Durham Report proves “what a destructive, vicious, damaging person Hillary Clinton is to our political process”

I appeared this morning onThe Tony Katz Show to talk about the findings in the Durham Report that was released yesterday:

John Durham is done with his report on the origins of the Mueller investigation into President Trump and so-called connections to Russia.What did we learn? Well, we learned what we already knew! the FBI did not follow procedure. The Clinton campaign invented the whole thing. The Mainstream Media can not be trusted, and acts as an arm of the Democratic Party.The report is just proof of how ugly our “leaders” treat us, the citizens. When will it stop? How do we stop it? Cornell Law Professor William Jacobson explains the legal and political ramifications.

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Partial Transcript (auto-generated, may contain transcription errors; emphasis added)

Katz (01:29): Let me bring in William Jacobson, Cornell Law Professor and the mind behind legalinsurrection.com. This is from your site today, special counsel John Durham’s final report showed everyone what we already knew. There was no collusion between Trump and Russia in 2016, or ever. You read this report throughout the night, burning the Midnight Oil. William, what did it tell you?

WAJ (02:12): Well, there are a couple of very big takeaways and one of the biggest takeaways is what a destructive, vicious, damaging person Hillary Clinton is to our political process. This Russia collusion thing didn’t only damage Trump. He won the 2016 election anyway, despite this, think how big a victory he might have had without it. But it really froze and paralyzed the country politically for over four years. The damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign did was so tremendous to this nation. I think that to some extent, while it’s being highlighted by a lot of the news coverage, they’re not really doing it personal to Hillary and it to be, she really is possibly the most destructive politician we’ve certainly had in this century, in recent memory. The manipulation that she perpetrated here is so horrible, not for what it did to Donald Trump, that’s bad enough, but what it did to our nation. We’re at each other’s throats because of what Hillary Clinton did. And she needs to be roundly condemned, and she’s not getting a fraction of the criticism that she deserves ….

Katz (03:28):

Let’s take two steps back, sir, because you bring up a point that I think is incredibly important regardless of politics. Look at what these last four years have done to the nation, have done to us. This was perpetrated upon us. Trump will take it, of course, personally, and he’s not wrong to do so, but it would be out of control, it would be an obscene thought almost to think that we aren’t the victims of this. But as you are discussing, and I’d like for you to break it down, and you do so over at legalinsurrection.com, your site, this entire conversation about Trump and the Russians comes from a Hillary Clinton and Clinton campaign fever dream that, Hey, how can we put this together based on the report? How did they put that together?

WAJ (04:16):

… It was made up, it was fabricated. It was not even based on any real sourcing in the so-called Steele Dossier. And it was completely concocted by Hillary Clinton paid operatives. That’s how it happened. So that’s my first takeaway. The second takeaway is what you’ve pointed out, FBI and the federal government played a supportive role in this. Remember that the FBI, according to the Durham Report, knew that this was a hoax, knew that there was no evidence to support it, but allowed it to percolate. And then they briefed the senior Obama administration officials about this. The report seems to indicate including Obama, although it’s a little unclear from the report, at least that I remember, whether it was face-to-face with him or through others to him, but clearly he was aware of it, and so was his whole administration.

And they allowed this to happen. And they said nothing. They allowed people to report that they’re investigating and said nothing. They were co-conspirators here. The Obama administration was fully on board with this, because if they weren’t fully on board with it, they would’ve said something, that there’s nothing there. And then you see James Comey and the others then using these Russia allegations in the Steele Dossier to try to set up Trump. Remember the then Director of the FBI went to the White House a day or two after Trump took office to meet with him, to set him up to give CNN an excuse to run the dossier.

So this was really a fraud perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign with the cooperation of the Department of Justice and the FBI.  So let that’s take away number two. The federal government colluded here to interfere in an election and then to paralyze a president over things they knew had no basis. So that’s takeaway number two.


Katz (07:09): …. Is this just another one of those things of, yeah, that happened. It’s horrible. Oh, well, what can you do?

WAJ (07:41): I’m not sure there’s anything that legally can be done. And I think that Jonathan Turley points out what to me is takeaway number three is the media. The media so hated Trump that they interfered in our election. They manipulated our political process and they did it as a group with only a handful of exceptions. And those handful of exceptions were demonized and ostracized and deplatformed. So you have Hillary Clinton, you have the federal government, and you have the mainstream corporate media, completely manipulating our process. And I think you put those three things together, that’s the most depressing side, which is that what the Russia collusion hoax has exposed is a deep corruption in our political process. One that really shattered a lot of people’s faith in the political process. And that really, I think is why you have the toxic politics that we have….

So I think the damage that’s been done is long lasting it tears at the fabric of our society. And it was caused by Hillary Clinton, the federal government and the mainstream corporate media all acting in unison….

Tags: 2016 presidential election, DOJ, FBI, Hillary Clinton, John Durham, Media Appearance, Media Bias, Trump Derangement Syndrome