Columbia Law Students Throw a Fit After Members of Federalist Society Meet With Justice Kavanaugh
“at least nine progressive student groups condemned the event and called on other students to protest”

Students at Columbia Law School are taking a cue from the students at Stanford Law School. After members of the Federalist Society at Columbia met with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, progressive groups at the school threw a collective fit.
Jonathan Turley writes at his blog:
“WTF is Wrong with You”: Columbia Center and Law Students Protest Meeting With Justice Kavanaugh
Columbia University law students and alums are in an uproar over an Instagram post that showed students in the Federalist Society meeting with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at the Court. It would ordinarily be a singular experience for law students to spend time with one of the nine justices. That is not how it went over at Columbia where some are outraged by the meeting and Columbia’s posting the picture on its social media account. The Empowering Women of Color group announced it was “withdrawing our participation from Columbia Law School recruiting events.” Columbia’s own Center for Engaged Pedagogy, simply declared “WTF is wrong with you.”
With the posting, Columbia offered the following description:
“On February 23, members of the Columbia Federalist Society (@clsfedsoc) visited the Supreme Court of the United States to engage in conversation with Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. During the visit, they learned about the human side of being a justice, the Court’s deliberation process, and how to be an effective advocate. Justice Kavanaugh also answered questions about a few of his most famous opinions.”
David Bernstein, writing at Reason’s Volokh Conspiracy blog, notes the absurdity of the complaint:
The students’ only tangible complaint, at least judging by the article, is that Kavanaugh was “credibly accused” of sexual assault. It’s been over four-and-a-half years since the allegation of misbehavior over 30 years earlier surfaced. Since then, no one, including those who were present at the time, has corroborated the initial allegation, nor, despite the best efforts of ambitious journalists, has anyone been able to substantiate any similar behavior by Kavanaugh in the ensuing almost-forty-years. It’s time to give up on the word “credibly” in this context. (And, fwiw, I’m pretty sure that the students would react differently to news of a meeting with a particular former president who is truly “credibly accused” of sexual coercion. Hint: his initials are WJC.)
Luke Rosiak of the Daily Wire points out that the administration even got involved in this:
Columbia Law Students Call Kavanaugh A Rapist, Egged On By Radical Academic Department
…the most notable comments came from the official Instagram account of an academic office of Columbia University: The Center for Engaged Pedagogy, housed in Barnard College, Columbia’s women’s college.
“WTF is wrong with you,” the Center commented.
“Ah yes. Every day I wake up wondering what is the day in the life of someone who strips people’s rights away,” it said in a second post.
The Center, which says it helps design curriculum and methods of teaching for all disciplines, promotes “Abolitionist Pedagogy Resources for Instructors, Staff, and Students,” referring to the idea the police and prisons should be abolished.
“The CEP invites faculty, students, and staff to participate in a spring discussion group and incubation space focused on using abolitionist thinking to challenge our existing pedagogical practices and the way we live our lives. Participants will use abolitionist values to create personal and pedagogical praxes, come up with actionable plans toward a meaningful material transformation of the world,” it said.
It refers students and staff to works like “CLOSE THE PRISONS! OPEN THE BORDERS!: How Abolition is Shaping Queer and Trans Politics,” and on March 24 pushed students to become political activists with a session focused on “Identifying projects and making commitments: How do we put our abolitionist frameworks into action?”
“The ‘carceral state’ describes the governing and legal institutions, as well as the policies and practices that organize and enact capture, punishment, and policing. The carceral state normalizes gendered antiblackness and racial-colonial violence while simultaneously maintaining these as the foundational conditions required for social order and racial capitalism,” a teaching guide promoted by the Center explains.
