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Judge Clears Trans Woman of Flashing Penis at Women Because Defendant is Too Fat to Show Genitals

Judge Clears Trans Woman of Flashing Penis at Women Because Defendant is Too Fat to Show Genitals

Judge David McNamee cleared a biological man who identifies as a woman for indecent exposure because he is too fat to have his genitals exposed.

The ruling only hit major outlets on Sunday. It quietly went through Ohio a week ago:

In a decision filed Friday evening, McNamee said there was “little dispute as to the facts of the case.” He noted that the Executive Director of the Fairborn YMCA, Jacqueline Brockman, testified that Glines was authorized by herself and other employees to use the women’s locker room at all Greater Dayton area YMCA facilities, including the Xenia location.

“There is no question that [Glines] was in the women’s locker room. However, [Glines] was not charged with trespass, nor was [Glines] charged with being in an area of the YMCA where [Glines] was not supposed to be. Quiet [sic] simply, the facts do not exist to support a find of guilt, as charges,” McNamee wrote.

In a statement release Monday, Glines’ attorneys said the facts and law were on Glines’ side “from the beginning.”

“It’s unfortunate not only for her, but for the entire community, that the filing of these charges ever occurred. We are grateful that the rule of law and the truth prevailed so that Ms. Glines and the community can move on in peace,” Lauren Dever and Keara Dever, attorneys for Glines, said in a statement.

There have been three complaints against Glines since 2021. In one complaint, a woman said three juvenile females were there during the incident.

A woman said a worker told her that it was okay because the guy was actually a woman and she “shouldn’t have been disturbed.”

One YMCA employee said she got a restraining order against Glines after he assaulted her:

Kateisha Young told Reduxx that Glines grabbed her genitals after they had gone out to coffee.

Young claims that following the assault Glines started attending her place of work, knowing when she would be working.

She added that she is concerned that she will be forced to find other work once her protection order against Glines runs out in 2024.


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E Howard Hunt | May 8, 2023 at 11:13 am

Who knew? Sometimes trans fat can be protective.

How dare they call a tranny “fat”?
Isn’t that degrading?

“A judge ruled that a transgender woman could not have indecently exposed her penis….”

The Grammar Check function on their computer probably smoked the hard drive trying to decipher that one.

Judge need to lose its job

ya know- the YMCA has had a lot of problems with locker room theft.

Just saying.

But he could see theirs judge. Maybe conversion surgery if caught doing it again would solve the issue.

When institutions hijacked by lefty wokiesta weirdos refuse common sense and impose policies that harm stop giving them your support. Don’t send them money, don’t support their organization. Instead ID their allies and donors and boycott their ass as well. Local Church holds a bake sale at the YMCA? Depart the congregation. Same Church offers services to an orphanage? Tough cookies, boycott the orphanage. The orphanage needs a zoning variance? Show up to speak in opposition, organize to fund legal action to prevent it.

That’s the only way to make clear to intolerant lefty wokiesta bullies that we will be just as politically ruthless and just as prepared to go all in to maintain our cultural norms as they are in seeking to undermine them. Sucks b/c there will be collateral damage, like the orphans in this example. Casualties occur in war and a cultural war is no different in this respect.

We can’t allow them to use our decency to restrain us from vigorous and ruthless opposition. We tried that and got our ass whipped repeatedly as the leftists long march through our institutions clearly shows.

UnCivilServant | May 8, 2023 at 12:21 pm

Was this argument merely accepted at face value, or did the judge require documentary evidence of this degree of obesity?

SeymourButz | May 8, 2023 at 12:27 pm

Trans AND fat? So brave

Fat_Freddys_Cat | May 8, 2023 at 12:32 pm

So this judge is an honest-to-goodness judge? Went to law school and everything? Well…I guess a law degree isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

Would that argument against a charge of indecent exposure be accepted if the same thing happened if a fat man who did not suffer transdelusion did what this sickbusturd did? I have a feeling , nope.

I really hate to be crude but here goes. Is the judge aware that the penis sort of, kind of, has this mechanism where it is not always the same size? I know biology that reminds us of sex differences is out of favor these days but I am just so hidebound I had to ask. Even when at rest it is difficult not to know that a naked man’s penis is located between his legs and if there is nothing covering his bottom half YOU WILL PROBABLY SEE A PENIS. Fat stomach or no fat stomach. There is a reason naked men are nervous around cats.

All speculation aside we know there was at least one dick in the courtroom. The Judge.

