Dem-Led Colorado City Allowing Only Six Gas Stations in the Name of Climate Change


According to the Colorado Hometown Weekly, the Louisville, CO, city council passed an ordinance allowing only six gas stations in the city to fight climate change.

This is crazy (emphasis mine):

Before the City Council unanimously passed the ordinance Tuesday night, Community Development Director Rob Zuccaro spoke, saying the ordinance would allow only six gas stations within the city.Five gas stations are in the city, plus one that was recently approved at McCaslin Boulevard. Zucarro clarified that automobile repair and service shops are distinct and are not part of the ordinance.The ordinance also requires gas stations to be 1,000 feet away from one another. The ordinance states that special use approvals for existing gas stations will expire if that gas station is closed for over a year. The site will need to apply for a special use permit again if it continues to be a gas station.The ordinance will also require installation of electric vehicle charging stations for any new or modified gas station. There must be enough charging stations to equal 20% of the number of gas pumps at the station, with a minimum of two charging stations available.The ordinance allows for an exception and will allow a seventh gas station if it is part of a new, large retail center.

Look at that last line. Anything for climate change and public health…except for capitalism! I’m crying, you guys.

Zucarro said the town has wanted to limit gas stations due to “health and environmental concerns.”

You know, unless capitalism comes to town.

Councilmember Maxine Most said the city should not invest in new fossil fuel infrastructure. She seems to think the world prefers electric vehicles.

Most told Fox News: “We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville.”

Tags: Climate Change, Colorado, Democrats, Environment