“Sordid” and “Ugly” Scene Disrupts Showing Of Film About George Floyd at Central Connecticut State U.
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“Sordid” and “Ugly” Scene Disrupts Showing Of Film About George Floyd at Central Connecticut State U.

“Sordid” and “Ugly” Scene Disrupts Showing Of Film About George Floyd at Central Connecticut State U.

Students and at least one faculty member “stormed onto the stage, screaming that the film was ‘racist’ and holding signs proclaiming it ‘hate speech’.”

Here at LI, we covered extensively the George Floyd incident, including the resulting riots that spread across the entire nation and the subsequent trial of Derek Chauvin.

The myths and untruths surrounding this case are just as deeply embedded among the radical left as the fabricated “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative surrounding the death of Michael Brown.

Attempting to shine light on the fabrications and untruths regarding the George Floyd death and its fallout, Turning Point USA scheduled a time to show a film on campus at the Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). Their faculty advisor, history professor Jay Bergman, reached out to LI to let us know what happened next.

And what happened next is just as “sordid” and “ugly” as Bergman describes in his email and in a piece he wrote for the New Haven Register (archive link):

Recently, the student chapter of Turning Point USA at Central Connecticut State University attempted to show on campus a film, “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM,” produced by The Daily Wire and narrated by Candace Owens.

Fifteen minutes into the film, before an audience of approximately 50 students and others intrigued by the title of the film and curious about its contents, roughly the same number of students, at least one faculty member and possibly others unaffiliated with the university stormed onto the stage, screaming that the film was “racist” and holding signs proclaiming it “hate speech.” By doing so, they prevented the audience from watching it.

To his credit, Dr. Craig Wright, CCSU’s vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion, implored the protesters to disperse and continue their protest outside. Reluctantly, they did so.

But by beating drums and screaming loudly enough, the protesters made it impossible for the audience inside to hear the movie. Periodically, protesters embedded in the audience screamed slogans and stormed the stage, preventing the movie from being seen.

Ultimately, this appalling scene demonstrates the leftist intolerance for diverse thought and viewpoints that has manifested across college campuses and into the corporate world.

Bergman continues:

The arrogance of the protesters and their enablers on the CCSU faculty is staggering. They clearly believe they can silence anyone whose opinions are different from their own, and that they will not be held liable for their thuggish behavior.

. . . . After the more recent event, Jodi Latina, CCSU associate vice president of communications and media, stated publicly that suppression of speech would not be tolerated. But in the absence of any punishment, or even a reprimand, of the offending students, her promise rings hollow.

What happened at CCSU is not unique. Suppression of opinions students find “offensive” is so pervasive on America’s colleges and universities that according to a recent nationwide poll of 45,000 students conducted by the Foundation of Individual Rights and Expression, 61 percent of those polled said they would feel “uncomfortable” expressing an unpopular opinion to fellow students on social media. When asked which opinions should be barred from expression on their campus, 73 percent agreed that speakers calling Black Lives Matter a “hate group” should be prohibited, while 60 percent felt the same concerning the immorality of all abortions. Even worse, only 37 percent of the students polled believe that shouting down a speaker at a university is never acceptable, while 22 percent said there were circumstances in which violence would be justified in silencing a speaker they disagreed with.

It’s clear that these students are far beyond “you can’t handle the truth”; they don’t even want to be exposed to it, or allow anyone else to hear it, either. This attitude and behavior are anti-intellectual, anti-academic, and frankly, anti-American.

Bergman goes on to note:

The justification several of the CCSU protesters offered for their authoritarianism is that the expression of certain ideas, even absent any exhortation to violence, can somehow jeopardize a person’s physical safety, and for that reason alone can be prohibited. But they cited no evidence to substantiate their concern. Not once in the over three decades on which I have served on the CCSU faculty has the expression of an idea, whether in a film or by a speaker on campus, led to violence or to any physical altercation.

Unless universities are what John Stuart Mill famously termed “a free marketplace of ideas,” in which ideas are like the products in stores consumers evaluate freely before purchasing them, they are mere engines of ideological indoctrination. As such, they are no different from universities in the Soviet Union, Communist China and North Korea.

You can watch the whole sordid mess here.

This idea that speech is violence or that people are “unsafe” hearing ideas with which they disagree is deeply embedded on the left, and it is long past time to uproot it and toss it on the dustbin of history.