    JR in reply to JRaeL. | May 8, 2023 at 1:31 pm

    The real villain here is not the Judge, but the executive director of the YMCA. — “Executive Director of the Fairborn YMCA, Jacqueline Brockman, testified that Glines was authorized by herself and other employees to use the women’s locker room at all Greater Dayton area YMCA facilities, including the Xenia.”

      henrybowman in reply to JR. | May 8, 2023 at 2:20 pm

      Well, we know from lots of other such reports that the Ys are proudly in the forefront of gender-bending policy. As a kid, I used to enjoy using their pool and trampoline (this was before trampolines came with seatbelts, airbags, and bubblewrap). Now I wouldn’t let my grandkid go in to use the water fountain.

      Strelnikov in reply to JR. | May 8, 2023 at 3:21 pm

      No surprise there, as the YMCA has long been a haven for gay men to meet and do whatever it is they do.

      I think there might even be a song about that…

      Gosport in reply to JR. | May 8, 2023 at 7:48 pm

      Combine that with the fact that a female YMCA employee had a restraining order of some sort against Glines (following his physically assaulting her) and that Glines apparently continued to stalk her at work, with the Executive Director’s explicit authorization for him to be there.

      That sounds like lawsuit material.

There are penises everywhere in Italy. I don’t know how women cope.

It’s a lever to complain about something else. That’s easily fixed by having a penis locker room and a vagina locker room, rather than men’s and women’s.

nordic prince | May 8, 2023 at 1:44 pm

If you have a dick, you don’t belong in a women’s locker room. The only exception is boys under the age of five.

This isn’t rocket science.

henrybowman | May 8, 2023 at 2:15 pm

I’m positive there is an old joke about a flasher or a rapist who was hauled into court, ended up having to show his tackle to the judge, and got acquitted on “insufficient evidence.”

Comedians say that comedy is often just tragedy plus time.
Democrat policy is almost always just comedy plus time.

    E Howard Hunt in reply to henrybowman. | May 8, 2023 at 5:55 pm

    Don’t forget the senile, old attempted rapist who was charged with assault with a dead weapon.

    markm in reply to henrybowman. | May 11, 2023 at 11:10 pm

    There was an old joke that rape charges against the silent movie actor Fatty Arbuckle were dismissed on the grounds of physical impossibility.

Women need to arm themselves and give these obnoxious, misogynstic and threatening male tranny narcissist-pervs the lead sandwiches they so richly deserve.

NavyMustang | May 8, 2023 at 2:46 pm

I guess this guy has what the Germans call “Spiegel Eier” (Mirror Eggs). That means you are so fat that you need a mirror to see your “eggs” (and other “accoutrements”). HA!

a good dose of pepper spray in the groin
will do wonders … had a female correctional office do that to a convict who
showed her his junk.
you could hear his screams all over the compound ….

Strelnikov | May 8, 2023 at 3:17 pm

Good illustration of what happens when a self-righteous judge decides to be “cute”. This is an invitation to this pervert to walk around, anywhere, completely naked.


McNamee said: ‘There is no question that Glines was in the women’s locker room. However, Glines was not charged with trespass, nor was Glines charged with being in an area of the YMCA where Glines was not supposed to be.

“Quiet simply, the facts do not exist to support a find of guilt, as charges. Glines’ genitalia was not visible as a result of other portions of her body covering same.”

To what extent did this judge take evidence on this issue?
In any event, defendant Darren Glines, who would otherwise not see an unclothed female live and in person, has worked out quite a scheme.

That may actually be worse:

Sexual Harassment and You

inspectorudy | May 8, 2023 at 5:20 pm

The thing that prevents a fat man’s penis from showing is called a panis. That is the large fold of skin that hangs down and covers his willie. In the future, he can strip off his clothes and expose his panis with no fear of being arrested for showing his penis. Just one vowel can make things legal.

Can we stop giving the wacko left a victory? Don’t call them “transwomen”. Call them “men posing as women”.

    DSHornet in reply to Eric R.. | May 9, 2023 at 9:52 am

    Use quotation marks. Call them trans”women.” Say “men” posing as women. Pronouns should be “her” or “hers.” It’ll relieve confusion.

I’m so old I remember what YMCA is an acronym for.

The judge is too woke to competently serve as a jurist. However, the YMCA created the problem by allowing men to use the female locker rooms. Sounds like the Woke-Y isn’t safe for children or women. Why do people stand for this?

A point many commenters seem to miss is that the judge had to rule in accordance with Ohio law as it’s written, not as he wishes it was written. If he hadn’t done that, at least two things would have happened: He would have been vocally called out by the leftie loons and would likely have been reversed on appeal.

None of like this but it is what it is.

Gotta say that he has one great lawyer to through that defense against the wall and make it stick

ScottTheEngineer | May 9, 2023 at 1:42 pm

It’s YMCA why are women there at all?