive investigative response to pro-Trump demonstrators storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

“Abbate told the audience that anyone who questions the FBI’s response or his decisions regarding the response to Jan. 6 did not belong in the FBI and should find a different job — or something to that effect,” according to the affidavit.

So how did Hunter Biden’s Burisma tax evasion scheme actually work? IRS whistleblower explains: Ukrainians gave Hunter money. Hunter then gave it to Chinese company. Chinese company then ‘loaned’ the money to Hunter. Bingo! No income to tax! Justice Department believed Biden’s defense that the money was a loan. None of it was taxed. … So none of this has been paid or prosecuted.

By Fred Lucas; September 30, 2020
“Former FBI Director James Comey took questions from a Senate committee for almost four hours Wednesday, but had the same answers for many of them.
Comey, who President Donald Trump fired in May 2017, fielded questions remotely by video link primarily about the FBI’s Russia-Trump investigation, code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” before the Justice Department named a special counsel to take up the matter.
Throughout the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, in which he gave sworn testimony, Comey repeatedly offered the responses “I don’t know,” “I know nothing about … ,” “I don’t recall,” “I don’t remember,” “I only know what is in the public record,” “I can’t answer that,” and “That doesn’t ring a bell.”
Comey also said, “I don’t know anything about the facts that have recently been revealed about the subsource.”
In another often-repeated variation, Comey frequently responded to senators by questioning their questions, saying, “I don’t agree with your characterization,” “I don’t agree with your preamble,” or “I don’t agree with your predicate.”

These creeps are really good at memory loss.