Trump Hires Jeb! Operative To Run NH Campaign (Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That)

If you have spent any time on Twitter or anti-DeSantis conspiracy websites, you will hear how Ron DeSantis is Jeb Bush reincarnated and is a puppet for the Bushes! and Karl Rove! (and the globalists, don’t forget the globalists)(and the three-fingered pudding eaters, don’t forget the pudding eaters).

Paul Ryan – who Trump publicly adored – pulls DeSantis’ strings, some say.

I’m so old that I remember (a couple months ago) when the claim was that DeSantis was secretly colluding with Kevin McCarthy, until Trump publicly endorsed and made calls for McCarthy’s Speaker bid, and somehow that nutjob conspiracy theory fell off the radar.

It’s one thing after another. Do you see how you are being manipulated? Wake up.

Some people think the path to victory is to divide the world into loyalists and haters, with no room for people who simply disagree. Disagreement is hate, just like on college campuses. Hey, maybe I’m onto something, the primaries that haven’t even really started yet, but already are turning into a college campus where words are violence and anyone who disagrees must be driven out. Good luck with that. Joe Biden is laughing all the way to the ice cream parlor.

But I digress.

The Bush thing has dominated the nutty swamps recently.

We don’t need no stinkin’ proof.

But seriously. What if “Bush” people were advising DeSantis? Would it be disqualifying?

If so, then DeSantis wouldn’t be the only one disqualified, so would Trump. Team Trump is doing what campaigns do, which is drawing on experienced talent, and Team Trump found that talent in a Jeb! operative. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Politico reports on Trump hiring a Jeb! operative to run Trump’s campaign in New Hampshire:

Donald Trump has tapped an operative to lead his 2024 efforts in New Hampshire. And for the role, he’s turned to a veteran of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s 2016 presidential bid.

Trevor Naglieri will serve as Trump’s New Hampshire state director, according to two GOP operatives familiar with the move.

Naglieri was a field coordinator for Bush in 2016 and went on to serve as New Hampshire field director and then national field director for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). He most recently managed Pennsylvania Republican Jeremy Shaffer’s unsuccessful 2022 congressional bid. He also did stints at Republican consulting firm Axiom Strategies.

It’s okay. Really.

Rather than focusing on conspiracy theories on who is controlling whom, how about we focus on the candidates themselves, and what they have to offer, and who is most electable? And how about we acknowledge that people who love this country and want the best for it can disagree as to who the best candidate is, without demonizing people and calling them haters?

May the best candidate win. (Is that a hateful thing to say?)

Tags: 2024 Republican Primaries, Jeb Bush