Colorado College Students Boo and Turn Their Backs on Commencement Speaker Liz Cheney
“Why listen to a racist, imperialist, transphobic, war monger?? Your hate is loud.”

Liz Cheney has apparently outlived her usefulness for the left. While giving the commencement address at Colorado College, some students booed and turned their backs on the former congresswoman.
She tried to use her hatred of Trump to her advantage, but that song and dance has grown stale.
The Daily Mail reported:
Graduates boo and turn their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivers commencement address at liberal Colorado College – despite her blasting Trump’s election-denying attorney
Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College on Sunday.
Cheney repeated her fierce criticisms of former President Trump but steered clear of talking about his 2024 reelection campaign or her own political future.
The Wyoming Republican blasted her House Republican colleagues for not doing enough to combat Trump’s lies that the 2020 election was stolen.
Cheney implored the new college graduates to not compromise when it comes to the truth and blasted one of the election-denying attorneys who worked for Trump after the election for allegedly telling a gathering of Republicans that ‘it is crucially important to make sure that college students don’t vote.’
While many students and parents in the audience applauded throughout Cheney’s remarks, some opposing the choice of Cheney as speaker booed and turned their chairs away from the stage when she spoke.
One graduate’s message to Cheney was splashed on her cap. It read: ‘Why listen to a racist, imperialist, transphobic, war monger?? Your hate is loud.’
Graduates boo and turn their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivers commencement address at her alma mater Colorado College, a liberal arts school she graduated from in 1988
— Patricia Dickson (@Patrici15767099) May 29, 2023
Graduates boo and turn their chairs away from Liz Cheney as she delivers commencement address at liberal Colorado College. One graduate's message on her cap reads: 'Why listen to a racist, imperialist, transphobic, war monger?? Your hate is loud'
— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) May 29, 2023
Yes! Our young people have good sense.
Liz Cheney is dreadful and anti-American.
Why do these Woke Universities continue to subject their graduates to the worst-of-the-worst?
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) May 29, 2023
Bonchie of RedState notes that this is the way of the left:
There’s no doubt Cheney was trying to hit all the right notes, especially given the audience she was facing. According to reports, she talked about January 6th, lambasted Republicans for a supposed lack of courage, and went after Donald Trump. In other words, she played the hits that have gotten her so much attention over the last several years. And still, Cheney ran into hostility, with students turning their chairs around and wearing messages proclaiming her a “racist, Imperlist, transphobic, warmonger.”
What’s that tell you? It tells you that you can never be radical enough for the far left. There is no level to which a Republican can stoop in trying to please the left wing where they will leave you alone, much less respect you. They will still hate you and try to destroy you.
Remember when some people actually speculated that Liz Cheney could run for president?
It’s even funnier now than it was then.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Ha. What a tool. I doubt she learned a lesson. Maybe next year they can have Adam Kinzinger give the graduation address.
Little Adam Ant will need a 3-step stool to see over the podium 😉
She is past her sell by date so she can be treated like a Republican once more.
Students: “Booooo!”
Cheney: “WAAAGH! I want privacy! I want privacy!”
Pelosi’s poodle or Liz “Capitol Hill fire” Cheney?
racist, imperialist, transphobic, war monger
Diversity, Democratic [Transnational] Socialists, trans/homosexuals and albinophobia (i.e. Rainbow symbols and rhetoric), Obama/Biden’s World War [ethnic] Spring series or wars without borders. Human rites, too. #HateLovesAbortion
Slavery, Abortion, Diversity (SAD)
It’s a lesson that many Republicans never manage to learn: doing the Left’s bidding isn’t going to mean they’ll start respecting you. They’ll still hate you and tell you so very loudly.
Graduates boo and turn their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivers commencement address
They should have thrown rotten tomatoes at her.
And Cheney really deserves much, much worse, having been part of an attempted coup and insurrection along with the deranged enemies of humanity.
Finally the college kids and I find a point of agreement.
Maybe so. But i doubt for the same reasons.
When Junior Senator Joe Biden spoke at my college commencement at the U of Delaware in ’78 I just fell asleep. That was my protest against boring BS.
Cheney is without honor.
Discommedation is required.
Liz thought she could abort the baby… fetal-baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too.
Kids could be more creative with the signage.
“Your dad shot a man in the face. You shoot ’em in the back.”
While I have outright contempt for this person the proper way to respond to her being the commencement speaker would be to either sit silently, enter after her remarks were over or not go at all. The special snowflakes that booed and acted like 2yr olds is not a good look
I see a future on “The View” for this hag. She’ll be the “Republican” member that is totally anti-Republican and hates Americans. She’ll be a perfect fit.
She has always been a Democrat with an (R) after her name, if you regard her actions instead of her words when she was seeking to be elected. She thought by stabbing Trump in the back repeatedly and claiming ‘ethics’ it would endear her to the frothing leftists while still appearing to be a Republican, and failed in both regards.