FOX News reports that these student groups are now calling for protests, because if there’s anything higher education needs, it’s more protests:
Columbia Law students flip out over Kavanaugh event, call for protests: ‘White supremacist’
After a group of Columbia Law School students took a photo with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in Washington, D.C., at least nine progressive student groups condemned the event and called on other students to protest, according to emails obtained by Fox News Digital…
The school’s chapter of the National Lawyers Guild claimed that Columbia Law School platformed the Federalist Society and Kavanaugh, thereby normalizing “white supremacist, patriarchal violence in the law, legal education, and the everyday fabric of U.S. society.”
The guild also wrote that the Federalist Society was “a symptom” of the disease of “patriarchy and the gender-based violence it facilitates.”
Empowering Women of Color (EWOC), another student organization, called the original post, which depicted students and members of the Federalist Society smiling alongside Kavanaugh, “a terrifying stamp of approval” from the school.
Just like the students at Stanford, these Columbia Law students are sending a clear message. They will not tolerate opposing views or anyone who listens to them.
They think they are fighting fascists and don’t realize that’s exactly what they appear to be becoming themselves.

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I lived next to the Columbia Law School for two interesting years.. I took a course, and even spent some time in their library… Everyone I knew referred to it as the toaster building. The irony just smacked me in the face.. These law schools are toast.
That being said, this behavior will continue unless there are some consequences, so this behavior will continue. That is not redundant, that is a sad fact.
Ty Mike..
My daughter, as an undergraduate, wanted to go to Columbia Law. I refused to offer any monetary support for her to attend such an institution. She went to another law school, graduated #3 in her class, Federalist Society, Law Review Editor, passed the bar (UBE) on the first round with a score that permitted her to be licensed anywhere the UBE was accepted.
No need to support any of these elite power mad institutions.
And another “law” school whose emotionally and mentally fragile attendees should not be hired by any serious judges, attorneys, or law firms.
Can these brainwashed babies ever truly snap out of it?
I am sick of the left’s insanity.
The ‘left’ is not insane, they are deliberate and purposeful.
To bring up to date anyone unfamiliar with or forgetful of the facts of the “credible accusation”……
The accuser initially didn’t want to go public, a Dem congressional critter leaked the info despite a promise not to – when no other such accusations could be found.
The attack supposedly took place decades ago, but the accuser made no one knowledgeable of the attack(s) until K’s nomination to scotus.
The accuser could not identify the time or the place of the attacks which supposedly happened at multiple homes and a yacht, despite claiming to have attended multiple times to the supposed rape parties.
Despite claiming the attack was part of a series of attacks at parties K attended and was “common knowledge” but no one else recalled the multiple rapes of unnumbered girls. She did provide the name of one girl witness as back up proof, but said witness denied that the single event or even common knowledge of rape parties existed.
Despite the rape parties being “common knowledge” the accuser claimed to have voluntarily attended multiple such parties – as a college age women attending high school age parties.
By any legal standard short of “believe all women” this was not a credible accusation. You have to believe in a large years-long ongoing series of public rapes committed by high school age kids with multiple non-rapist witnesses and victims but only one person recalls them.
Finally, I’m reminded of one Law & Order episode where the assistant DA accused her dentist of sexual assault while under anesthesia. The guy got a really good lawyer and looked to be getting away with it. The lawyer and client made the mistake of doing a well televised victory dance of a statement on the courthouse steps. Enter the Streisand effect. The defense and prosecution meet one last time the client expecting dropping of all charges. Instead the prosecution drops a huge weight of new case files on the table of those patients who also “hallucinated” sexual assaults.
The more publicity an actual multiple sexual assault perp gets, the more victims will step up to testify. You don’t get much more publicity than a senate hearing where they accuse a scotus nominee of being a serial rapist. The silence was deafening.
Let’s not forget seeking coerced “corroboration” from K’s HS friend at the time, extending to extortion, then his character assassination and “canceling?”
Indeed, his HS friend was a recovering alcoholic who had his reputation and earnings threatened but was told if he would implicate K as a rapist he’d himself get amnesty if he testified with “recovered memories”. His response basically was “I was an @sshole for most of my adult life, now I’m not, I’m not going back. Do your worst.”.