The truth is not “hate speech.” We can no longer be manipulated into self-censorship or silence by false claims of “harm” and assorted fabricated “victimhood”; instead, as Bergman illustrates, we must all stand up and speak the truth about this type of undemocratic viewpoint suppression on college campuses.


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Time to give these juveniles something to scream about. More attractions like this, seal the doors, and drop the Zyklon B. This behavior isn’t going to stop without a good ol’ horse whipping.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to ekimremmit. | March 21, 2023 at 9:58 am

    Uhm… I think the trouble-makers were sent outside, where they continued their trouble-making.

    And, regarding your closing sentence, I will quote Gracie Allen: “:… and if I had a horse I’d do it!’

      Gentle, it appears there are 4-6 readers who are unfamiliar with the concept of hyperbole. Just goes to show how poorly most of our equals have educated themselves.

        The Gentle Grizzly in reply to ekimremmit. | March 21, 2023 at 12:08 pm

        Some think hyperbole is a large-size version of those microwave steamer meals. /sarc

        mailman in reply to ekimremmit. | March 21, 2023 at 1:43 pm

        Hyperbole?? Mate, I was nodding in agreement! 😂😂

        PODKen in reply to ekimremmit. | March 21, 2023 at 3:29 pm

        Or just maybe some people have had their fill of hyperbole over the last few years …

        JohnSmith100 in reply to ekimremmit. | March 21, 2023 at 4:24 pm

        It looks like those readers are cut from the same cloth as those obnoxious students and professors who should not be.

        Evil Otto in reply to ekimremmit. | March 22, 2023 at 5:46 am

        I know what hyperbole is… and I’m sick of reading crap like that excused as it.

          ekimremmit in reply to Evil Otto. | March 22, 2023 at 5:22 pm

          Your sickness gets no sympathy from me. You suffer from the same lack of awareness of the justification of free speech for both sides of the crap, which I’ve just elicited from you, as do those reprehensible thugs. And I’ll tell you another thing, I live in the hell hole that is the Twin Cities which has reestablished the state of nature as the default condition of life. All the real life hyperbole reigns supreme here.

      Not all of them, apparently.

      “Periodically, protesters embedded in the audience screamed slogans and stormed the stage, preventing the movie from being seen.”

    Way passed time!! If there are no consequences to their egregious behavior it will continue.
    Those in charge of these Universities have to grow a pair., or they have to suffer consequences as well.

E Howard Hunt | March 21, 2023 at 9:16 am

Goodbye, ivory towers and eager minds. The video looks like a bunch of sleeping-rough, young, transient, druggies angrily rejecting the ministrations of an effeminate, street preacher at a Greyhound Bus Station.

The State Legislatures are going to have to be willing to intervene in defense of academic freedom and free exchange of ideas on their public campuses. Unfortunately the administration and faculty are unwilling to impose consequences on those who attempt to impose a hecklers veto.

The answer is a statute that sets penalties for everyone involved. Dismissal from the institution for the current semester and the next academic year. Both students and faculty would be barred from setting foot on the particular campus, trespass, much less attending class, teaching or researching. Where administration refuses to follow the statute cut their funding 10% for each case automatically.

This lets the State Legislature become the bad guy. Administration can just blame them and say our hands are tied. It would be nice if the administration of our Universities would act independently to restore academic freedom and integrity but they have in many cases become not only impotent bystanders but active participants in these totalitarian disruptions.

    A fine theory. However, you shouldn’t hold your breath waiting for the CT legislature to do much.

      CommoChief in reply to Q. | March 21, 2023 at 11:25 am

      Frankly I would be surprised if the Alabama Legislature would do it either, at least anytime soon. Lots of special interest groups with a stake in the graft being interrupted to bring pressure to bear on politicians.

These students are Maoist jackboots. Their obnoxious, totalitarian bullying and intimidation antics are gleefully enabled and authorized by administrators and a Dumb-o-crat ethos that enthusiastically embraces these tactics of silencing and cowing opposing viewpoints and that imposes no punishment and accountability on the goose-stepping brownshirts who are responsible.

2smartforlibs | March 21, 2023 at 9:40 am

Their hate is free speech your speech is hate.

