Dept. of Energy Going After Dishwashers With New ‘Efficiency Rules’

The Department of Energy quietly announced new dishwasher efficiency rules to save us money.

The standard for maximum per-cycle water consumption (gal/cycle) now is 5. Many newer dishwashers are 3.5. But the DoE wants to make it 3.3.

“This Administration is using all of the tools at our disposal to save Americans money while promoting innovations that will reduce carbon pollution and combat the climate crisis,” stated Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “With today’s announcements, DOE is making rapid progress to strengthen outdated energy efficiency standards—as directed by Congress and in coordination with our industry partners and stakeholders—and support healthier, safer communities for the American people.”

The Energy Department claims:

If adopted within DOE’s proposed timeframe, the new rule for dishwashers will come into effect in 2027. DOE expects the new rule to save consumers nearly $3 billion in utility bill savings over the ensuing 30 years of shipments and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 12.5 million metric tons—an amount roughly equivalent to the combined annual emissions of 1.6 million homes. DOE also expects the new rule to save 240 billion gallons of water, which is equivalent to the water in 360,000 Olympic-sized pools.

Okay, you know what I have noticed since I remodeled my house? New faucets are “efficient.” It’s taking me twice as long to rinse dishes and pans. I’m using the same amount of water I did before! The new toilets are “efficient.” I have to flush twice at times! Those aren’t courtesy flushes, either.

New York has already banned natural gas stoves. California wants to ban everything except electricity.

Manufacturers and customers lashed out at the DoE for new energy standards for wash machines. Like my faucets and toilets, it would require less water, which could lead to stinky and unclean clothes. That means you have to wash them over again. You’re using the same amount of water as before, maybe even more detergent!

Window air conditioners! The DoE wants to change energy standards on window air conditioners, used primarily by the poor, minorities, and the elderly.

Granholm also supports requiring the military to adopt all-electric vehicles by 2030. No wonder we screw up in Afghanistan and Sudan. The Department of Defense is spending much time on the climate rather than helping Americans.

Make it stop. Please. Just stop it.

Tags: Biden Energy Policy, Environment