Pro-Life Display Vandalized at the University of Buffalo
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Pro-Life Display Vandalized at the University of Buffalo

Pro-Life Display Vandalized at the University of Buffalo

“As the leftist student stormed away from the scene, he shouted that the YAF students should ‘go f–ing die.’”

This seems to happen several times a year at various schools. The pro-abortion crowd hates pro-life messaging.

From the YAF blog:

Pro-Life Display at UB Vandalized: Leftist Student Conceals Eye-Opening Abortion Statistic

Yesterday, a pro-life display at the University at Buffalo, created by the Young Americans for Freedom chapter, became the center of attention when it was vandalized by an irate leftist student.

Since 2017, the University at Buffalo has allowed students and staff to paint a bull statue (representing the school mascot) outside of the Student Center as part of an art installation. This initiative aims to encourage creativity and free expression within the campus community, according to a press release announcing the project years ago.

In order to avoid potential chaos, specific guidelines were established to maintain order and respect among participating student organizations. These guidelines stipulated that the bull could only be painted by one organization at a time and that all painting must occur between dusk and dawn.

In violation of the established guidelines, a pro-abortion individual approached the bull statue during daylight hours with a bucket of red paint. He proceeded to pour the paint over the bull, effectively covering a pro-life message that read “PRO-LIFE IS PRO-WOMAN” and a statistic intended to raise awareness about the tragic loss of over 600,000 babies’ lives on an annual basis.

YAF chapter members, who were standing guard after multiple previous incidents of vandalism, caught the incident on camera.

As the leftist student stormed away from the scene, he shouted that the YAF students should “go f–ing die.”

This particular student has an extensive history of harassing the YAFers at UB – one time this past semester, he went so far as to break into a restricted building in an attempt to disrupt one of the chapter’s events.


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Thad Jarvis | May 16, 2023 at 2:37 pm

For f sake, YAF students, this person has a habit of doing this because there are never any repercussions. Surround this maladjusted d-head and beat the ever living sh*t out of him.