Suburban Farm Guy | March 21, 2023 at 9:41 am

Defund college. If they only want to turn out Fascist crybullies and the ‘curriculum’ consists of totally unAmerican suppression of First Amendment RIGHTS they should be forced to do it on their own dime. These little shits expect us to pay off the student loans they use to become Red Guard Maoist disruptors. This is ‘education?’ We think not. DEFUND!

Withhold Federal funds and this problem would end immediately!!!!!

“Periodically, protesters embedded in the audience screamed slogans and stormed the stage, preventing the movie from being seen.”

Yet again we see it. In The Coming of the Third Reich, historian Richard J. Evans explains how, in the early days of National Socialist Germany, Stormtroopers (Brownshirts) “organized campaigns against unwanted professors in the local newspapers [and] staged mass disruptions of their lectures.” To express dissent from Nazi positions became a matter of taking one’s life into one’s hands. The idea of people of opposing viewpoints airing their disagreements in a civil and mutually respectful manner was gone. One was a Nazi, or one was silent (and fearful).

Today’s fascists call themselves “anti-fascists.” Just like the Nazis, they are totalitarian: they are determined not to allow their opponents to murmur the slightest whisper of dissent. Forcibly suppressing the speech of someone with whom one disagrees is a quintessentially fascist act.

    alaskabob in reply to pfg. | March 21, 2023 at 10:07 am

    True…but the Communists were also at work in Germany at the same time. The fixation on the Nazis is because they won but the same can be said in Russia. Agitation and intimidation go hand in hand. So the Communist “anti-fascists” of today were there also. In part the rise of the SA was to counter the Communists. Street thugs against street thugs.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to pfg. | March 21, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    They should have security ready to bounce those people. I was at a disco on new years eve, we had a guy start beating a wife or date, he was told to leave, announced he was a blackbelt, 4 bouncers subdued him carrying him out struggling, when they got to the exit door his head accidentally hit the door frame so hard that it knocked him out. Police were waiting and hauled him away. That is what is needed.

    Evil Otto in reply to pfg. | March 22, 2023 at 5:50 am

    That is correct, but ultimately it wasn’t the electorate who put the Nazis into power, it was the establishment. The existing power structure of Germany enabled the fanatics to take control, so we have nothing to worry about… and… umm, nothing like that could… ever…

    Oh shit.

The myths and untruths surrounding this case
I think ‘tawdry’ is an underused word that is applicable here.

They clearly believe they can silence anyone whose opinions are different from their own, and that they will not be held liable for their thuggish behavior.
And they appear to be correct.

Not once … has the expression of an idea, … led to violence or to any physical altercation.
It just did, Professor. And it has for quite some time.

This is the natural state of college freshmen. They nearly all think they are on the side of the angels, which gives them special license to misbehave, They have not yet encountered the reason for the maxim, “Reasonable minds might differ.”

It’s worse now, because now they get approval from their college professors, who have a duty to teach them better.

    Whitewall in reply to Valerie. | March 21, 2023 at 2:03 pm

    It is ‘certainty-ism. They are certain the angels are with them, that all proper answers are at hand and they know them. Anything they encounter that they don’t know can be rejected for any number of handy reason they alone are entitled to..

this goes on because the perps can get away with it- the agitators (if they are actually enrolled at the university) are normally outnumbered by otherwise “civil” students on virtually every college campus–the authentic students can no longer look to the admin/campus police to handle the agitators– when is it going to dawn on the genuine “students” that the solution is in their own hands?–especially in the moment?–establish the expectations for everyone’s behaviour beforehand and then enforce them–behave yourself or leave (either physically or via expulsion or both)

    And yet if the film was a paen to Saint Floyd, the great community leader and respected head of family, clean and pure as the finest fentanyl from China, and his struggle against evil racist cops who had nothing but hatred for his alternate lifestyle and creative approach to currency, and the showing was interrupted by evil conservatives who whispered to each other in the audience things like “That’s not true” and “What about the drugs in his system” we can be assured the tolerant and loving Left would demand the bigots in question be dragged through the streets, their names turned into curse words, and their assets all be confiscated for the greater good.

    Because fairness. Right?

Suburban Farm Guy | March 21, 2023 at 10:50 am

Another illustration of what we learned a while back, — watching for it, you see it all the time. And that is, Progressives are total reprobates. They are lower than scum. Complete and utter sacks of garbage with no redeeming value. Hypocritical, violent, foul-mouthed, with no regards to anyone’

Volume is more important than truth to the left.

