Kamala Harris Reportedly Snubbing Elizabeth Warren Over Recent Comments Questioning Her as VP in 2024
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Kamala Harris Reportedly Snubbing Elizabeth Warren Over Recent Comments Questioning Her as VP in 2024

Kamala Harris Reportedly Snubbing Elizabeth Warren Over Recent Comments Questioning Her as VP in 2024

“Warren has called Harris twice to apologize for her comments, according to CNN, but the vice president has not returned her calls.”

Back in January, during an interview with WGBH, Elizabeth Warren was less than enthusiastic about the prospect of Joe Biden running with Kamala Harris in 2024.

Here’s the video for anyone who missed it.

Now, according to multiple outlets, Kamala Harris is not taking Warren’s calls.

FOX News reports:

Kamala Harris won’t speak to Elizabeth Warren after ‘pretty insulting’ 2024 snub: report

Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly won’t return Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, D-Mass., phone calls after the senator stopped short of endorsing Harris as President Joe Biden’s vice president in 2024.

Warren has called Harris twice to apologize for her comments, according to CNN, but the vice president has not returned her calls.

The Massachusetts senator seemed to stop short of endorsing Harris as Biden’s running mate in 2024 during a Boston Public Radio interview in January. The radio host asked Warren if Harris should be Biden’s running mate if he runs for reelection in 2024.

“I really want to defer to what makes Biden comfortable on his team,” she responded. “I’ve known Kamala for a long time. I like Kamala. I knew her back when she was an attorney general and I was still teaching, and we worked on the housing crisis together, so we go way back. But they need — they have to be a team, and my sense is they are — I don’t mean that by suggesting I think there are any problems. I think they are.”…

Warren spoke to Harris’ chief of staff, Lorraine Voles, according to CNN, who returned the phone call.

“But the Warren moment is infuriating many in Harris’ circle: To them, it’s the latest in a long string of snubs to a vice president whom they say has never gotten the respect or support she deserves. Warren’s words sting even more, they say, because they came from a former rival who in 2020 hoped to be picked as Biden’s running mate instead,” CNN’s Jasmine Wright and Edward-Isaac Dovere reported.

Members of Democratic leadership are reportedly fearful that the negativity directed at the vice president could “prove a political problem.”

To give you an idea of how the left is handling this, look no further than the idiotic hosts of the The View:

One thing the left never addresses is the idea that Elizabeth Warren likely thinks she should have been Biden’s VP but was stepped over for Harris, who checked more boxes on the identity scale.

That’s what Warren’s remarks in January were really all about.


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healthguyfsu | March 14, 2023 at 1:07 pm

Let them eat each other…maybe Hostin too for a bonus.

Democrat women are just so, so . . .

What is the word I’m looking for?

Post suggestions, please.

E Howard Hunt | March 14, 2023 at 1:12 pm

It is fascinating to watch Indians war.

The one thing Pocahontas is actually been right about

Morning Sunshine | March 14, 2023 at 1:14 pm

Kamala “has never gotten the respect or support she deserves.”

oh, she has gotten every ounce of respect she deserves.

As for support – you get that from the people you pass on your way up the ladder; and it is usually in direct proportion to the support YOU gave them.

Infighting among the various tribes of the d/prog coalition; the foreseeable result of the perpetual diversity olympics competition for a limited number of positions.

    Just wait until the Muzzie tribe starts throwing its weight around. Homos, trannies, femi-nazis, enviro-wackos, et alia, haven’t a prayer (even if they’re sending their prayers to Gaia).

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to pfg. | March 14, 2023 at 7:42 pm

      You may be on to something there. The Muzzie tribe does not like any of the aforementioned identity sweepstakes participants, and they have a special place in the stone pit for the Earth Mother Gaia, who doesn’t rate too high on the approval scale.

Hope they can bury the hatchet at some point.

BierceAmbrose | March 14, 2023 at 2:46 pm

I am conflicted, beyond “can they both lose this one?”

If Fauxcahontas isn’t adept enough to dance through that one without stepping in something, she’s not qualified to be prezzy.

VP-ish Kamala’s not taking calls, she isn’t so adept either.

I want to despise political shenanigans like these, but, by exposing what both of these aspirants have on the ball, these particular shenanigans have done some good.

Also, moar popcorn.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to BierceAmbrose. | March 14, 2023 at 7:44 pm

    This is high school level mean girl bull stuff. Neither of them should ever be given the nuclear codes.

    Besides, according to the has been from CNN, both apparently are past their prime.

Suppose Harris were snubbing someone; how could they tell?

texansamurai | March 14, 2023 at 4:17 pm

one thing fauxcohontas should certainly be able to do is recognize another fraudulent grifter

the both of them living proof of the old adage: ” it takes one to know one.”

Wm Strunk, Jr. and EB White | March 14, 2023 at 5:05 pm

“To give you an idea of how the left is handling this, look no further than the idiotic hosts of the The View”


Print a ladder, rent a ring, hire a ref.

If, tomorrow, Sen. Warren claimed to be partly African-American, she’d be back in the game, overnight.


Thank me later, Sista Liz.

    MajorWood in reply to Q. | March 15, 2023 at 2:37 am

    She would make is 1/789 African-American to also get some non-binary credit too.

thartless@gmail.com | March 14, 2023 at 7:27 pm

Being snubbed by either one of these sows is a badge of honor!

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to thartless@gmail.com. | March 14, 2023 at 7:48 pm

    That would imply that anyone would seek an audience to lead to being snubbed. No badge of honor with either If these two. 😏

    Of course, the plot thickens. Mainly because “Doctor not of Medicine” Jill Biden is the queen of snubs when it come to hating Heels Up for rightfully calling her demented husband a racist during the primaries.

Catfight between two equally miserable, vile, self-promoting, useless and insufferable Dumb-o-crat crones/termagants/harridans.

Relax in a comfy chair and pass the popcorn!

a vice president whom they say has never gotten the respect or support she deserves.

What has she ever done to deserve respect and support that would compare to Obama’s Nobel worthy accomplishment?

This reads like a Babylon Bee parody. But the joke is on you and I.

I am definitely not a fan of Warren but, in this instance I think she gave an honest response, probably one of few given during her career. Any candidate running for President needs to feel their running mate brings something useful to the ticket. In the case of Harris I am not sure what that might be!

inspectorudy | March 15, 2023 at 1:18 pm

This tiff reminds me of a cock roach avoiding something because it is too putrid to eat!