Boston School Survey Asks Middle School Students About Their Sexual History, Oral Sex, and Transgenderism
One parent: “To go on field trips the district has parents sign permission slips, but for the district to ask our children private explicit sexual questions they are able to do so without consent?”

The Eliot K-8 Innovation School in Boston, MA, gave sixth- and seventh-graders a “health behavior” survey with questions about their sexual history, oral sex, and transgenderism.
The survey is voluntary, and the students do not give their names.
The Washington Free Beacon has a copy of the survey and a letter from the principal acknowledging the parents’ concerns.
Acknowledges. He doesn’t address any of the concerns:
There are many concerns regarding the appropriateness of the survey questions related to a number of topics including sexual health. We have reached out and shared these concerns with the Superintendent’s Office, Office of Teaching and Learning and the Department of Health and Wellness.
Boston Public Schools will respond to the concerns and send a communication to our community. In the spirit of continuous improvement, the district will also creat an opportunity for our families to share feedback in an upcoming scheduled Zoom meeting. In this zoom meeting, the Health and Wellness Office will provide resources for families to use for students who have been negatively impacted by the content of the survey.
Deidre Hall’s sixth-grade student told her all about the “really weird survey” during her history class:
Hall said she had concerns over who has access to the students’ responses and whether the information is truly anonymous. She also took issue with her daughter being exposed to the explicit concepts before students had had “a single ounce of sex education.”
“She said half her class didn’t even know what any of this stuff meant,” Hall said. “Now they’re coming home and asking their parents and their friends, ‘What’s oral sex?'”
Another mother, who remained anonymous, made a great point: “To go on field trips the district has parents sign permission slips, but for the district to ask our children private explicit sexual questions they are able to do so without consent?”
Last August, Fox News reported on the Parents Defending Education database that contains surveys similar to the one in Boston. It’s all a ploy:
“No matter how children answer on these surveys, schools will consistently manipulate the results, so they can claim that requests for more funding for social emotional learning, equity directors and diversity training are ‘data driven,’” said Parents Defending Education Director of Outreach Erika Sanzi.
“The data on students that they mine, store and share with God knows who doesn’t only lead to division among students and staff, but it invariably drives academic outcomes into the ground. It’s a very predictable and sad pattern playing out all over the country,” she continued.
According to the Protection of Pupil’s Rights amendment, schools cannot require students answer questions about political beliefs or affiliations, mental problems, sexual behavior or religious beliefs, among other categories, without parental consent.
Sanzi is not wrong. When I taught, it was all about funding, numbers, and status. The students didn’t matter. Districts will do anything to to come out on top or get more money.

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Don’t worry, DeSantis will fix all that, didn’t you hear, he said it in his Piers Morgan fluff interview yesterday
I am the way…
Get with the program Mary!
Get over it gonzotx. You are becoming tedious. This post has nothing to do with DeSantis.
I guess DDS is now a thing.
Give it up, dude. You are so fucking tedious.
Interesting that the school talked a lot about communicating and not even a tiny bit about there being an actual problem they should do something about.
In other words, they have no intention of actually stopping such surveys. They just want to fool people into thinking they care about parents’ opinions.
Of course not. Hedonism is a pillar of Progressivism. And the children must engage in it so they don’t have any “hangups” when they become adults.
They’re actually using Brave New World as an instruction manual.
You know, there was a day when, if a teacher asked that sort of thing, there would be a perp walk before the end of the school day, and LOTS of people would be without jobs by the end of the week.
Amd those are the days I very much want to get back to
I don’t know that we will, but something has to give, one way or another
The center can not hold
Maybe enough will become enough and parents will find the teachers, administrators and other bureaucrats doing this perverted stuff and beat them until these offenders agree to get better.
I think the survey is to help the teachers to know which pupils to hit on.
Transgender spectrum.
Sex in humans is the male penis inserted into the female’s vagina. The top hole, the back hole etc. are sexual by social convention and political congruence.
Social progress, Levine’s personal affirmation, albinophobia, and pride in parades.
Privacy is reserved for human rites performed for social, redistributive, clinical, political, criminal, and fair weather causes.
That said, keep women affordable, available, and taxable, and the “burden” of evidence sequestered in darkness. Take a knee, beg, VP.
I’m amazed that teachers who ask this type of thing don’t get their faces broken and their teeth knocked out.
The schools are grooming kids, and trying to discern which kids are more likely to be vulnerable to their efforts.
“According to the Protection of Pupil’s Rights amendment”
So it’s clearly actionable. Sue, parents, sue.
MicroBill Gates was known to manipulate the class assignment programming he did for his school to seat himselff next to the pretty girls.
The original use for the ZuckerBot’s FaceSpace was a curated hotness headshot gallery with online ratings.
b>The last thing you want is a bunch of hormone-addled tech nerds knowing survey results like those exist, and lo, they had them take the same survey. What were these people thinking?