Gaslighting b’tards … there ain’t enough Beano to deal with them.

In other religious stories:

The University of Helsinki confirmed this anew on Monday by announcing that it was giving climate hysteric Greta Thunberg an honorary doctorate…in theology.

Well. Now that sorta puts things in perspective.

A movie making a hero about a junkie and a parasite.

““Sordid” and “Ugly” Scene Disrupts Showing Of Film About George Floyd at Central Connecticut State U.
Students and at least one faculty member “stormed onto the stage, screaming that the film was ‘racist’ and holding signs proclaiming it ‘hate speech’.”

Posted by Fuzzy Slippers Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 09:00am 33 Comments
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Here at LI, we covered extensively the George Floyd incident, including the resulting riots that spread across the entire nation and the subsequent trial of Derek Chauvin.

The myths and untruths surrounding this case are just as deeply embedded among the radical left as the fabricated “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative surrounding the death of Michael Brown.

Attempting to shine light on the fabrications and untruths regarding the George Floyd death and its fallout, Turning Point USA scheduled a time to show a film on campus at the Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). Their faculty advisor, history professor Jay Bergman, reached out to LI to let us know what happened next.

And what happened next is just as “sordid” and “ugly” as Bergman describes in his email and in a piece he wrote for the New Haven Register (archive link):

Recently, the student chapter of Turning Point USA at Central Connecticut State University attempted to show on campus a film, “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM,” produced by The Daily Wire and narrated by Candace Owens.

Fifteen minutes into the film, before an audience of approximately 50 students and others intrigued by the title of the film and curious about its contents, roughly the same number of students, at least one faculty member and possibly others unaffiliated with the university stormed onto the stage, screaming that the film was “racist” and holding signs proclaiming it “hate speech.” By doing so, they prevented the audience from watching it.

To his credit, Dr. Craig Wright, CCSU’s vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion, implored the protesters to disperse and continue their protest outside. Reluctantly, they did so.

But by beating drums and screaming loudly enough, the protesters made it impossible for the audience inside to hear the movie. Periodically, protesters embedded in the audience screamed slogans and stormed the stage, preventing the movie from being seen.

Ultimately, this appalling scene demonstrates the leftist intolerance for diverse thought and viewpoints that has manifested across college campuses and into the corporate world.

Bergman continues:

The arrogance of the protesters and their enablers on the CCSU faculty is staggering. They clearly believe they can silence anyone whose opinions are different from their own, and that they will not be held liable for their thuggish behavior.

. . . . After the more recent event, Jodi Latina, CCSU associate vice president of communications and media, stated publicly that suppression of speech would not be tolerated. But in the absence of any punishment, or even a reprimand, of the offending students, her promise rings hollow.

What happened at CCSU is not unique. Suppression of opinions students find “offensive” is so pervasive on America’s colleges and universities that according to a recent nationwide poll of 45,000 students conducted by the Foundation of Individual Rights and Expression, 61 percent of those polled said they would feel “uncomfortable” expressing an unpopular opinion to fellow students on social media. When asked which opinions should be barred from expression on their campus, 73 percent agreed that speakers calling Black Lives Matter a “hate group” should be prohibited, while 60 percent felt the same concerning the immorality of all abortions. Even worse, only 37 percent of the students polled believe that shouting down a speaker at a university is never acceptable, while 22 percent said there were circumstances in which violence would be justified in silencing a speaker they disagreed with.

It’s clear that these students are far beyond “you can’t handle the truth”; they don’t even want to be exposed to it, or allow anyone else to hear it, either. This attitude and behavior are anti-intellectual, anti-academic, and frankly, anti-American.”

That’s the money line. It applies to all Democrats and their self righteous suppression and support for censorship.

Same comment as for the Stanford Law crybullies. Get their names, publish them. They should consider it free advertising to future employers, since they are surely proud of what they did and want to prove it to everyone!

And if they “demand” that you don’t publish the names, publish them in more places!

Steven Brizel | March 22, 2023 at 9:32 am

Floyd had a criminal record as ;long as your arm,, was high as a kite ,. was resisting arrest and was not a martyr for civil rights

I’m telling ya, doing this crap is like a drug to these kids. They literally get high from it and then only want more. Need some serious intervention and a good bout of deprogrammed cold Turkey.