“The accuser initially didn’t want to go public, a Dem congressional critter leaked the info despite a promise not to – when no other such accusations could be found.”
Don’t leave out: there is no reason to believe that the “accuser” who showed up at the hearing was at all the same person who wrote the original anonymous note.
Anyone who found the accusations credible at the time lacks the analytical capacity to practice law.
Anyone who still finds them credible lacks the capacity to manage his own affairs and probably needs the protection of a conservator, if not a guardian.
All future Alvin Braggs. They subordinate the majesty of the law to their political dogma.
And since they are all ideologically stupid they will all become public attorneys in liberal states. The “Empowering Women of Color” name gives it away.
I bet every member needs extra time for exams, can’t think on their feet, and certainly can’t carry a normal case load. I would also bet that none of them are Law Review, have been published, or have any level of extra curricular activities that went beyond their abolition movement.
True … But they have the right skin color. Brownie points … Pun intended!
If these aspiring Democrat lawyers ever get the world they want, they won’t like the world they get. It is unlikely they will survive.
Thank you, Mr. La Chance!
Maybe it’s time to go back to how people ordinarily became lawyers. They read the law at assorted law firms. One does not have to go to law school to become a lawyer.
There are very few states that permit someone taking the bar through apprenticeship. Almost every state requires attendance at the approved schools, and only one permits sitting for the bar through an internet course.
Barriers to entry so to speak.
Maybe Republican led states could change that.
So according to the future lawyers and judges of the United States… a completely unsupported claim against a person is the SAME and should result in the same treatment of said person as a trial and conviction. Unless law schools start expelling students based on this complete inability to understand the basics of law and justice… we are screwed
Allegations are said to be “debunked” when they have been thoroughly investigated and found to be without merit or baseless. As I recall, the allegations against Kavanaugh were investigated by the partisan press as well as the Senate Judiciary Committee and determined to be without merit. The debunked allegations were not “credible” at the time and were obviously partisan smears to attempt to derail his nomination to the court.
So, we get it.
Federalist Society BAD!!!!!!!!
Empowering Women of Color GOOD!
The emojis are for leftists who need safe spaces and coloring books to get through law school. Picture books are exceptional vehicles for leftist graduate learning.
So, an organization that works within the construct of the Constitution is horrible. But an organization that works to abolish the Constitutional constructs (through the lens of a racist fem-dom empowerment) should have their way.
Let’s not forget that, without the aid of a supercomputer, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse deciphered the hidden meaning of the judge’s yearbook and diary entries to conclusively prove he was a depraved mass rapist. Little Rhode Island is blessed to have such a man representing it.
They are also blessed that Sheldon is part of the racist Bailey’s Beach Club. No Knee Grows or other minorities need apply.
He is such a treasure for RI. Small state, small minds.
Captain Adriaen Block was prescient in naming it Red Island.
Uh uh. Like (convicted felon) G. Gordon Liddy’s extensive gun collection, the Whitehouse marital club membership card belongs to his wife. Sheldon just stores it in his wallet, just like the guns are stored on G. Gordon’s side of the bed.
‘First the verdict then the trial’ isn’t a sound basis for the creation and maintenance of a judicial system. These students are preparing to become activist ideologues not Attorneys; perhaps it is time to consider placing far more importance upon a bar applicant’s commitment to the ideals of the legal profession before admitting them to practice.
The problem is the ideals of the legal profession are no longer what they once were.
Sire, there’s plenty of “old-timers” who still think ethics should be what it was. But the rest of the “profession” has gone all-in on the Progressive religion being the basis of its ethics. And that is directly counter to the old ideals (derived from Christianity).
A review panel of five Attorneys provided with the public social media postings, media photos/articles capturing pertinent data and an in person interview might reverse the rot. Closed to live public but video taken and a transcription of the Q&A available post decision whether to admit or not.
