LSU Player Angel Reese Might Not Go to the WH After Jill Biden Also Invited Iowa
“I mean, you felt like they should’ve came because of sportsmanship, right? They can have that spotlight. We’ll go to the Obamas.”

Will the left finally learn that people don’t like to be pandered to? Athletes want to win. Athletes want to win.
I guess First Lady Jill Biden thought she was being woke and hip when she said Iowa and LSU should both come to the White House despite LSU winning the women’s basketball national championship.
Angel Reese, named the tournament’s Most Outstanding Player, called the suggestion a joke.
Biden’s press secretary tried to walk it back, insisting Biden meant we should celebrate all women.
Reese isn’t falling for it. Winners are winners:
REESE: “… had a lot of phone calls. And that’s why she wants to come out and apologize. But at the same time — I don’t — I’m not going to lie to you. I don’t accept the apology. Because of — you saw what she said.”
UNKNOWN MALE: “Jill — Jill Biden?”
REESE: “Yes. President’s wife.”
UNKNOWN MALE: “First Lady. The First Lady.” [crosstalk]
REESE: “I said what I said. And like, you can’t go back on certain things that you — you say. I mean, you felt like they should’ve came because of sportsmanship, right? They can have that spotlight. We’ll go to the Obamas.”
Reese also thinks Biden wouldn’t have invited LSU if they lost to Iowa:
REESE: “If we were to lose, we would not be getting invited to the White House. And I remember she made a comment about both teams should be invited because it would be — it was supposed to be sportsmanship. And I’m like, are you saying that because of what I did? And what — like that — stuff like that it — it bothers me because you are a woman. At the end of the day, you’re supposed to be standing behind this before anything.”
Good for Reese.
Angel Reese rejects First Lady Jill Biden’s apology: ‘We’ll go to the Obamas’
— Hot Freestyle (@HotFreestyle) April 5, 2023
Reese first gained attention for supposedly mocking Iowa’s Caitlin Clark. I thought Clark taunted Reese during the game, but I read it happened during the South Carolina game, but the New York Post says the Louisville game. Either way, Clark did the same thing and didn’t receive the same criticism.
To Clark’s credit, she said Reese doesn’t deserve any criticism and that Iowa shouldn’t go to the White House.
Clark also commented on the criticism Angel Reese has gotten for doing the 'You can't see me' gesture, which Clark had also done in the tournament.
“I don't think Angel should be criticized at all. No matter what way it goes, she should never be criticized for what she did. "
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) April 4, 2023

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Who cares?
These two moron deserve each other.
Speaking of morons:
Michigan State warns against using bigoted phrases like ‘Christmas trees,’ ‘terrorist’ or ‘overweight’:
BREAKING: political terrorist who is more overweight as a giant Christmas tree to teach ‘Race And Black Politics’ At Major University:
Reese is the definition of a sore winner. She has been bitching non-stop about 1 thing or another since LSU won. Having said that, Jill Biden’s idea was stupid,
Reese is the definition of a sore winner.
since she declined the whitehouse let her go to the outhouse and sit in the crapper with barry & moochelle
Heh heh. The losers of the game get to go to Washington to hobnob with the losers of the election. What’s on TV tonight, honey?
Maybe the WH should invite the Memphis player who sucker punched the white girl from Bowling Green State. That way Dr. Jill can analyze them together and give advice to help them control their medieval emotions.
Maybe Clark didn’t receive criticism cause no one was watching
A few were watching the final
She didn’t receive criticism, because she was looking at her own bench when she made the gesture against Louisville.
Let Reese go to the Obama’s. Iowa can go to Mar-a-Lago.
No. She is right the Iowa invite is stupid, but what she says after that is racist garbage by implication. While “Dr.” Jill Biden is a fruit loop, I don’t believe she would have dissed LSU if Iowa won. Reese is now bringing race into this, so no, NOT good for Reese.
And Iowa turned down the invite.
I agree. That Iowa nonsense was silly but not surprising from the participation trophy crowd. Someone with a little class would have let their initial comments stand and hopefully fade away. She doubled down proving what a classless punk she is but then she will fit right in with the arrogant and condescending Obama’s.
Wow. Reese is representing all Blacks. After all the Dems claim they to for Blacks, they will absolutely viscouisly turn and attack you.
Lets not be fooled by any notion, acquiescing to the demands of Blacks will ever be enough. This is what they act like when the win.
Apologies will not be considered. I recommend we take her advice.
Lets see if the team will dis the invite from White House. Robbing the entire team of the honor, because one player has an ego that cannot be sated.
What was it the scorpion told the frog? ‘Why did I sting you? Because I’m a Scorpion, it is our nature.’
Reese represent Reese, and to a lesser extent, LSU.
