Non-Binary Sam Brinton Will be Held in Men’s Jail Over More Luggage Theft Charges
“…the classification of an arrestee/inmate will depend on whether the arrestee/inmate has male or female genitalia…”

Former Energy official Sam Brinton will be housed in the men’s jail as he waits to be sent to Virginia to face another luggage theft accusation:
A Montgomery County Sheriff’s deputy told The Post Tuesday that Brinton is in a “pre-placement” hold at the county jail and should be housed with the “general population” of the men’s jail sometime next week.
Under the Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation policy, inmates are processed and housed according to their biological sex.
The policy states: “Although MCDOCR does not consider anatomical changes brought about by hormonal therapy to be changes that constitute a change of anatomical sex, the classification of an arrestee/inmate will depend on whether the arrestee/inmate has male or female genitalia, whether they present a management or security problem, and whether their health and safety can be ensured.
“Once an inmate is classified, they will be given a housing assignment based on that classification.”
Police arrested Brinton at his Maryland home “as a fugitive from justice.”
Brinton faces charges of Grand Larceny for allegedly stealing Tanzanian fashion designer Asya Khamsin’s luggage at Ronald Reagan National Airport.
In April, Brinton pleaded no contest to stealing luggage at the Las Vegas airport in July 2022.
Brinton also faced luggage theft charges in Minnesota. He entered an “adult diversion program” where he “must have a mental health evaluation, must write a letter of apology to the victim, return any stolen property, and complete three days of community service.”

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Well, there is the old Solomon “cut the baby in half” solution…..
I trust the inmates will give him a warm welcome.
For a straight man that phrase “A warm welcome”, would be terrifying, but to this thing, it will be like a sex holiday!
Especially if he ends up in gen pop.
Maybe he should be held in a facility for luggage handlers. He has probably handled more women’s luggage than a 20 year airport terminal worker.
Or in a facility for dogs. He has probably sniffed more luggage than a airport beagle.
He’s certainly worn more leashes.
Most likely the boys in the big house will use Sam for luggage…….
Flashing back to the old American Tourister ads with the gorilla…
Is the inmate an Innie or an Outie?
Just think, this creature and the unimaginably ugly ex-admiral represented the USA in France for their celebration of Bastille Day. Imagine what the French people thought of this gesture by our sick POTUS. Thank you dementia Joe!
Hopefully, there’ll be fewer designer dresses in the men’s jail.
I bet he can rock a smock.
That close to ‘the District’, there likely will be almost as many.
We joke about it but rape and violence in the prisons and jails should be prevented.
Many on the outside think it’s not just funny but think it should go on.
All I ask of them is to step back and think about it. Some cop can busy you for some chicken-shit charge, and you get tossed into county or something.
Do you deserve to be raped because your dan and night weekly pill sorter had a “controlled substance” pill in it but you didn’t have the bottle with you to prove it’s yours.
Essentially, that would probably entail putting everybody in solitary, which would be met by lawsuits by the thousands by the lawyers representing the predators.
Or just, ya know, execute people who are violently aggressive in prison. They are irredeemable at that point.
There you go, using your brain, again. Common sense never prevails in this country.
I don’t see a lot of people worrying about it when it comes to our J6ers. I’m certainly not going to worry about somebody who may actually enjoy it. Those particular consequences of imprisonment are wrong, but when it’s one of the very few consequences falling evenly on the left as well as the right, my sense of fairness is slightly mollified.
Has he returned his purloined gladstones?
I only half-jest, but, maybe it’s time to impose the death penalty upon recidivist, sociopath, pathologically narcissistic, luggage-stealing trannies. The deterrent effect would be undeniable.
He is a thief. Now a potential felon. No more no less. What this really shows is that the Xiden administration is beyond stupid in their choices for important positions within the federal bureaucracy. Just choosing this nut job should be more than enough to impeach the president or the head of the Department of Energy Granholm. FJB
That’s what happens when the vetting process not only doesn’t eliminate people like him, but actually selects them.
They chose him because he wears lipstick on his beard and therefore checks some idiotic intersectionality box. The Biden* administration is WAY beyond incompetent… they’re actively pushing the Cloward/Piven pedal to the metal.
“pedal to the metal” and the trannie is about to blow. These things practically write themselves.
Little did I suspect that when I talked about changing the tranny fluid in my Plymouth the meaning would be so different in the 2020s.
He’ll be sent to Club Fed and pampered.
I don’t think so, as he’s being prosecuted by three states, not the feds.
The maladministration of Zhou Baideng (周拜邓–Joe who worships Deng [Xiaoping of 6/4 infamy]) is a dumpster fire; worse than that of Obama, who had the redeeming quality of being too lazy to implement all his dreams from Frank Marshall Davis.
ONLY because Barrie stayed skyed-up all the time, and preferred playing with his PS4 to inflicting actual destruction on America.
He is about to be introduced to another type of luggage, the prison wallet.
If h hasn’t already burned a hole in it.
What has happened to Milstein?
Was wondering about that, too…
“They” is a nuclear engineer that will not fair well in the general population of prison. Hard to believe that this guy was in charge of nuclear waste disposal.
Well, there goes the best part of the Biden regime.
The FBI used to do a thorough background check on potential appointees. Did the Biden administration stop this? Did the FBI totally miss his kleptomania? Or did Biden(‘s caretakers) not care?