Karine Jean-Pierre Stumbles When Asked if Biden Will Invite the Nashville School Shooting Victims and Their Families
Jean-Pierre’s tone and the look on her face make me assume that she couldn’t believe Doocy asked about the victims of the Nashville school shooting.

Last month, Audrey Hale, 28, opened fire at the Nashville Covenant School. She killed three children and three adults.
Hale identified as a male. The left went ballistic on the right, crying that its supposed transgender hate influenced Hale to shoot up her old school.
The police said Hale had a manifesto. So far, we haven’t heard a peep about Hale’s manifesto or her motivation.
All we’ve heard about are the efforts to push gun control, including the expulsion of three Tennessee legislators.
Nothing about the victims, the school, or even Hale.
It’s all about the three legislators. I won’t even name them because they’re that unimportant.
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced that President Joe Biden would welcome the three Tennessee legislators who are using the shooting at the Nashville Covenant School to push gun control (from an email of the press conference’s transcript):
And finally, before we take questions, I’m pleased to share that the President looks forward to welcoming Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones, Justin Pearson, and Gloria Johnson to the White House this coming Monday.
Earlier this month, the President spoke to them by phone after they were subjugated to expulsion votes in the Tennessee statehouse for peacefully protesting in support of stronger gun safety laws following the shooting at Covenant School in Nashville.
During that call, the President thanked them for their leadership in seeking to ban assault weap- — weapons and standing up for the democratic values.
And the three lawmakers thanked the President for his leadership on gun safety and for spotlighting the undemocratic and unprecedented attacks on them in the Tennessee statehouse.
The President looks forward to continuing that discussion when they all meet with — with him on Monday.
Thank goodness for Peter Doocy. He asked Jean-Pierre when the president will invite the families of those who perished or the victims of the Nashville Covenant School shooting:
Q And then one more. So, Monday, you’re going to have three of the lawmakers who protested after —
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Peace- — peacefully protested.
Q — who peacefully protested after the Nashville Covenant School shooting. Have any of the victims or the victims’ families been invited to the White House?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I don’t have anything to read out to you about any invite.
Q Why?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I just don’t have anything at this time to read out to you — any invite.
What I can say to you right now is that the President is focused on getting things done. He’s focused on making sure that we are protecting our communities, that we’re protecting our schools, that we’re protecting our churches, we’re protecting our grocery — grocery stores. That people, as we know, in Buffalo went to the grocery on a Saturday and got murdered. Ten of them were murdered. We see what’s happening in our schools.
And that’s why he’s bringing these legislators here to have that conversation and to see what else can be done and to highlight that. That’s what the President is using the bully pulpit for. That’s why he continues to put pressure on Congress to get things done, make sure that they’re showing some courage — Republicans in Congress — to make sure that we’re banning assault weapons.
And so, we cannot have weapons of war in our streets. We cannot have weapons of war in our schools. And so, that’s why he’s bringing them there. He’s bringing him here to continue that conversation.
You know, these three people have received a lot more attention than the school and the victims.
I wonder if the shooter’s manifesto didn’t gel with their narrative. Gotta distract!
Also, weapons of war? If you take my AR-15 into a battle, you won’t last very long.
Doocy: You're going to have three of the lawmakers who protested-
KJP: peacefully protested
Doocy: -after the Nashville Covenant School shooting. Have any of the victims or their families been invited to the White House? pic.twitter.com/9s2MWy8Ldv
— Media Research Center (@theMRC) April 19, 2023

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Should have called them insurrectionists, which is exactly what they are

Silly wabbit: it’s not about dead honkies – it’s about racism, transphobia, and guns are evil so we must do something and ban them.
Democrats are Pro-Choice by ethical religious conviction… They need a hero, who shoots first, and ask questions later… never.
Don’t invite anybody to the white house. The photo ops ruin the nation.
“I don’t have anything to read out to you about any invite.”
I know this is off topic but, a question. Is the word “invitation” now gone from the US lexicon? When did a verb replace this noun?
It’s right there in her notebook. Don’t we all miss Psaki? At least she was smooth and professional in her lies.
Ebonics bleedover. “(D)Evolution of the language.”
She also said “after they were subjugated to expulsion votes”. No, that should have been “after they were subjected to expulsion votes”.
Listen closely to NY Mayor Adams,, he makes exactly the same kind of mistakes.. No one ever says anything.
Awhile ago. That not my hill to die on.
A trans murderer…. a narcissistic woke (he/him) videos his murders…. two teen brothers (POC) shoot up a birthday party. Not a good showing for the constituents of the Dem Party. By the way… I can’t remember reading about birthday parties..or parties in general…. by non-POC that wound up in blood baths. Help me out here.
There you go again. Noticing Things.
Only a christening. And the blood baths were geographically distributed.
You have to realize that to the current government of the United States, that any person who is not a Leftist Protected Class, especially if of white ancestry and Judeo-Christian beliefs; is not considered to be a human being just as Chinese were legally not considered to be human beings under American law from the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 till its repeal in 1943. They have nothing but contempt for the victims and their families along with more than a little bit of Schadenfreude.
Subotai Bahadur
All the reparation talk in California and the most historically oppressed were the Chinese. Still today…. being Asian is a black mark for higher education. Can’t have those grading curves bent all out of shape. A very wealthy Chinese undertaker bought a house on Knob Hill or wherever the elite were. Crocker and his neighbors surrounded the three non-street sides around his house with huge walls. The Italians were also shut out. The big difference…. these communities became part of the fabric of America despite the hardship… rather than tear away at the seams.
Q — who peacefully protested after the Nashville Covenant School shooting. Have any of the victims or the victims’ families been invited to the White House?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I don’t have anything to read out to you about any invite.
Sweet Mother Mary, just how effing stupid is this woman that she needs something written out in her loose-leaf notebook before she will answer a simple Yes or No question.
But then again, that’s all they wanted this little golliwog for. Reading out the official Biden regime talking points. But at least she checks the ☑︎lesbian ☑︎black ☑︎woman checkboxes so that’s something, right? Right?!??
She’s just a meat-based stage prop for the Real Democrat Agenda.
The wanted a totally stupid person.. that is by design. In that regard this eejit is perfect.
Well, she obviously wasn’t hired based on merit or competence. But you’re right, she sure did check the diversity boxes didn’t she?
If Jean-Pierre were just a bit quicker, it could have gone like this:
Q — who peacefully protested after the Nashville Covenant School shooting. Have any of the victims or the victims’ families been invited to the White House?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: If any of the victims were LGBTQ, then they would already have a WH invitation. Since there are no LGBTQ victims, then the WH doesn’t actually give a damn about them.
I want to see Hale’s trannyfesto.
Insurrectionists are welcome at the White House, Christian victims of a tranny terrorist attack are not. Par for the course.
But only left-insurrectionists, please!
Only some shooting victims count, apparently.
“ after they were subjugated to expulsion votes in the Tennessee statehouse”
“subjugated”?? Did she really say that?
Too bad they can only be expelled once.
What good is expulsion if it is so easy for some other group to just vote them back? I understand that is all part of their rules.. but that needs to be reviewed.
Who’s invited depends on who was shot, by whom, and why. None of this event fits their promises or narrative. So memory-hole what they can’t rewrite. Also, we have always been at war with East Asia.
You have to admire the administration for having the courage of their convictions. For once.