Only if those 5 attorneys believe in Western Civilization instead of Progressivism.
Sure but a standard list of questions mitigates the chicanery. Such a as:
Do you believe that one is innocent until proven guilty?
Followed up by: ‘why on X date did you chant that Justice Kavanaugh was a rapist as the video clearly shows you doing while holding a sign declaring him to be a rapist?
Then hold these 5 attorneys responsible for their decision to pass/fail the applicants. Have their decision subject to higher review as well as eliminating them from appearing on future boards if their decision prove to be unwise based on the future actions of the applicants. In essence require the board members voting to approve the applicants act as sponsors for their future professional conduct with loss of their own ability to practice law as one potential consequence of choosing poorly.
Indeed. I was astonished to see they planned to raise a monument to Lavrentiy Beria as a true leader to emulate.
I wonder if these activist types think that’s how you try a case:
-feelings are more important than evidence or reason
-if the judge rules against your motions, objections etc. you respond by screaming “fascist!”, maybe have a bunch of your buddies start an obscene chant, etc.
-any juror who dares decide against you is a “racist”, “homophobe”, etc. and you’ll whip up a mob to attack the juror’s home and family
“withdrawing our participation from Columbia Law School recruiting events.”
Don’t let the door hit ya, etc….
The Center, which says it helps design curriculum and methods of teaching … the idea the police and prisons should be abolished.
IOW, they’re religious fanatics and idiots. Why would you send your children (or yourself) to a school that endorses this malarkey? Why would a degree from this institution look good on anyone’s resume?
Columbia Law Students Call Kavanaugh A Rapist
If they actually did this part, there should be an immediate slander lawsuit. (“If” because it wasn’t in the quoted part.)
First—how can these law students, many of whom want to work in criminal law, expect to have jobs if they eliminate the police (who arrest alleged criminals) and eliminate prisons?! That nonswqujetor alone should baffle anyone thinking about justice and the rule of law.
Second—the below statement is heinous, and the National Law Guild should be held to account for making such an indefensible and libelous claim against a sitting Supreme Court Justice:
“The school’s chapter of the National Lawyers Guild claimed that Columbia Law School platformed the Federalist Society and Kavanaugh, thereby normalizing ‘white supremacist, patriarchal violence in the law, legal education, and the everyday fabric of U.S. society.’”
That nonswqujetor alone
That somehow seems perfectly appropriate for this.
Progress is an [unqualified] monotonic process. Progressivism is a [religious] philosophy of progress: one step forward, two steps backward. Quod erat desmonstradum
That said, principles matter.
Yep, Progressivism is a gradual shifting to Authoritarian Socialism, boiling the frog, as it were. Envisioned by the Fabians over a century ago. Definitely many steps backwards.
They think they are fighting fascists and don’t realize that’s exactly what they
appear to be becoming themselvesare.Some formerly exclusive schools are making the ‘Do Not Hire’ list.
Stanford Law School—EXPOSED
Wow. The description of courses required for 1st year law students there is illuminating.
Time to add Columbia to the “no clerks” list (except for members of the Federalist Society)
Those crazed young people are the future, and the future is here.
Now way ANY Republican wins in 2024, even if voting was not corrupted – unless Rona RIno Romney is replaced as GOP Chair. She’s a corrupted useless tool, and if you put any hopes in her, – no offense – you’re deluded.
oh no. we upset the commies, racists, and engaged pedophiles. what shall we do….
“at least nine progressive student groups”
…with the same four members…
Come on. It’s Commie 101.
“Egged On By Radical Academic Department”
Well, of course. The students aren’t complaining that their professors are racists and Nazis, meaning that their professors are the people teaching them liberal and progressive nonsense that turns a visit from a SCOTUS justice into an act of genocide.
People should learn from their mistakes, and from others mistakes. Have they heard about the Stanford protests???