Caroline Ellison’s Diary Part of the Mountain of Evidence in Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX Fraud Case
SBF’s former girlfriend is expected to be an important witness in the fraud trial this fall

The last time we checked on Democratic Party Mega-Donor Crypto King Sam Blankman-Fried, he had been charged in a $250 billion fraud and was extradited to the U.S. from the Bahamas. After an appearance in court, SBF was freed after posing $250 million bail.
It appears that a diary belonging to Caroline Ellison, SBF’s former girlfriend, has reportedly emerged as a vital piece of evidence in the disgraced FTX founder’s upcoming fraud trial.
The personal notebook is part of a massive trove of documents and other insider materials that prosecutors have compiled as they build their case against Bankman-Fried, who faces trial in October, the New York Times reported, citing a person with knowledge of the matter.
Aside from Ellison’s notebook, which is filled with “handwritten observations,” prosecutors also possess “electronic documents” that she wrote, the report said.
Occasionally, Ellison reportedly “expressed personal and professional resentment” toward her former lover in the documents.
Ellison is set to testify against Bankman-Fried after pleading guilty to fraud charges late last year.
The personal notebook is one of six million pieces of evidence collected ahead of the upcoming trial.
The mountain of evidence ranks among the largest ever collected in a white-collar securities fraud case prosecuted by the federal authorities in Manhattan, according to data provided by a person with knowledge of the matter.
. . . . The diversity and growing volume of materials in the FTX case underscore the legal challenges facing Mr. Bankman-Fried, 31, who is charged with 13 criminal counts, including accusations that he misappropriated billions of dollars in customer money, defrauded investors and violated campaign finance laws. He has pleaded not guilty.
With the trial set for October, prosecutors have gathered evidence ranging from phones and laptops to the contents of Mr. Bankman-Fried’s Google accounts, which amounted to 2.5 million pages alone. At a hearing in March, Nicolas Roos, a federal prosecutor investigating FTX, said the government had obtained a laptop crammed with so much information that the F.B.I.’s technicians were struggling to decipher all of it.
“It is a massive amount to sift through, and sometimes you can find incredibly useful information,” said Moira Penza, a former federal prosecutor who’s now in private practice. “It is a real challenge.”
Ellison is expected to be an important witness in the upcoming trial.
Ellison lived in Bankman-Fried’s penthouse in the Bahamas alongside other FTX executives, and is often described in reports, including The Times’, as his “on-and-off girlfriend.”
She is expected to be a key witness in the case, having pleaded guilty to seven charges including securities fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

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I’d rather do 20 years cooling my heels in Q than admit I had slept even once, drunk, with this ugly weirdo chick.
She’s a keeper. If you’re a homely criminal.
On the other hand, if she wan’t a criminal herself she might be a wonderful woman to make a life with.
What on earth does your sexist comment have to do with this post? I guess you would prefer to “drop your soap” at the showers in Q. But hey, not that there is anything wrong with that.
Do danger. I use only soap on a rope.
Well, maybe you go the other way. Different strokes for different folks. Who am I to judge?
Why should you be picky, when big, macho Tennessee cops aren’t?
That makes no sense. I am a big, macho Tennessee cop.
The willing are always preferable to chasing something that isn’t
Sam B-F is the only guy who’s been out of the news harder than Darrell Brooks, Jr. And certainly for the same reasons.
Follow the money: to his parents.
Bankman and Fried aren’t named as defendants in the lawsuits filed by US regulators and federal prosecutors against FTX and their son. However, the Securities and Exchange Commission has accused their son of misappropriating FTX customers funds to purchase Bahamian real estate for various people, including his parents:
I imagine she’s given prosecutors everything, even stuff they didn’t ask for, in order to save her own ass and escape a life in prison sentence. She’s just as dirty as Banman-Fried.
First one to cut a deal wins.
Bankman was the big-mouth, putting his ugly face contantly in front of tv cameras. He had to go.
Exactly. Much like a fight between two neighbors, the first to call police and file a complaint is in the drivers seat. She can read and watch tv, I’m sure she saw the frenzy developing and couldn’t wait to hang everyone else out to dry in an effort to keep herself out of jail. She is probably smarter the Sam and has a few bucks stashed somewhere.
What’s the point? Mountains of evidence. So what? Guy won’t be punished or give back any of the money he stole, and is laughing at us little people. Home confinement. Peer. J6 guys, on the other hand….
Peer = pfft. Spellcheck bs, sorry. Preview, preview, preview!
So, not the name, Pfft Morgan?