Boston Mayor Focuses on ‘Green’ Construction as City Struggles to Answer 911 Calls
“A new report auditing Boston’s 911 system outlines several concerning issues, including an increase in callers not getting through to police.”

Democrats in Washington are obsessed with climate change and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is no different. Wu is advancing a plan that would drop the use of fossil fuels in new buildings in the city.
Everything has to be green, no matter the cost, efficiency, or choice of the people involved.
FOX News reports:
Boston eyes fossil fuel limits on new constructions
Boston is pushing forward with plans to discourage the use of fossil fuel in new buildings.
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu on Thursday filed an ordinance with the city council that would require new buildings that rely on fossil fuels to install solar panels and to add wiring in anticipation of future conversion to electrification with the goal of most new buildings going all-electric.
Several other communities in the state have embraced similar efforts.
Wu also announced the city will use $10 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to improve energy performance at the city’s affordable housing developments.
In Boston, 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come from the building sector, according to Wu, who said the emissions contribute both to global climate change and to local air pollution that disproportionately harms low-income residents and communities of color in the city.
The announcement comes after Massachusetts lawmakers adopted a new law last year meant to encourage communities to embrace fossil fuel-free codes for new construction.
The thing that makes this even more annoying is that the city of Boston is struggling to handle basic duties of government, like responding to 911 calls.
NBC News in Boston reported:
Report Shows Staffing Issues’ Impact on Boston Police 911 System
A new report auditing Boston’s 911 system outlines several concerning issues, including an increase in callers not getting through to police.
The Boston Police Department contracted Mission Critical Partners for the study, which found challenges with staffing, hiring, training and retaining qualified call-takers.
The report paints a picture of a difficult few years for the department’s dispatch system, with a direct impact on the community.
“This current state has culminated in a staffing crisis and the expense of $2,392,525.95 in overtime for both sworn and civilian staff in 2019 and $2,885,145.72 in 2020,” the report stated.
“I was surprised at some of the morale, the amount of forced overtime, and it looks like there’s a lot of people dedicating a lot of time, but they have very little work life balance,” Massachusetts Sen. Lydia Edwards said of the findings.
One impact of the staffing problems has been an increase in the rate of “abandoned calls,” in which a 911 caller disconnects without making contact with the call center. Out of more than 621,000 calls in 2020, more than 35,000 were abandoned.
This sort of thing is happening at every level of government. Elected leaders, for the most part Democrats, are ignoring what needs to be done, and instead are just focusing on the things that they want to do.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Never concentrate on real issues.
Oh, come on: this child was put in place to do the same kind of damage Beetlejuice did in Chicago, Eric Garcetti did in Los Angeles etc etc.
The question is “who” is putting these people in place? I think we know.
“I am Asian Groot.”
The definition of “woke.”
When you are “green” you never have to say you are sorry. Looking back at all the lethal misadventures of the Soviet Union and Red China …. if only we all didn’t get blowback from these impending disasters. Maybe the Covid “vaccines” will truly be an answer.
These sheeple are still wearing the stupid face diapers for photo ops. I have no sympathy.
You don’t know when that photo was taken.
Much easier to talk about ill defined issues with no clear objective than to fill potholes and ensure basic services are delivered. The woke weirdos in charge of these sorts of places are presiding over the rapid decline of safety and prosperity and still focus their power and public purse towards amorphous BS.
Boston SOOO richly deserves the wokeness of Mayor Wu.
Ballot fraud and next-to-nonexistent political opposition aside: NEVER underestimate the incredible amount of pain and misery lefty voters will endure so they can virtue signal.
That, or make others endure so they can virtue signal.
What else do we expect from this ever-misguided city that features such important new departments as The Office of Economic Opportunity and *Inclusion*, seeks to resurrect rent control AND keeps strict residency requirements in place?
Yet it calls itself a world-class city.
Green as in environmental blight, unreliable power, renewable profits.
You wanted it, you got it. Good and Hard. Have fun with that all who don’t escape that hellhole
If Democrat cities want to spend their money fighting climate change rather than roads or law and order, why not let them? So long as the inmates don’t escape does it harm anyone else?
If it was only their money they’re spending that would be true. The big Democrat cities like Seattle, Atlanta, Portland, Boston, NYC, and so on take huge sums of money from the surrounding counties and state at large.
A little girl who never grew up. She still believes in fairy tales.
I’ve heard ya cant fix stupid
Known as “no clue Wu”, she went to Harvard, so she’s obviously smarter than the electorate, just ask her.
They did not have to go this far to prove that all Asians are not very smart.
i think Mao beat her to it.
The push to replace gas appliances with electric is misguided if it’s being done to reduce CO2. Generating the electricity for resistive heat from gas would create about twice the CO2 due to losses in generation and distribution. Generating the electricity from coal would create about 6x the CO2. There’s only a gain if the electricity is generated by renewables or nuclear. Renewables aren’t available half the time and it’s unlikely nuclear will be expanded in New England.