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Elizabeth Warren Still Pushing Dems to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court

Elizabeth Warren Still Pushing Dems to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court

“For the sake of our freedoms and the sake of our democracy, we must expand the Supreme Court to rebalance it”

Months ago, Democrats began an attack on the U.S. Supreme Court, pushing the idea of packing the court so that it reflects their political ideology.

Elizabeth Warren is still fighting for this, claiming that SCOTUS has been ‘hijacked’ by the right.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Elizabeth Warren declares war on the Supreme Court

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is well known for lying about having Native American heritage. But, at least when it comes to her political statements, Senator Pocahontas is remarkably candid. After all, the Massachusetts Democrat just openly admitted that she wants to destroy the Supreme Court as we know it — and spark a constitutional crisis.

“I’ll just be blunt: right-wing extremists have hijacked the Supreme Court of the United States,” Warren tweeted on Tuesday. “From shredding abortion rights to rigging the rules against workers and consumers, an out-of-touch majority is substituting their own views for the rule of law.”

“For the sake of our freedoms and the sake of our democracy, we must expand the Supreme Court to rebalance it, and we need to institute a binding code of ethics for the justices,” the senator concluded .

There’s a lot to unpack here, but Warren’s spiel is wrong from the get-go. The idea that the Supreme Court has been “hijacked by right-wing extremists” who “substitute their own views for the rule of law” is simply unfounded.

All of the talk from Democrats and the media about preserving our cherished norms under Trump was a lie. They are willing to demolish cherished institutions in order to advance their political power.

This is directly related to the never-ending attacks from Democrats on Justice Clarence Thomas.

Who is leading that effort? None other than Elizabeth Warren’s Senate colleague in Massachusetts, Ed Markey.

The Hill reports:

Markey calls for Clarence Thomas to resign: ‘reputation is unsalvageable’

Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) on Monday called for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign amid controversy over the justice’s financial disclosures and ethical concerns about the nation’s highest court.

“I will say what needs to be said: Clarence Thomas should resign from the Supreme Court of the United States. His reputation is unsalvageable,” Markey said at an event to advocate for Supreme Court reforms.

“It is evident that he cannot judge right from wrong. So why should he be judging the country’s most important cases, on its highest court?” the senator added.

AOC is also attacking SCOTUS on a regular basis.

Democrats see the U.S. Supreme Court as a roadblock to their ever expanding political power grab.

They don’t care about norms, they care about control.


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Women think that way. Perverse consequences are never a consideration when getting something out of the way of what they want is involved.

    Valerie in reply to rhhardin. | April 26, 2023 at 6:56 pm

    The operative word is “Democrats,” not “women,” unless your real purpose is to smear us by pretending we are all uneducated, bitter, clinging white males. Haven’t we heard enough of this prejudicial crap from the Democrats, already?

      rhhardin in reply to Valerie. | April 26, 2023 at 8:02 pm

      It also shows up as feelings over structure, and is why women are better in small systems and men in large systems. The collapse of small systems isn’t a big deal and in the meantime something nice was done.

      Or failing-wise, men’s vice is skepticism and women’s is foolishness “He seemed to mean well.”

        CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | April 27, 2023 at 9:32 am

        Let’s keep it even simpler. Voting patterns in the 2020 election voting by women v men:
        Biden got 57% of women and 45% of men.
        Trump got 42% of women and 53% of men.

        Women’s votes put Biden over the top as women broke to Biden by a margin of 15%. Men broke to Trump by a margin of 8%. That’s the difference in the 2020 election that many wish to avoid b/c it summons up uncomfortable truths about the electorate as a whole, the voting preferences and policy preferences of women v men.

        The old saw that the GoP is the ‘Daddy party’ and the dems are the ‘Mommy party’ does still ring true in many respects. As a general proposition it is very fair to state that women are on a balance of probabilities more touchy feely in their outlook than men. The voting data supports this as does the anecdotal experience of most people. Obviously that doesn’t hold for a specific individual who may be an exception, which most of the authors, readers and commenters at LI clearly are. Still as general matter it is fair.

