NYC Mayor Eric Adams Wants People to Drop Mask When Entering a Store to Prevent Crime
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NYC Mayor Eric Adams Wants People to Drop Mask When Entering a Store to Prevent Crime

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Wants People to Drop Mask When Entering a Store to Prevent Crime

How about everyone stop wearing masks? It’s been over three years. Get over it.

Gee, who saw this coming?

New York City Mayor Eric Adams saw the shellacking Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot took in her reelection attempt. I’m not shocked he’s jumping to reduce crime in NYC.

In an interview with 1010 WINS Radio, Adams asked New Yorkers to drop their mask when entering a business to prevent crime.

The change came after a person in a hazmat suit and mask killed a 67-year-old Manhattan deli employee over the weekend. The same masked criminal “robbed a 42-year-old worker at the YaYa Deli & Grill at gunpoint and swiped $1,000 worth of cash and merchandise.” Police believe this man has gone on a 10-day crime spree.

Businesses have cameras. People with common sense knew it would be hard to identify anyone going in and out of a store with a mask.

Officials now realize the masks are hindering the police from doing their job.

“So we are asking the partnership, we will do our job of apprehending these guilty people, we’ll do our job seeking them out, but to have our stores make a clear indicator that you’re not allowed to wear a mask coming in,” explained Adams. “Once you’re inside the store, you can put the mask on.”

Adams said if a patron refuses to drop his or her mask, then the employees know who to watch.

“So if someone came into my store and I tell them please take off your mask as you come in and they are unwilling to do so, now I’m a little concerned,” said Adams. “I’m going to be operating differently. That’s all we are trying to do, empower the store owners, the storekeepers so they can play a role that we are going to do as police officers.”

NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said the same thing on February 28 after the murder of the deli employee:

“People are coming up to our businesses, sometimes with masks, sometimes masks, hoods and latex gloves, and they’re being allowed, they’re being buzzed in and allowed to enter the store and we have a robbery,” Maddrey said.

Before the COVID pandemic, most businesses wouldn’t allow people inside with covered faces, Maddrey said. It’s since become a way of life.

“We need our businesses to be proactive and do their due diligence,” Maddrey said. “We need to make sure people are identifying themselves.”

Here’s the transcript of the interview about the masks:

[Dan] Mannarino: And everything takes time for sure. But there is an area of concern that we’re hearing from local shop owners, especially some of these illegal cannabis shops that we’re seeing an increase in shoplifting and crimes within stores. So you have made some comments, Mr. Mayor, about telling folks to take off their… It’s so funny, used to tell people to put their masks on to get into a store and have people patrol that. Now you’re telling people to take their masks off when entering a store. How are you going to ensure that that actually happens to capture somebody on a camera? Who is going to be monitoring that? And what if they don’t?

Mayor Adams: Well, believe it or not, many of our stores, they have camera systems, and we have an extremely elaborate camera system connected to the New York City Police Department with their own camera system. Let’s be clear, some of these characters going into stores that are wearing their mask, they’re not doing it because they’re afraid of the pandemic, they’re doing it because they’re afraid of the police. We need to stop allowing them to exploit the safety of the pandemic by wearing masks, committing crimes. You saw what happened over the weekend when an innocent store owner was shot and killed. The person had a hazmat suit on and a mask. He wasn’t trying to protect himself from the pandemic.

So we are asking the partnership, we will do our job of apprehending these guilty people, we’ll do our job seeking them out, but to have our stores make a clear indicator that you’re not allowed to wear a mask coming in. Once you’re inside the store, you can put the mask on.

Mannarino: Yeah. I just have a quick question on that because the same question I had in the beginning of the pandemic of who monitors putting a mask on when going into a store, who is to monitor if they go in with it on now with taking it off?

Mayor Adams: That’s a great question, Dan. Here’s what happens, if you tell someone that you can’t wear your mask coming in the store and they do it anyway, you know what that does? That allows you to say, let me look at what’s about to happen here. Because if someone is violating the basic rules, they may be there to violate a substantial rule as to commit a crime. Right now you are unclear of who’s coming in. So if someone came into my store and I tell them please take off your mask as you come in and they are unwilling to do so, now I’m a little concerned. I’m going to be operating differently. That’s all we are trying to do, empower the store owners, the storekeepers so they can play a role that we are going to do as police officers.


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2smartforlibs | March 7, 2023 at 1:16 pm

Wouldn’t take defeat the purpose of your mask hysteria?

henrybowman | March 7, 2023 at 1:18 pm

“if you tell someone that you can’t wear your mask coming in the store and they do it anyway, you know what that does? That allows you to say, let me look at what’s about to happen here. Because if someone is violating the basic rules, they may be there to violate a substantial rule as to commit a crime.”