So? She just showed what a racist she is and her unsportsmanlike conduct plays well to the street thug crowd but not America. That other girl did the gesture during the game while competing, Angel did it after the game chasing the girl around the court taunting her. Saying she prefers hanging out with a black ex-president instead of the current President says volumes but little matter. Soon she will disappear into the WNBA and no-one except her parents, lesbians that make up the dozens that attend games and her girlfriend will ever hear from her again.
That other girl did the gesture during the game while competing
Caitlyn was addressing the Hawkeye faithful during that game. She was not taunting, she was urging on the fans
Yes, during the game as I said
The d/prog, and the Biden WH in particular, relentless focus on tribalism is not turning out like they imagined. Can’t wait to see how the WH tries to spin the latest comments by Reese. The First Lady ran her yap about something she had zero business being involved in and the result is an unforced PR error for the Biden WH.
Black folks be proving Scott Adams right. Every. Single. Day.
Listening to this woman speak is all the argument one needs for ending athletic scholarships.
Having been one- I have zero respect for college athletes. End the scholarships.
As someone who couldn’t care less about basketball, despises Obama and Biden, and believes that both Obama and Biden are stone cold racists…
I find it interesting how Reese tries to dictate who the Bidens invite to their house. I despise the Bidens, but they get to have whoever they like over. That’s just how it works.
I also find it interesting that she just invited herself and her team to go to the Obama’s house. She just assumes that because Obama is black he’ll just be thrilled to host a basketball team and whatever entourage they bring with them.
As to the invite from Jill, I have a feeling that it’s more about the fact that people got excited when Iowa started being a success story a few days before the championship and wanting to use that story and the girls as a political prop. Then they lost and Jill was still trying to figure out how to exploit that but not smart enough to do so.
Huh? I was assuming they already had a separate invite from the Obamas.
(Not for the same day, obviously — Brandon would easily be that stupid, but Barry isn’t.)
“Jill was still trying to figure out how to exploit that but not smart enough to do so.”
Five words, Jill: “unique as breakfast corn fritters.” Now the rest is up to you.
I think Jill B is an idiot not worthy of being First Lady or teaching in any school but I truly believe as a woman, she was so thrilled by the game of all women playing at such a high level of basketball, that she wanted to reward them all. She probably hasn’t seen too many female games and just thought they all needed to be thanked. Like many things she has done poorly, it just shows she is not a politician but more like us in that she opens her mouth before thinking it through.
At the end of the day, who cares.
I’m looking forward to Reece’s WNBA career, so I never have to hear from her again.
I can speak with some authority on the situation. In college I competed at a high level (3x all american). I was on the damn podium. I had the option to go on professionally if I wanted that sort of punishment. I didn’t.
The athletes in question need to lose the f***ing attitude. I was one of them and had no coach or mentor that could knock sense into me. It’s sad and very common. I was rare in that I was also on the engineer trajectory (a real student athlete, not a thug that got enough C- to stay out of jail for 4 years). NEWS FLASH—-None of your butts are going to do much after college ball and with your lack of social graces, I hope to hell they fade away into obscurity and fit tranny men for golf shoes at the few Nike Towns that aren’t closing due to retail theft.
IMO Jill Biden is actually doing a pretty good thing here. A broken watch is right twice a day. You made it to the finals. You were on top of the game. Enjoy it and bring joy and respect to the sport. It’s not about you, though you don’t have any one close to you who will tell you that. The person on the other team is a competitor too – just like you- Today you won, but in retrospect, the prize was that you were in the game at a high level at all.
The trophy doesn’t mean jack squat 20-30 years later. The experience and the people are what matters. Don’t waste it (or ruin it in this case) by being a jack ass.
Man, that really kills it in terms of the heart of the matter and the narcissism in athletes.
The only place I disagree with you is that Jill Biden was doing this as a good thing. This was a nakedly political attempt, just a poor one that backfigred. This woman doesn’t do anything about of the goodness of her heart.
So is “Dr.” Jill going to invite the rest of the teams that didn’t win?
She had every reason to criticise the idea, but you do that then you shut up.
What a useless story. Who Cares. What is this? 5th grade?
What a demonstration of poor manners. Contrast this fool’s whining to the very classy reply from he Iowa coach, which was along the lines of thanks for thinking of us, but the moment belongs to LSU, however, we would love to0 have you visit us in Kansas. Angel Reese is no angel. I would be very hesitant to hire this girl for anything but constant complaining.
I agree with everything you said except the part about Iowa being in Kansas
What a demonstration of poor manners. Contrast this fool’s whining to the very classy reply from the Iowa coach, which was along the lines of thanks for thinking of us, but the moment belongs to LSU, however, we would love to have you visit us in Kansas. Angel Reese is no angel. I would be very hesitant to hire this girl for anything but constant complaining.
Honestly, she seems Ho-riffic.