California Reparations Panel Approves Payments Up To $1.2 Million Per Black Resident

Reparations Task Force CA

We’ve been covering the on-going reparations lunacy in California, and it appears that they have settled on an amount for each qualifying black resident of the state: $1.2 million. This is up from the chair’s original $1 million proposition.

Fox News reports:

The California Reparations Task Force formally recommended that the state offer payments of up to $1.2 million to every qualifying Black resident.The task force held a public meeting in Oakland, California, on Saturday and voted on the final set of recommendations to be sent to the state’s legislators. The nine-member panel called on the state to offer its Black residents a formal apology in addition to the payments.. . . . The panel’s recommendation breaks payments down by types of historical discrimination. For instance, Black residents affected by redlining by banks would receive $3,366 for each year they lived in California from the early 1930s to the late 1970s, amounting to up to $148,099.Similarly, Black residents could receive roughly $2,352 in compensation for over-policing and mass incarceration for each year they lived in California between 1970 and 2020. Those payments could amount to $115,260.In total, from these and other payments included in the plan, a Black Californian who is 71 years old and has lived in California his entire life could receive up to $1.2 million, according to analysis from the New York Times.

Tags: California, Reparations