So you’re… PROFILING them?
Over their PERSONAL HEALTH choices and concerns?
For doing what the government TOLD them do?

Here comes the predictable shitstorm. Adams as an ex-cop can’t be so stupid as not to see this.

Going to be tough to get that genie back in the bottle.

Psychiatric dysphoria.

NYC doesn’t have bag limits for equity and inclusion?

Wear your mask outside to prevent covid, take it off when you come inside to prevent crime. This really is clown world, isn’t it.

    henrybowman in reply to korp. | March 7, 2023 at 2:56 pm

    Yeah, I caught that, but the message is slightly different. Take it off when you come into the store so you can smile for the camera, then you can put it right back on. “Stop and frisk.”

    Idonttweet in reply to korp. | March 7, 2023 at 5:13 pm

    This is just so they can have a photo of the person who kills the shop keeper. That way the
    district attorney will know who to let go.

In many states it was illegal to wear a mask while you were carrying a concealed pistol. That all changed with the pandemic rules. Now, it’s legal to walk into a bank or a store with a mask and a gun.

Perhaps Adams could push the State Legislature to reenact the anti-klan mask ban that NY repealed in 2020. That would put business owners on a sound footing and empower police to engage with folks acting suspicious by continuing to wear a mask post pandemic and post repeated debunking of the efficacy of a mask to prevent transmission.

TheOldZombie | March 7, 2023 at 5:58 pm

Part of me hopes that some crazy white “Covid will kill us all” Karen gets the business because she won’t take off her mask to enter a store.

Those will make for fun videos.

As for masks their needs to be an announcement that masks are no longer required and that any business can refuse to do business with a person wearing a mask. Encourage business to kick people out if they won’t unmask. Eventually even the Covid hysterical types will stop wearing them.

    CommoChief in reply to TheOldZombie. | March 7, 2023 at 8:02 pm

    Nothing like a single, 40 something, white woman with an MA/MS to tell us exactly how special they are and why everyone else is not only wrong but evil, vile or toxic.

LibraryGryffon | March 7, 2023 at 7:20 pm

Way back, I recall folks joking that they’d never imagined they see the day when they had to put a mask *on* to enter a bank. I guess reality just caught up?

I honestly don’t know anyone who needs to wear a mask for medical reasons, although I know there are a rare few who do. (Certain allergies and autoimmune issues). But TPTB have done their best scaring people such that I am seeing a significant increase in the number of people (mostly seniors) wearing them into my place of work.

LukeHandCool | March 8, 2023 at 12:22 am

I’m sorry to be blunt but,

the crime reports to which I am privy as an employee of one of the largest police departments in the country demand I tell you, “If you see a bunch of young men in masks enter your store, call 911 immediately. Don’t wait until after the insanity begins. And get a license plate number if they flee in a vehicle.” Install a camera that takes high-quality, high resolution images.

Since George Flyod’s death, a small but significant percentage of fatherless youths form a sub-culture which quickly learned furtive, old-style shoplifting is for suckers. It’s open season. They are arrogantly entitled and emboldened. They must know they can be stopped and will suffer severe consequences before this can be put to an end.

I hate to say it, but it’s true.

healthguyfsu | March 8, 2023 at 5:12 am

Criminals will be oh so eager to comply with this request. It’s not like they have a history of noncompliance with laws, including gun control legislation.

E Howard Hunt | March 8, 2023 at 9:11 am

Even without the mask they will all look the same. | March 8, 2023 at 10:35 am

In Seattle during the years before the recent 3-year pandemic pandemonium, my bank had a sign at the door directing customers to remove sunglasses, hats, and any face coverings. Presumably to thwart bank robberies, but that was never clear. So I find this new mask-removal policy to be amusingly retrograde. Welcome back to the real world.

So we have two choices, drop the mask and die a horrible lingering death from Covid, or leave it on and distract the store operator’s attention from the other guy with his mask up, who is reaching into his shirt for his weapon. And die from gunfire.
Oh, there is another choice. Stay here in Texas and live in peace with my fellow man. It’s getting harder to rob places here, because so many of us are armed. So many of us are carrying these days, that the rest of us don’t need to. Happiness is having a weapon that is unused and needs dusting.

RickTheBear | March 8, 2023 at 4:08 pm

Does he want them to drop their guns, too? 8>)

Steven Brizel | March 9, 2023 at 8:46 am

Wearing a mask means you subscribe to the junk science peddled by Fauci and the lockdowns of the CCP that Fauci so admired

My credit union changed from “masks required” to “masks not allowed” last year, with an e-mail that said you look like robbers with those masks. (Transparent masks are OK. Is there such a thing? Are they even less “effective” than the generally ineffective conventional masks?)