Climate Protestors Pollute Rome’s Iconic Trevi Fountain
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Climate Protestors Pollute Rome’s Iconic Trevi Fountain

Climate Protestors Pollute Rome’s Iconic Trevi Fountain

“Ultima Generazione” (“Last Generation”) poured charcoal into the water to turn it black.

The barbarians are back in Rome.

This time, they are taking the form of climate crisis zealots intent on destroying icons of Western Civilization.

The target of their most recent protest is Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain.

Seven young activists protesting against climate change climbed into the Trevi Fountain in Rome on Sunday and poured diluted charcoal into the water to turn it black.

The protesters from the “Ultima Generazione” (“Last Generation”) group held up banners saying “We won’t pay for fossil (fuels),” and shouted “our country is dying”.

Uniformed police waded into the water to take away the activists, with many tourists filming the stunt and a few of the onlookers shouting insults at the protesters, video footage showed.

The protestors have completely bought into the climate hysteria promoted by many politicians, the elite media, and academia.

Activist Charlie, 18, said: ‘I’m taking my first non-violent civil disobedience action to get institutions to stop investing in fossil fuels.

‘Flood disasters and drought and extreme heat events have triggered fear, anxiety, and anger in me.’

They added they expect to be punished for their actions by the Italian government, but said: ‘By now, however, it should be clear that we are not the real ecovandals, the real barbarians are those who continue to accelerate the environmental devastation underway for mere economic profit.’

Mattia, 19, who did not give his last name, was cited as taking part ‘because the horrible tragedy experienced in these days in Emilia Romagna is a forewarning of the black future that awaits mankind’.

Many are angered at the continued attacks on Europe’s cultural heritage.

Rome mayor Roberto Gualtieri condemned the protest, the latest in a series of acts targeting works of art in Italy.

“Enough of these absurd attacks on our artistic heritage,” he wrote on Twitter.

The tradition is for visitors to toss coins into the famous 18th century Trevi Fountain to ensure that they will return to Rome one day.

Fortunately, it appears that the fountain was not damaged during the stunt.

The black, carbon-based liquid poured into the water ended up depositing on the fountain’s waterproof base, preventing it from staining the marble.

“According to a first verification, there is no permanent damage because the black paint ended up on the waterproofed material and not on the marble, so it should be possible to clean it. The problem is when it gets to the marble, which is porous,” the councilor told the media. .

Gualtieri celebrated that thanks to the “quick” action of the police, the activists were only able to pour out two of the “numerous” cans of dye they carried with them.

Legal Insurrection readers will likely know the Trevi Fountain from Federico Fellini’s film “La Dolce Vita.”

Sadly, for the young people who have bought into the climate hysteria, their life has been made bitter through pseudoscience and a media quick to make everything an apocalyptic disaster.


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Gee whiz…

That is all I see.

E Howard Hunt | May 22, 2023 at 7:33 am

They should all be marched to the top of The Spanish Steps, have that charcoal rubbed on their faces, and be made to sing, Song of the South, while being kicked to the bottom by modern redshirts.

This is Italy- their justice system is totally different. These brainwashed kids may do serious jail time.

    Eric R. in reply to Oracle. | May 22, 2023 at 8:25 am

    And despite their reputation for ineptitude, Italian federal police and intelligence are quite good. Unlike ours.

Somebody should have thrown a plugged in toaster into the fountain.

This is exactly what the global elites want. A population so scared that they are easily manipulated to do perform such stunts…but can easily escalate into violent atrocities.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to lc. | May 22, 2023 at 9:08 am

    Scared? No. They just believe – rightly so and especially here in the US – that they can do what they want and get a slap on the wrist. I don’t see fear entering into it. When I was a youngster and someone would put Tide or Vel into the fountain at Las Feliz and Riverside now and then. When they got caught, they got whacked hard for what they did. So, it happened seldom. When the “he’s just misunderstood!” crowd got their rules in place, FAR more vandalism started up, and eventually the fountain was shut down.

Doesn’t southern Italy have a, um, organization that knows how to deal with this cr*p?

stevewhitemd | May 22, 2023 at 9:55 am

Is the Tarpeian Rock still available for use?

henrybowman | May 22, 2023 at 10:27 am

“The protesters from the “Ultima Generazione” (“Last Generation”) group held up banners saying “We won’t pay for fossil (fuels),” and shouted “our country is dying”.


Because you prove your point by purposefully polluting. I guess when your entire point is nothing but bullshit, you’re not really hurting yourself.

These climate cultists are a serious problem. In pursuit of their pseudo-faith, they are going to cause some permanent damage. Other cults have wreaked similar damage. Lot of churches were burned down in France, not the least of which was Notre Dame. (yeah, hundreds of years of work and restoration and a negligent worker smoking burned it to the ground in a year with multiple accounts of arson in churches? I’m not buying that. )

2smartforlibs | May 22, 2023 at 11:10 am

This all goes back to “urination” poor parenting. They detritus humans don’t see they are doing anything wrong.

Dump the wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, lithium batteries, and other Green environmental hazards.

Poisoning the well is a traditional tactic of the Left.

Drone them with itching powder and video the example of them writhing in disgrace and humiliation.

Drone them with itching powder and video the example of them writhing in disgrace and humiliation, not so much the pest in the fountain but the dry ones blocking traffic and the like.

Thank god the fountains in Rome are watered by aqueducts built by the Romans. So the water is constantly fresh and all that black charcoal is washed out

Fat_Freddys_Cat | May 22, 2023 at 1:58 pm

Activist Charlie, 18, said: ‘I’m taking my first non-violent civil disobedience action to get institutions to stop investing in fossil fuels.

Damaging the property of others is not “non-violent”.

    No it is not. Damaging monuments is iconoclasm done by people like Genghis and Kublai Khan and the Mongol invaders to Mehmet and the Muslim invaders..

This was a strange protest. Making the water black means that sunlight will be absorbed rather than reflected. That increases the temperature of the water, which the protesters supposedly want to avoid.

Have them remain in prison until they drink all the tainted water.

Hold them under in the fountain until the bubbles stop.

More classic virtue signalling from far left wing morons who know perfectly well their adolescent little performance will make no difference about anything. But these brainwashed malcontents have a genetic need to show everyone how virtuous they are and by extension – in their small minds – how people that fail admire their little clown show just don’t care.

They have joined the Cultural Marxists

Yeah, the protesters have a point. I mean, we didn’t have flood disasters and drought and extreme heat events until the industrial revolution. Now, you know, we seem to have them all the time.

    Rohan in reply to Think38. | May 23, 2023 at 12:26 pm

    Nothing has really changed. If waters are rising then the canary in the cage would be low lying islands. None have sunk and the sea level has not changed for those islands.