Democrats Furious at Biden Over Change in Stance on DC Crime Bill
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Democrats Furious at Biden Over Change in Stance on DC Crime Bill

Democrats Furious at Biden Over Change in Stance on DC Crime Bill

“Democratic Party lawmakers are so outraged over Biden’s decision that they’ve resorted to blasting the White House in expletive-laden epithets”

Joe Biden has signaled that he will sign a resolution nixing a Washington, DC crime bill which would have lowered pentalties for violent crimes like robbery and carjacking.

It’s one of the first sensible things Biden has done, so naturally, Democrats are outraged.

FOX News reports:

House Dems feel betrayed after apparent Biden flip-flop on DC crime bill: ‘F—— Amateur Hour’

Multiple House Democrats have expressed anger and frustration over President Biden’s decision to sign a resolution ending a Washington, D.C., crime bill, after they were led to believe he would veto the resolution and protect the bill.

According to The Hill, some of these Democratic Party lawmakers are so outraged over Biden’s decision that they’ve resorted to blasting the White House in expletive-laden epithets. One told the outlet that this is “F—ING AMATEUR HOUR.”

The same lawmaker claimed that the White House “f—ed this up royally.” Others said Biden’s decision was “disappointing.”

The outlet reported that Biden announced his decision “to Senate Democrats during lunch on Thursday.” It came as a shock to 173 House Democrats who voted for the bill in accordance with their belief that Biden was planning to veto the resolution, not sign it.

As Fox News Digital reported Thursday, the resolution came in “response to the Washington, D.C., Council’s sweeping overhaul of the city’s criminal code, which was approved in November. Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser then vetoed the measure in January, saying it would place stress on the criminal justice system.”

In a statement, Bowser slammed the update to the criminal code, claiming it would “exacerbate the already stretched capacity of the court system; and it would reduce maximum criminal penalties for violent crimes like carjacking and robberies.”

The D.C. Council later overrode her veto.

The Hill has more on the reaction from Democrats:

Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) said on Friday that she thought Biden “should’ve spoken sooner” about his plans to not veto the bill.

“I think he should’ve spoken sooner,” she said. “He had earlier indicated that he disapproved of the resolution and I had hoped that that meant that … he would veto it and that would be understood in the Senate as well.”

Thirty-one Democrats voted for the GOP measure in last month’s House vote, though 173 voted against it. Biden’s signal that he won’t veto the bill could give political cover for at least some Senate Democrats to back it.

The measure cannot be filibustered and only needs a majority vote to pass the Senate.

A House Democrat on Thursday told The Hill that multiple lawmakers were “EXTREMELY pissed” about the situation. Another, via text message, told The Hill that “The White House f—– this up royally.”

Don’t you wish Democrats fought as hard for average Americans as they do for violent criminals?


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2smartforlibs | March 4, 2023 at 12:34 pm

You shoved a paper under this senile old fool’s nose and he signed it just like you told him on every issue up to now and you shocked the monkey did as instructed.

How many of the puppet masters live in DC?

Subotai Bahadur | March 4, 2023 at 2:28 pm

Even making the dubious assumption that Biden had any idea what he has done or said, the main point in all this is that the powers behind the Leftist POLITBURO running the country are likely taking this as a sign that he must be removed, lest he delay or interfere with the destruction of the country. With [several unprintable descriptive phrases coming to mind and being suppressed] Kamala Harris being next in line, that makes the replacement process a really interesting tapdance. She is even less capable and controllable than Biden.

They may have to take the Canadian route and suspend parts of the Constitution [and yes, Trudeau did just that during their big truckers strike] which will hopefully provoke more of a reaction than they planned at this point.

I’ll let y’all decide how much, if any, of the above is .


Subotai Bahadur

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | March 4, 2023 at 2:30 pm

    Just noting that in the last sentence above there was supposed to be a (sarc) indicator between the “is” and the “.”.

    Subotai Bahadur

“House Dems feel betrayed after apparent Biden flip-flop on DC crime bill.” So what. Biden is a puppet. Some one (speculate, please) pulled his strings after the sodomite fishface in crime-ridden Chicago got walloped in Tuesday’s election.

DC is a filthy crime-ridden sh!thole, too. It’s by design. Democrats are on board the Soros ‘soft-on-crime’ train with stops in every major city where Soros has purchased elections for every looney leftist D.A. to turn criminals loose on the streets.

But there’s an election on the horizon, and this ‘flip-flop’ is merely a head fake to provide cover for Dems in toss up districts to hide behind. They know voters are have short memories and are stupid enough to fall for it. Every. Time. Then – business as usual.

    alaskabob in reply to LB1901. | March 4, 2023 at 5:08 pm

    I wonder how many Dems looked out the window and realized that they are more likely to be a victim of the D.C. crime scene.

Oh look a shiny object. Nothing will change.

henrybowman | March 4, 2023 at 6:34 pm

“173 House Democrats who voted for the bill in accordance with their belief that Biden was planning to veto the resolution, not sign it.”
Lysing, posing weasels.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to henrybowman. | March 4, 2023 at 7:34 pm

    I. Love. It!

    Those idiots figured they could vote for the bill that killed the DC council’s move to make that Mogadishu-look-alike even more violent so that they could show their district that they were not “soft on crime” as the Repubs claimed. They did that with the belief that Slow-Joe would veto it and the DC council would get its way and they (the House Dems) could claim that they tried to fight crime but the Prez vetoed the bill.

    And then he did not.

    This is funny as hell.

Richard Aubrey | March 4, 2023 at 10:22 pm

The voters wanted it. They should get it, good and hard.

    henrybowman in reply to Richard Aubrey. | March 5, 2023 at 2:03 pm

    Yeah, but that doesn’t fly when federal congresspeople realize that these new laws will apply to THEM if they are ever victims in the vicinity of their workplace.

Capitalist-Dad | March 5, 2023 at 3:39 pm

What’s the big deal? Rampant crime is only an issue in this case because the insanity affects DC where these self-serving politicians live and/or work. It does not signal some general Democrat Party repentance because all other Democrat-run cities continue to rot under their pro-criminal policies.

Because 1% sanity in the dems might lead to a bit more. The only safe approach for them is 0% sanity (cf. Portland, Seattle)

BierceAmbrose | March 5, 2023 at 5:58 pm

/moar popcorn