      Ghostrider in reply to Valerie. | April 26, 2023 at 11:27 pm

      You go girl, Valerie! Love your style


      I don’t think he meant to smear you or anyone. In riots of 2020,we all witnessed an amazing number of middle and upper middle class women go berserk in the streets.

      Prior to that, we watched an amazing number of middle and upper middle class women go berserk on college campuses.

      Presently, we’re watching an an amazing number of middle and upper middle class women in public life, as teachers, as politicans, as “news” people work in furtherance of fascism.

      Something’s out of whack, don’t you think?

Rep @AOC slammed SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts’s decision to decline to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee, saying he was “avoiding accountability.”

Meh. CJ John “Obamacare is swell!” Roberts and AOC are on the same sides on most issues.

Maybe they should PACK the White House first. There is not one person with all their marbles in the Biden Administration.

For example, today during news conference with South Korea’s president Biden exposed a card in his hand showing the question the reporter’s supposed to ask & the answer he’s supposed to give:

Courtney Subramanian, LA Times: her picture and her question is shown on the card.

“How are YOU squaring YOUR domestic priorities — like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing — with alliance-based foreign policy?” read the question from Courtney Subramanian.

She was only pretending to ask and he was only pretending to answer.

    MarkJ in reply to Peabody. | April 26, 2023 at 7:48 pm

    Memo for Warren: You must really want a civil war, because packing the court is how you start a civil war. P.S. If Democrats can pack and politicize the court, what makes you think the rest of us will be obliged to pay attention to any of its rulings?

      healthguyfsu in reply to MarkJ. | April 26, 2023 at 8:12 pm

      Simple…..get big swords (guns), take away all of the little guns that can resist it, and control the media to spin a narrative that this is a righteous stamping out of bigotry and white supremacy.

Yet I don’t hear even a single Republican answering back; “You didn’t have a problem with it when the court agreed with you.” Or even; “I am not sure we should be listening to a Senator who doesn’t even seem to know what form of Government in which she is serving.”

That’s your Democrats. Every time they lose a game, they demand you change the rules.

‘How does Roberts expect SCOTUS to maintain authority..’

AOC really needs to watch those schoolhouse rock videos to understand the basics of how our three separate, co-equal branches of govt actually works. Maybe she she could ask to borrow one of the pocket size copies of the Constitution Rep Tomas Massie carries to bone up.

    Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | April 26, 2023 at 8:08 pm

    She’s on a roll now. She needs to see if there are any conservative voices left and demand that they be silenced also.

      CommoChief in reply to Peabody. | April 27, 2023 at 9:35 am

      Who’s gonna tell her that Carlson is about to be unfettered from a corporate structure and his new ventures will be less beholden to the establishment narrative than before?

      Lester in reply to Peabody. | April 27, 2023 at 10:02 am

      fascists are who fascists are. shut up the opposition even with violence, deadly violence if necessary.

It’s gonna be wild watching the same people who want to stop Netanyahu’s Judicial Reforms to rein in a out-of-control, leftist-dominated Israeli Supreme Court, suddenly do a 180 and be all for this, isn’t it?

E Howard Hunt | April 26, 2023 at 9:28 pm

Our system of government no longer works. Trash it and start over.

Okay, I have heard enough. It’s time to take Warren’s balance of nature subscription, relaxium sleep, super beets and her my pillow away from her.

Fauxchahontas pushing for fascism. She makes 1rhhardin ‘s case.

Steven Brizel | April 27, 2023 at 8:37 am

Warren is one of the most dangerous and dimmest light bulbs in the Senate

Tuckers “removal” is a win for voices of reason. Against the corrupt regime in Ukraine, we could have given everyone in this country free health care, but no we had to keep the military industrial complex well funded and of course the fascists accuse him of being a russian tool. Gee where have we heard that before? Go to hell warren, you nitwit.

Warren is a female Sanders…very dangerous evil-doers; one screeches, the other tries to sound like an old Jewish grandfather. But she and The Bern want the same thing; Marxism. Massively worse are the morons who continue to vote them into office. Imagine being next door to one of those…then again might not be so bad when you plant a “My neighbors house is a gun free zone” sign your front yard with a big foam finger pointing.

Big Chief Pimple-on-her-tongue want-um scalp–or however the first talkies had Indian characters spoke.