Iran’s Khamenei Threatens Israel, Urges “Islamic World” to Strengthen “Combatant Elements Inside Palestine”
Ayatollah renews threats as Iran forges axis of Islamic terrorist groups against Israel.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei marked the Muslim festival of Eid by calling on Islamic countries to support the Palestinian groups in their campaign of jihad and terror against Israel. “The strategy of the Islamic world should be focused on strengthening the combatant elements inside Palestine,” Khamenei declared Saturday.
The renewed Iranian threat to destroy Israel comes as President Joe Biden pushes for a ‘new’ nuclear deal with the regime. The Biden White House’s strategy is to coax Tehran into a new nuclear agreement by appeasing the Mullah regime by easing Trump-era economic sanctions.
The Biden administration “informs allies of possible partial nuclear deal with Iran,” the Israeli TV channel i24News reported April 3. ‘The agreement would be based on the freezing of certain aspects of the nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief,” the broadcaster added.
The Ayatollah’s remarks coincide with his regime’s efforts to create an alliance of Islamic terrorist groups to wage coordinated attacks against Israel.
The Times of Israel reports:
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei tells ambassadors of Islamic countries that Israel’s demise is imminent, during an Eid al-Fitr event.
“Today, we are witnessing the gradual decline of the usurping Zionist regime; its speed is even increasing day by day,” Khamenei says according to Iranian media.
“The strategy of the Islamic world should be focused on strengthening the combatant elements inside Palestine,” he says.
“The more this resistance increases, the weaker the Zionist regime will be, the more apparent its atrocities will become. The truly miserable situation that the Zionist regime is facing today is the result of the Palestinian youth’s resistance,” Khamenei adds.
Earlier this month, Tehran dispatched its top terror operative to Lebanon in order to forge to anti-Israel alliance between jihadist group Hamas and terrorist militia Hezbollah. The head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, Esmail Qaani “held a series of clandestine meetings with militant leaders across the region in recent weeks, including some operating in Syria and Iraq,” The Wall Street Journal reported April 15, citing multiple sources.
The IRGC is directing Iran-backed terrorist groups to launch attacks on Israel. According to the Jerusalem Post, the IRGC’s “Quds Force coordinated with the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations to launch rockets at Israel from Lebanon during the Passover holiday,”
Besides being the Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic regime, Khamenei is the ‘spiritual’ leader of close to 200 million Shia Muslims worldwide. As Ayatollah, the representative of Allah on earth, he claims the authority to issue calls for jihad and to hand out Fatwa death sentences against those deemed the enemies of Islam.
Shortly after President Donald Trump ordered the drone strike that killed Qassem Soleimani, a wanted terrorist and chief of Iran’s Quds Force, Khamenei renewed the call for jihad against the U.S. and its allies. “All Enemies should know that the jihad of resistance will continue with a doubled motivation, and a definite victory awaits the fighters in the holy war,” Khamenei proclaimed in a televised address in early 2020.

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Job-one for Obama and Valerie Jarrett was getting Iran nukes. Now they’ve almost got them.
Iran’s population is almost 90 million; Israel’s is a tenth the size. Israel’s land mass is 75 times smaller than Iran’s. The smallest nuke in the US arsenel will wipe out Tel Aviv.
Iran’s leaders are crazy, and to them life is cheap – both Iranian and especially Israeli. If Iran could loses half its population in a retalitory attacked but wipe out Israle in the process, they’re going for it. The mullahs will be hiding out in secret bunkers when they launch the attack.
Check out this “Nukemap” webstite: it’s a website that calculates the effects of the detonation of a nuclear bomb anywhere in the world:
The vile American Dhimmi-crats and European, Leftist dhimmis have never taken Iran’s genocidal threats against Israel and Israeli Jews seriously. Iran’s gleeful and brazen belligerence and Jew-hate aren’t simply predictable products of the sundry totalitarian pathologies of the Islamic ideology — they’ve been directly enabled by decades of western fecklessness, appeasement and naivete in dealing with Iran’s despots.
I see your “wetern fecklessness, appeasement” and raise you a “complicity”.
Too much reliance on prophets.
More like “profits”:
Obama’s Iran deal is a fraud top to bottom:
Shortly after President Donald Trump ordered the drone strike that killed Qassem Soleimani, a wanted terrorist and chief of Iran’s Quds Force, Khamenei renewed the call for jihad against the U.S. and its allies. “All Enemies should know that the jihad of resistance
So again, everything was going sooth ly till President Trump F-ked things up…
Is that the message here?
“Iran’s Khamenei Threatens Israel, out loud, again, notable because it’s been a whi.e.”
There, fixed it for you.