Latest Tucker Leak: “If you’ve got pronouns in your Twitter bio, you shouldn’t work here because we can’t trust you because you’re on the other side”

Tucker Carlson Media Matters

The leaks of off-air commentary by Tucker Carlson on his show set continues, with Media Matters dropping the latest clip. As noted before, if these are intending do make Tucker look bad, they are failing.

It’s unclear who Tucker is talking about in the latest leak video, or what it regards, but it has to do with some person or persons being untrustworthy. The Twitter account of the Media Matters functionary used to distribute the leaks asserts: “Unclear precisely what spurred the conversation though it appears to be some sort of leak.”

Money line from the latest: “If you’ve got pronouns in your Twitter bio, you shouldn’t work here because we can’t trust you because you’re on the other side.”

Partial transcript via Media Matters:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): I did. I talked to her at great length. It was actually pretty funny. I said, you know —(PAUSE)Oh, I said, she tried to get — I was like, she’s got a lot of liberals working over there. And, you know, they see this as war and we’re the main force on the other side. And like, that’s crazy. If you’ve got pronouns in your Twitter bio, you shouldn’t work here because we can’t trust you because you’re on the other side.And she goes, “Well, who?” And I said, I’m not going to name names because I don’t know who did it. And I’m definitely not going to cast aspersions on someone unfairly. Just because you’re liberal doesn’t mean you did this. It does mean you shouldn’t work here. And Roger would never put up with this shit. Why would you do that?Did you know what I mean? They see this as war….CARLSON: But do you know what I mean, Justin? If you’ve got like that, that horrible guy who was just horrible, who was Judge Jeanine [Pirro]’s guy. I couldn’t. Yeah, that guy’s like a screaming left-wing lunatic. Why does he work here? What? He totally dicked over his anchor, and then we expect he’s not going to dick over the network. Like, I don’t have specific information on it, but I would. It’s just. Yeah, it’s crazy. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It’s like I’m always telling people. I’m telling my children like, you know what the truth is? You can feel it. Don’t lie to yourself.

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Tags: Fox News, Media Matters, Tucker Carlson