Long Island University Suspends Student Club ‘for Declaring Men are Not Women’
“It has come to our [the University’s] attention that at least four Instagram stories connected to International Women’s Day were shared from the liu_americanclub account on or around March 8, 2023″
We have come to the point where you can be punished for stating basic biological facts.
Campus Reform reports:
Long Island University suspends American Club for declaring men are not women
On March 13, the American Club at Long Island University (LIU) was notified via email that it had been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation being conducted by the university.
Campus Reform obtained access to this notice, which was addressed to LIU American Club President Matthew Cairo, who is also a Campus Reform Correspondent.
The notice begins, “It has come to our [the University’s] attention that at least four Instagram stories connected to International Women’s Day were shared from the liu_americanclub account on or around March 8, 2023,” claiming that the stories constitute “potential violations of the LIU Student Code of Conduct and LIU Internet and Social Media Policy.” The notice goes on to cite the school’s “verbal or physical harassment” policy.
As a result, the notice states that “all American Club operations and activities are suspended on and off-campus pending the outcome of an investigation. Members of your organization may not represent the American Club as a recognized organization in any way, including on social media platforms, until otherwise directed.”
The American Club is a joint university organization composed of the Turning Point USA, Young America’s Foundation, Young Americans for Liberty, and Students for Life chapters at LIU.
The controversy began when the LIU Freedom Fighters, a student group committed to taking down the LIU American Club, posted an Instagram flier on Mar. 8 in order to “honor all transgender women & femmes, who are facing the threat of transfemicide across these United States, and beyond” in recognition of International Women’s Day.
In response, the LIU American Club posted a series of photos on the club’s Instagram story honoring women.
“On International Women’s Day we honor real womanhood,” one of the photos read.
Another stated that “[t]he first wave of feminists were pro-life.”
The LIU Freedom Fighters retaliated by posting an open letter via Instagram addressed to the LIU community. The letter alleges that the American Club violated the “Ethos Statement” portion of LIU’s Student Code of Conduct. Specifically, its “respect for others” requirement.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
LIU is a private university so it’s not bound by the first amendment. So no lawsuit here.
That actually depends on interpretation. A recent legal opinion that has casually circulated suggests that any college or university benefits from public funding if its students are unburdened financially by said funding. The theory is that many students would not be able to attend without that financial aid. Therefore, as a beneficiary of public funds, the school is bound by the first amendment.
I can’t tell you the final word on that because our goalposts keep moving in this country, but I can reasonably predict how this loose interpretation would be received if the shoe were on the left foot instead of the right.
If there were any truth to this statement:
“A recent legal opinion that has casually circulated suggests that any college or university benefits from public funding if its students are unburdened financially by said funding.”
You’d post a citation. You did not post one so I suspect you are imaging this.
I don’t know anything about possible recent legal opinions, but the “students taking Federal loans” trap has been functioning for at least 50 years. It’s why a handful of schools, including Hillsdale and Grove City, do NOT participate in the loan program (but did set up their own). Here’s two citations. From the first: “Then the 1984 Congress, not particularly liking the ability of Grove City College to ignore other federal regulations, passed a bill saying that if any part of the school has federal connections, the entire school must comply with all federal regulations.” 1)https://blogs.gcc.edu/insider/2016/04/11/story-behind-grove-city-colleges-supreme-court-case/
2) https://alumni.gcc.edu/s/1472/17/interior.aspx?sid=1472&gid=1&pgid=252&cid=2172&ecid=2172&ciid=4098&crid=0
Sorry. Wrote 50 years but meant several decades.
Before investigating whether a private college is bound by the 1st Amendment, investigate how it is bound by contracts. Tenure is a contract with the professors; a college that fires or disciplines tenured staff for un-woke statements probably broke that contract. (On the flip-side, it also protects the most insane wokeness, but they’re doing that anyway.)
I think there’s also an implied contract with their students to provide a good education to those that came seeking that. Kowtowing to students, staff, or outsiders seeking to keep themselves and other students ignorant, or to promulgate unscientific and illogical assertions breaks that contract.
i believe most of these private colleges are run as non-profits to get tax exemptions thus get state and federal tax benefits. Exemptions are effectively the same as subsidies from the state and federal government.
Incorrect…. They receive Federal Funds directly so they can and are held to certain standards, laws, regulations…. That is why there are a few conservative colleges that refuse to accept any federal funds
The institution has a short but squalid history of liberal bedwetting.
Why would anyone have anything to do with this place?
Even it once had value in one way or another, they’ve now shown who they are.
So, fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
There are lots of better options than this school.
Just walk away.
Seems to me to be an act of religious discrimination.
But, if it gets no federal funds, anywhere….
But it does, if federal student loans are available to its students. That’s how the Court ruled.
I love how these university tyrants throw around the word “investigation” as if to add an air of respectability to the pretext persecutions to which conservative groups are routinely subjected, especially on private campuses. There was nothing resembling due process before the university took their precipitous and arbitrary action of content-based censorship.
Isn’t truth a defense against lies, even at a private university?
• If someone is born with an X and a Y chromosome, they’re male, right?
• Scientific examination of a tissue sample would conclude that the person from whom the sample was taken was male, right?
• If an anthropologist were to examine that person’s skeletal remains a thousand years from now, she would conclude that the skeleton was that of a male, right? Regardless of any surgical alterations, right?
• Regardless of any attempts to alter their body chemistry, they’re still going to have X and Y chromosomes and still be biologically male, right?
If someone wants to pretend to be something they’re not and play dress-up, I don’t really care, but they have no business demanding anyone else take part in their delusion.
Men are not women.
Hence, I keep pointing out these are religious statements.
Men claiming to be women and women claiming to be men trigger me and make me feel unsafe.
I want relief from their videos, tik toks, tweets, posts, comments, articles, days of protest, clubs, gangs, and murders of small children.
All of the people who work at these “woke” universities seem to have been hypnotized by “Emperor’s New Clothes” ideologues. No matter how many hormones they take, or surgeries they undergo, men can’t become women and woman can’t become men! Chromosomes and internal organs don’t lie. The “wokesters” are systematically ruining every institution in our country. When are the real men and women going to fight back?